GregTech vs. EE (My argument *against* the addition of EE)

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What should be done on the matter of GregTech and the possible addition of EE?

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I'm disappointed this is the type of community this is. However I've come to learn this is how most non-intellectual communities are, especially ones that revolve around games since they attract more younger people.

I'm trying to make points and an argument here against the addition of something I feel is game ruining. With the amount of writing, time, effort I've put into this, there's no way I can remotely be considered a troll. No troll is this determined.

However I make an argument against something that people like because it makes the game easier and I get flamed and attacked by real trolls.

And I'm very aware of the fact I don't like it is all you chose to gather from all this. There is far more content, lots of which is non-biased, against EE. But you only choose to see the fact that I dislike it. Therefore you disregard everything I say. Frickin cheaty easy mode lovin' noobs. (lol)

Feel what you want about it. I guess in the end it does come down to opinion. But consider something like an xray texture pack. Does it impede someone else's ability to play the game if you use xray texture packs? No, it doesn't. Does it give you an advantage if you do? Well if you really want to be stubborn about it you can say it's not spawning items and you still have to dig down to them, so it's not an advantage. So tell me, you support xray texture packs? You sound like the type that does.

However, why are xray texture packs against the rules for most servers? Because they're a cheat. No matter what you say, that is commonly agreed upon. You get an unfair advantage.

Why was EE2 disabled in a lot of servers? Because it was basically a cheat. Is EE3 much better? Maybe. Are the changes going to sufficiently restrict it though? Really it comes down to opinion, but myself and I'm sure many others think not, and will still dislike EE3.

I feel like EE is overrated because it originally made things easy as heck. And there's too many cheaty easy mode lovin' noobs. Or neophytes if you prefer a more civilized term. It's overrated attention has carried it through versions to where it is now though. Still something that's cheaty and overpowered, but because people are contrasting it with previous versions, it doesn't appear as cheaty and over powered. Try contrasting it with a different item exchange system though. Like villager trading. That's highly restricted in what you can get. It's still helpful, but highly restricted. Try GregTech. It's more complex, requires more things, has a higher cost. In contrast to GregTech, EE is way too easy. Stop comparing EE to previous versions to make it look better. Because especially in previous versions, it shouldn't have gotten nearly enough attention for it to even be a commonly known name.

I haven't once compared EE to anything. YOU Don't like it? Then YOU don't use it or play on servers that have it. Easy as pie. It's not up to everyone else to conform to YOUR ideals. It's minecraft. Not some e-peen contest about who's got more stuff first. Not once have you been able to give even one example of how someone using EE takes anything away from you at all. So what if someone is using EE, GT, or even creative mode. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. Get over what everyone else has, and you'll enjoy the game a lot more.

I haven't once compared EE to anything. YOU Don't like it? Then YOU don't use it or play on servers that have it. Easy as pie. It's not up to everyone else to conform to YOUR ideals. It's minecraft. Not some e-peen contest about who's got more stuff first. Not once have you been able to give even one example of how someone using EE takes anything away from you at all. So what if someone is using EE, GT, or even creative mode. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. Get over what everyone else has, and you'll enjoy the game a lot more.


I have given examples. You've chosen to ignore them. You may say you don't hate me purely out of what is considered acceptable social behavior, but I feel that you really do hate me.

I'll rephrase an example for you.

There's less of a sense of accomplishment if you know there's an easier way to do things. It's like when you do something one way, and then you're told of an easier way, and have a reaction along the lines of "Oh, well if I would've known of that..." and you usually feel what you did is less significant now. I don't particularly have an example of this for Minecraft, however I'm speaking more of real life.

You can avoid EE all you want, and you can feel the pride of playing the game like a real man (real men also code in ASM. Both of these are a joke if you understand them, I'm not criticizing anyone), but, there's still an easier way to do things. Everyone else is doing it the easier way. You could be doing it the easier way. It takes away from your sense of accomplishment that there is an easier way. And if you actually use the easier way it still takes away from your sense of accomplishment. There's no winning against that if EE is in the game. You don't have as much of a sense of accomplishment or you have even less of a sense of accomplishment.

One of the biggest things in Minecraft is accomplishment. The accomplishment of having a beacon, or multiple ones. The accomplishment of having an awesome and impressive base. The accomplishment of being good enough at aesthetics that your base actually looks good too. The accomplishment of having maxed out armor and a sword. Minecraft is so much about accomplishments. Otherwise, why would people build large things, go for the challenging goals, or things like that? If they're playing casually they really may just be doing it for fun and nothing else, but the accomplishment is still a factor.
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"We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard" - JFK

your choice to do the hard thing when someone does the easy thing does not belittle your accomplishment and if you call this community idiots again then you sir can take your opinion and leave noone is stopping you but i will not listen to you again and again ignore what everyone else is saying because YOU do not agree with it

(redacted unnecessary agression)
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OK, I voted other, as the option I wanted wasn't listed.

Remove GregTech, and Remove EE

GregTech in FTB 1.4.2 seems to make gameplay more tedius to my mind, and most of the high tier items have no interest to me at all. So for my personal taste, I would (and have) disable GregTech. BUT I will be looking at it again when 1.4.5 FTB is available, there has been a lot of changes, mainly I think due to the extra publicity from FTB. With changes to the config, I could set it to how I would prefer my gameplay (single player)

I can understand your point of view on EE. When I played tekkit, I learnt about Collectors and Condensors, and my first thought was that a Collector would take the fun out of things, providing free resources.
But I still used Condensors, I set myself challenges on generating EMC from natural mechanics, and I tried to figure out ways to do so. So as a result I had a redpower chicken egg farm, reed farm, pumpkin/melon farms, and even worked out an automated tree farm. The output of all these farms were feed into various Condensors to help produce EU. At that level I wasn't abusing was EE could do. My base eventually was able to provide it's own energy and resources, but it was highly unreliable as I only had small farms, and I had a lot of machines to achieve this.
I only once made dark matter, and I did that manually from coal, then used a condensor to make some more dumping in a ton of my resources so I could make a flying ring.
Without the condensor, I would not have enjoyed my gameplay so much BUT only because I restrained myself from abusing it. It made me learn more about the other mods, and gave me puzzles to solve when working out builds.

But, I would like to not have EE2 as it was too powerful. EE3 is still too early in development to make any comment. The concept is sound. Assigining values to all items, and allowing you to trade between those values, it's just a case of balancing those values, and the method of performing that trade, which is currently being worked on.
Without EE I believe I would have been forced to explore more for all my resources. When I rendered my map, my weeks of gameplay was in a small area. Quite surprising really :D

I would love a mod that adds an EU powered block, that takes materials, and spits out a different material, like the condensor. It would need to be made with iridium ore and have the usual upgrade slots, to restrict it to the mid/end game range (with or without GT). In effect, a recycler MK2.

Currently though, there are bigger balancing issues in the FTB mod pack then the non-existant EE3. Personally, ComputerCraft and PortalGun mods are too cheap in resources for what they can do when combined with other mods.
My belief is that the FTB team need to make a mod that balances all the mods within the pack so that the net resource cost for systems that do the same thing are at similar levels
My problem with "gregtech" is that it just adds more TIME to do something, that's it. That's not balancing in my eyes. It's just making things more tedious. The mod has some great things about it but I don't like the direction it has taken. Gregtech is probably FINE by itself and IC2, but once you start mixing it up, which obviously will be needed, it's another ballpark. Adding computercraft turtles(the most OP mod since EE2), quarries, frame quarries(in the future), automated mining and what not. That's basically how you "play" gregtech. All it does is increase the amount of time you need to do something.

Gregs exspecially has a lot of setup-time. If you have set everything up it works as fast as normal. The problem with Gregs basically is that there are too easy ways to achieve things in FTB like the mentioned turtles or TE. The Macerator-Recipe was also reverted because it makes no sense if you have a pulverizer.

GregTech in FTB 1.4.2 seems to make gameplay more tedius to my mind, and most of the high tier items have no interest to me at all. So for my personal taste, I would (and have) disable GregTech. BUT I will be looking at it again when 1.4.5 FTB is available, there has been a lot of changes, mainly I think due to the extra publicity from FTB. With changes to the config, I could set it to how I would prefer my gameplay (single player)

Well... Gregs adds a lot of nice machines. And although they work a bit strange the machinery is very nice and feels quite industrial. But prepare for a hard setup-time (not really tedious, since you just through your stuff into a machine and let it do the work).


You should set this option to false, since it removes the need to power the machines with 128 EU/t LV which is something a lot of people have problems with

I'm disappointed this is the type of community this is. However I've come to learn this is how most non-intellectual communities are, especially ones that revolve around games since they attract more younger people.

You have not even investigated EE3. How is a Mod that doubles your Ores weaker than EE3? You do not know which configs FTB uses for EE3, since it is fully configurable. You do not even know how the mod completly works. Gregs-Tech can give you 2,5 diamonds instead of 1 for diamond-ore, which is very strong, and next to a bit of setup-costs you have to pay nothing for it. In EE3 one Minium-Stone might not even be enough to create a single diamond before it wears out or you can build 100 diamonds and still have an almost fully filled stone.

You are throwing around with assumptions that are already proven false. And you seem to not even know why EE3 needs to be in the Pack (have you ever played one of the FTB-Maps?). From all the mods EE3 will most likely the one that will under no circumstance be removed.
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Seldom have I seen so many words used to say so little.

You dislike EE. That is not an accusation, it is a statement of fact. You dislike it because its crafting is not as complex and involved as GT. This dislike is so strong that you wish it to not be included in the Magic pack, or the Alchemy Pack, or even the Everyone-But-superriku11 Pack.

There. That is you entire argument, sans the nigh unending repetition and restatement of the same small collection of points. There is so much more to your posts that could receive criticism (you speak for so many others that have for some reason chosen to remain silent, your preemptive assumption that a low post count would be held against you, you have little direct knowledge of EE, you seem to resent others for having different mod preferences and larger audiences, your opponents are somehow all trolls and non-intellectuals), but I feel this element was the least addressed.

Please learn to express your dislike for EE without the full Mojo Jojo.
I have NOT read all of the posts, but I'll toss my 2 cents here.

Gregs centrifuge idea is great and works really well and balanced, that is true, but EE3 still at a pre-release state, a beta if you wish. Its not wise to judge its balancing system if the mod is not complete yet.
Pahimar have some ideas around most of your complains. Give him some time.

And I have almost the same opinion as with GregTech. People cried about it ruining the pack, and it didnt, at least for me. The centrifuge is awesome to get more resouces from things you wouldnt use and gives you more options. Its absurdely costy, yeah, just like the rest of the addon, but its fun in its own way, just like EE has always been.
Also, EE has kinda been used on FTB since its start, so its very likely to be added.

I really doubt that any mod would "ruin" the ftb pack. Giving people more options is good imo. Servers can disable recipes to get rid of things they dont like (likely to happen) and its awfully easy to disable/enable mods in FTB, and I say that because I do remember oldtimes modding.

All I'm saying is, dont stress it out. EE3 is not finished and giving people more options to enjoy the game the way they want (easy or difficulty, time consuming or not) is not ruining the pack.
I have given examples. You've chosen to ignore them. You may say you don't hate me purely out of what is considered acceptable social behavior, but I feel that you really do hate me.

I'll rephrase an example for you.

There's less of a sense of accomplishment if you know there's an easier way to do things. It's like when you do something one way, and then you're told of an easier way, and have a reaction along the lines of "Oh, well if I would've known of that..." and you usually feel what you did is less significant now. I don't particularly have an example of this for Minecraft, however I'm speaking more of real life.

You can avoid EE all you want, and you can feel the pride of playing the game like a real man (real men also code in ASM. Both of these are a joke if you understand them, I'm not criticizing anyone), but, there's still an easier way to do things. Everyone else is doing it the easier way. You could be doing it the easier way. It takes away from your sense of accomplishment that there is an easier way. And if you actually use the easier way it still takes away from your sense of accomplishment. There's no winning against that if EE is in the game. You don't have as much of a sense of accomplishment or you have even less of a sense of accomplishment.

One of the biggest things in Minecraft is accomplishment. The accomplishment of having a beacon, or multiple ones. The accomplishment of having an awesome and impressive base. The accomplishment of being good enough at aesthetics that your base actually looks good too. The accomplishment of having maxed out armor and a sword. Minecraft is so much about accomplishments. Otherwise, why would people build large things, go for the challenging goals, or things like that? If they're playing casually they really may just be doing it for fun and nothing else, but the accomplishment is still a factor.

Yeah this is all YOUR opinion, which others are UNDER ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION TO SHARE. Hell others can share it but feel they've 'achieved' something by doing different things. That's what YOU don't get. The game doesn't revolve around you. You seriously need to get over your own ego. The point of the game is to build cool things. I'm sure there are people that play vanilla Minecraft and think you're the one that has easy cheaty mode on with your macerator that gives you double resources and crap like that. Do you care what these people think? No because you want to use the mods that you want to use and believe there's achievement in using them. Other people think differently, a fact you forget or don't care about.

Look at Direwolf's videos. By about episode 15 he and pretty much everyone else on the server have systems set where they rarely have to go out and mine, which is exactly the 'easy mode' you're complaining about with EE. His accomplishment comes from what he builds. Not where/how he gets the material to do so.

Heck, I'm sure you build yourself a quarry as soon as you can too. Oh but let me guess. That's not 'cheaty' or 'easy mode' because you, the self appointed 'God of Minecraft,' have decided it so. Again, just like people have been telling you this whole thread:
"The game doesn't revolve around you or your ideals of what an accomplishment is or how it's achieved."

People have been telling you this since page one, but all you keep re-iterating is how YOU don't like it and want everyone to conform to YOUR ideal of accomplishment because it bothers YOUR ego/e-peen that they have more stuff than you. This is YOUR problem to deal with though. It's not up to me or anyone else to do or not do certain things because of YOUR ego. The quicker you realize this the happier you will be in game and in life.
This thread is losing its comedy value and becoming sad. I suggest someone report it for closure. There is nothing more to be said.
Yeah this is all YOUR opinion, which others are UNDER ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION TO SHARE. Hell others can share it but feel they've 'achieved' something by doing different things. That's what YOU don't get. The game doesn't revolve around you. You seriously need to get over your own ego. The point of the game is to build cool things. I'm sure there are people that play vanilla Minecraft and think you're the one that has easy cheaty mode on with your macerator that gives you double resources and crap like that. Do you care what these people think? No because you want to use the mods that you want to use and believe there's achievement in using them. Other people think differently, a fact you forget or don't care about.

Look at Direwolf's videos. By about episode 15 he and pretty much everyone else on the server have systems set where they rarely have to go out and mine, which is exactly the 'easy mode' you're complaining about with EE. His accomplishment comes from what he builds. Not where/how he gets the material to do so.

Heck, I'm sure you build yourself a quarry as soon as you can too. Oh but let me guess. That's not 'cheaty' or 'easy mode' because you, the self appointed 'God of Minecraft,' have decided it so. Again, just like people have been telling you this whole thread:
"The game doesn't revolve around you or your ideals of what an accomplishment is or how it's achieved."

People have been telling you this since page one, but all you keep re-iterating is how YOU don't like it and want everyone to conform to YOUR ideal of accomplishment because it bothers YOUR ego/e-peen that they have more stuff than you. This is YOUR problem to deal with though. It's not up to me or anyone else to do or not do certain things because of YOUR ego. The quicker you realize this the happier you will be in game and in life.

You, sir, are being a dick. You keep saying the same things. Go look up at my posts, which superriku admits have changed his perspective on EE3 a bit. You keep saying "Don't use it". YOU are the one that is making the SAME point time and time again. YOU are the one trying to force your opinion on someone else. And YOU are the one who is coming across as an asshole, with your excessive use of bolded, colored text.

Superriku has ALREADY said that, with my arguments and explanations of things, he had misunderstood how EE3 was going to work. He said that he wouldn't mind if EE3 was included in the pack anymore. He could live with it. Your "argument" is completely invalid, and it's making the rest of us that like EE3 look bad.

In other words, your argument is bad, and you should feel bad.

To Superriku, and those who agree with him: I promise you that not everyone on this forum behaves this way. Most of us are pretty nice, most of the time. Well, unless you catch us on a bad day :P
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I have given examples. You've chosen to ignore them. You may say you don't hate me purely out of what is considered acceptable social behavior, but I feel that you really do hate me.

I'll rephrase an example for you.

There's less of a sense of accomplishment if you know there's an easier way to do things. It's like when you do something one way, and then you're told of an easier way, and have a reaction along the lines of "Oh, well if I would've known of that..." and you usually feel what you did is less significant now. I don't particularly have an example of this for Minecraft, however I'm speaking more of real life.

You can avoid EE all you want, and you can feel the pride of playing the game like a real man (real men also code in ASM. Both of these are a joke if you understand them, I'm not criticizing anyone), but, there's still an easier way to do things. Everyone else is doing it the easier way. You could be doing it the easier way. It takes away from your sense of accomplishment that there is an easier way. And if you actually use the easier way it still takes away from your sense of accomplishment. There's no winning against that if EE is in the game. You don't have as much of a sense of accomplishment or you have even less of a sense of accomplishment.

One of the biggest things in Minecraft is accomplishment. The accomplishment of having a beacon, or multiple ones. The accomplishment of having an awesome and impressive base. The accomplishment of being good enough at aesthetics that your base actually looks good too. The accomplishment of having maxed out armor and a sword. Minecraft is so much about accomplishments. Otherwise, why would people build large things, go for the challenging goals, or things like that? If they're playing casually they really may just be doing it for fun and nothing else, but the accomplishment is still a factor.

Ooooh. Okay, I completely understand your side of things. This is EXACTLY the reason that I think computer craft needs to be more expensive. I've built huge, complex, expensive Forestry farm automated systems using RailCraft and such, only to have someone come along and say "You know I could have done this with a handful of diamonds, some stone, some glass, some redstone, and about half the time, right?"
It makes you feel terrible. Your achievements are under-valued, because someone ELSE does it the easy way. No one puts appropriate value in build complexity, or difficulty. You get your work undervalued, because someone else did the same thing more efficiently. Come to think of it, Superriku, you might be interested in the City of Industry project. I think the City's ideas can be summed up in something I said awhile back (and in fact, it's posted on the thread's OP)
"The point isn't to do things the most efficient way possible. The point is to do things the most awesome way possible." ~Me. I'll talk to the project leader about it, if you're interested.

D: Post merge didn't work this time :(
Well I read most of your post, I kind of agree but I'm not jumping to conclusions about EE3 as I haven't touched it yet. But I did read you wanted a machine to craft your UU matter for you so I'd say Merry Christmas but its been here for you the whole time

What I'd like is for a block that is maybe cheap or moderately expensive to be added. Basically a crafting table only for UU-Matter. You put the UU-Matter in the grid to make what you want, you supply a bit of power to it (not a lot, I'd say even less power than some of the Industrial Centrifuge operations) and then you get your item. It'd just add to the science feeling a bit.
You, sir, are being a dick. You keep saying the same things. Go look up at my posts, which superriku admits have changed his perspective on EE3 a bit. You keep saying "Don't use it". YOU are the one that is making the SAME point time and time again. YOU are the one trying to force your opinion on someone else. And YOU are the one who is coming across as an asshole, with your excessive use of bolded, colored text.

Superriku has ALREADY said that, with my arguments and explanations of things, he had misunderstood how EE3 was going to work. He said that he wouldn't mind if EE3 was included in the pack anymore. He could live with it. Your "argument" is completely invalid, and it's making the rest of us that like EE3 look bad.

In other words, your argument is bad, and you should feel bad.

To Superriku, and those who agree with him: I promise you that not everyone on this forum behaves this way. Most of us are pretty nice, most of the time. Well, unless you catch us on a bad day :p

How are my arguments bad? From that start I've been saying "If you don't like it, then don't use it," which is exactly what he should do. How is that forcing MY opinion on anyone? When did I say not to use something because I don't like it? Never, but he wants entire mod packs to go without a mod for the sole reason that he doesn't like it and the mere thought of someone using it on a server he's on bothers him. "They'll have more stuff than me." Yet I'm the one forcing my opinion onto others. Ok.You must have some special power for reading meaning in words that weren't written.

Look at his last post:

I have given examples. You've chosen to ignore them. You may say you don't hate me purely out of what is considered acceptable social behavior, but I feel that you really do hate me.

I'll rephrase an example for you.

There's less of a sense of accomplishment if you know there's an easier way to do things. It's like when you do something one way, and then you're told of an easier way, and have a reaction along the lines of "Oh, well if I would've known of that..." and you usually feel what you did is less significant now. I don't particularly have an example of this for Minecraft, however I'm speaking more of real life.

You can avoid EE all you want, and you can feel the pride of playing the game like a real man (real men also code in ASM. Both of these are a joke if you understand them, I'm not criticizing anyone), but, there's still an easier way to do things. Everyone else is doing it the easier way. You could be doing it the easier way. It takes away from your sense of accomplishment that there is an easier way. And if you actually use the easier way it still takes away from your sense of accomplishment. There's no winning against that if EE is in the game. You don't have as much of a sense of accomplishment or you have even less of a sense of accomplishment.

One of the biggest things in Minecraft is accomplishment. The accomplishment of having a beacon, or multiple ones. The accomplishment of having an awesome and impressive base. The accomplishment of being good enough at aesthetics that your base actually looks good too. The accomplishment of having maxed out armor and a sword. Minecraft is so much about accomplishments. Otherwise, why would people build large things, go for the challenging goals, or things like that? If they're playing casually they really may just be doing it for fun and nothing else, but the accomplishment is still a factor.

Doesn't sound like he changed his mind at all. Different words same argument. "No one can use EE because I don't like it and if I'm the only one not using it, everyone will have more stuff than me." Everyone having to conform to his ideals of what achievements and accomplishments are/should be. Failing to acknowledge that people set out to accomplish different goals and want to achieve them differently than he does.
If I were the developer behind gregtech I would remove solar panels, water mills, wind mills, geothermal generators and maybe even generators. Now the current problem is that you have to have a compressor to even make a nuclear plant or maybe even some junk in gregtech. Another issue with generators is that if you're using Forestry, it kinda makes it another "free" energy source. If he actually knew how to balance his mod properly(and others) he would have done something along those lines. The problem I see with gregtech is "you can't have your cake and eat it". His solution to balance is just bad and poorly thought out. At least it would make gregtech balance way better and actually make some sense rather than his half-arsed measures. Just my opinion.
How are my arguments bad? From that start I've been saying "If you don't like it, then don't use it," which is exactly what he should do. How is that forcing MY opinion on anyone? When did I say not to use something because I don't like it? Never, but he wants entire mod packs to go without a mod for the sole reason that he doesn't like it and the mere thought of someone using it on a server he's on bothers him. "They'll have more stuff than me." Yet I'm the one forcing my opinion onto others. Ok.You must have some special power for reading meaning in words that weren't written.

Look at his last post:

Doesn't sound like he changed his mind at all. Different words same argument. "No one can use EE because I don't like it and if I'm the only one not using it, everyone will have more stuff than me." Everyone having to conform to his ideals of what achievements and accomplishments are/should be. Failing to acknowledge that people set out to accomplish different goals and want to achieve them differently than he does.

Honestly I like the default unchanged pack right now as it is. There are things I want added, like RedPower for example. After hearing more about EE3, I wouldn't be completely against EE3 being added to the default pack. I wouldn't like it, that's for sure, but I don't think it'd put me off from playing servers. However with the amount of votes there are for the removal of GregTech I think that's something I have to consider. Again, adding EE3 I wouldn't like, but I'd be okay with. However removing GregTech would not be okay. I know lots of people hate it, but lots of people certainly like it too, not just me. And any server that doesn't have GregTech I certainly wouldn't play. So I hope they never remove it. If they add EE3, whatever, I'll just probably not use it. Or I might try it, and if it feels okay and not like cheating, I'll change my mind about it and continue. So far though EE3's not looking impressive.

From one of his posts on page 5. And yet you continued to provide the EXACT SAME POINT. With nothing more than "Don't use it". Throughout this entire "argument" you've been saying the exact same thing, with no variation. Like I said, go look at my posts. I've been pointing out the entire time that EE3 isn't as easy as he thinks it is, and that quote here is the result. He'd be able to live with EE. At which point you continued to argue your same, no longer relevant point. I'm really not sure why you keep responding if you're not going to provide anything new. And yes, I DID look at his last post. And I completely understand where's he's coming from. You're the one who's not willing to look at anything that could paint EE3 as bad. "Just don't use it" has NEVER been a good argument. It's basically saying "I have no ways to refute your point, but I'm going to stubbornly hold onto my own views, despite the lack of evidence for them." In other words, your argument sucks, and you're STILL sounding like a jerk. Riku has been providing reasoning and points for this entire time, and your argument has been, the entire time "LALALALALALALA YOUR POINTS DON'T MATTER JUST DON'T USE IT LALALALALALA". (redacted for name-calling)
From one of his posts on page 5. And yet you continued to provide the EXACT SAME POINT. With nothing more than "Don't use it". Throughout this entire "argument" you've been saying the exact same thing, with no variation. Like I said, go look at my posts. I've been pointing out the entire time that EE3 isn't as easy as he thinks it is, and that quote here is the result. He'd be able to live with EE. At which point you continued to argue your same, no longer relevant point. I'm really not sure why you keep responding if you're not going to provide anything new. And yes, I DID look at his last post. And I completely understand where's he's coming from. You're the one who's not willing to look at anything that could paint EE3 as bad. "Just don't use it" has NEVER been a good argument. It's basically saying "I have no ways to refute your point, but I'm going to stubbornly hold onto my own views, despite the lack of evidence for them." In other words, your argument sucks, and you're STILL sounding like a jerk. Riku has been providing reasoning and points for this entire time, and your argument has been, the entire time "LALALALALALALA YOUR POINTS DON'T MATTER JUST DON'T USE IT LALALALALALA". You sound like a child with his fingers in his ears.

Actually, Yes it has been a good argument, and it's one even the FTB moderators use (see note). It's why they added that nifty "Edit Mod Pack" button to the launcher. It's there so people can disable mods they don't like. What point of view do I have to refute? "I don't like it, so everyone has to stop using it. My ego will be hurt if I'm on a server an someone is using a mod that I don't like and chose not to use." Look at the thread. That's his reply to pretty much every post (to me at least).

I asked him time and time again to give just one example of how someone using the mod actually affects him, but all he could give was his ego trip about how everyone else would have more stuff. Which isn't a valid reason. It doesn't nor should it matter what other people have. I even asked him, but he chose never to answer my question. Should Buildcraft be removed from a server I play on just because I happen to choose not to use it myself? If it's not removed, everyone else will have more stuff than I do. Honestly, the thread should have ended at "Don't like it, then don't use it." and "Stop concentrating on what your neighbors have or don't have...."


3 Forum moderators all basically giving the same message I have been. "Don't like a mod? Disable it or use some other modpack (when they are available)."
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Quote from ScottWears
slowpoke and the mod pack guys have a number of packs planned to replace the beta some of them may or may not have gregtech installed we will just have to wait and see. and as for gregtech in the current pack remember its a beta pack and will be removed from the launcher at some point ... its initial intention was to allow people to try out the launcher and for the launcher team to get your feedback. it was never intended and never will be a permanent or "main" pack.

the same can be said about gregtech it was added for people to try out, to try and play the game differently and use some of the other amazing mods in the pack.

for now the only solution to this is if you don't like it then disable it if you do like it leave it in either way please try and enjoy your minecraft experience which ever way you choose to play it

So, there is no "vs". FTB is not a single modpack anymore, it is a framework for modpacks. So, there will (and already are) several modpacks in it. Probably some with GT, some with EE, some with neither. May be even some with both, though you are right that they will likely be poorly balanced with each other.
Before thread will be (likely) locked, I want to say two things to OP.​
First, don't try to have civil discussion with assholes. I know, it can seem that there is some reason behind all that obnoxiousness, but it is unlikely. And even if there is, it does not worth it. So, just ignore them.​
Second, I think whole premise of this thread is moot.​
Quote from ScottWears

So, there is no "vs". FTB is not a single modpack anymore, it is a framework for modpacks. So, there will (and already are) several modpacks in it. Probably some with GT, some with EE, some with neither. May be even some with both, though you are right that they will likely be poorly balanced with each other.

Just to clarify: There never was a 'VS.' From day one of FTB Launcher's release it's been said that there would be different mod packs available on it. We even said as much on the first pages of the thread.
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