Gregtech recipes = ridiculous?

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In my opinion, the mod author of Equivalent Exchange 3, Pahimar did a great job explaining this when he talked about his mod. He said, and I am paraphrasing, "I want people to be excited when they get the philosophers stone and other high-end EE3 items. I want them feel like the actually accomplished something.". Now I play on a small server with a few people and I know that when I first constructed the Industrial Centrifuge and a solar panel I was like "Wow, I actually did it." but in another circumstances (Without GregTech) it would just be "Another minute, another HV solar panel". See the difference? Now this post is not saying anything bad about what anyone else feels, I am just explaining what I think
Iridium ore isn't a vanilla material, it's added by GregTech. It also has a config option that allows you to increase or decrease the spawn rate.

yeah i mean vanilla greg tech ^^, i know that there's a config option for increase the rate, but i think they would have to increase it by default (is that what i meaned saying vanilla ^^, sorry for the misunderstanding) because you will need a ridicolous amunt of iridium for the GT stuff and 1 every 5 chunk it's not enough. i would change it by default because i think it will balance a bit the entire mod. Just my thought
yeah i mean vanilla greg tech ^^, i know that there's a config option for increase the rate, but i think they would have to increase it by default (is that what i meaned saying vanilla ^^, sorry for the misunderstanding) because you will need a ridicolous amunt of iridium for the GT stuff and 1 every 5 chunk it's not enough. i would change it by default because i think it will balance a bit the entire mod. Just my thought

hm, I think it is fine as it is: the iridium world gen is for preventing "early acces to the Matterfabricator which is the main way to get more iridium (through uu-matter-->from that point on, the world gen is just a bonus).
hm, I think it is fine as it is: the iridium world gen is for preventing "early acces to the Matterfabricator which is the main way to get more iridium (through uu-matter-->from that point on, the world gen is just a bonus).

Well i think you are quite wrong ^^, with the default settings of greg tech they have disabled iridium recipe from uu-matter, so you will need a really large amount of 64x64 quarry to get all the iridium needed for this mod
Curious then: How would you recommend powering the various forestry farms without wasting fuel? Usually a forestry farm has a lot of time sitting around waiting for things to grow. Running an engine constantly isn't very efficient.

Peat engines were designed for running the farms. You could wire in a timing circuit so they only run for so many minutes each day to harvest and replant resources.
But overall a single peat bog can run 10 peat engines, and a tree farm will balance the sand/dirt byproducts.

This was back in from 1.2.5- all it needed was water, and it makes peat, saplings (biofuel), charcoal (and creosote), and seed oil. Also free mycelium or moss stone/brick and rubber as a byproduct.

Guess it puts the plant in powerpant.
Curious then: How would you recommend powering the various forestry farms without wasting fuel? Usually a forestry farm has a lot of time sitting around waiting for things to grow. Running an engine constantly isn't very efficient.

This is how I did it..

1. Make the vanilla automatic wheat farm -> 2. make biomass ->3. make biogas engines -> 4. make oak tree farm -> 5. get more sapling -> 6. get more biomass -> 7. self powering forestry farm

->8. farm some logs -> 9. burn the wood for charcoal -> 10.make the AWESOME steam boiler -> 11. use the Steam Engine to power the whole oak tree farm, oil refinery, magma crucibles, etc-> 12.make quantum chest and iron tanks to contain excess wood and biomass..

I think I reach step 7 after 1-2 days..

Well i think you are quite wrong ^^, with the default settings of greg tech they have disabled iridium recipe from uu-matter, so you will need a really large amount of 64x64 quarry to get all the iridium needed for this mod

It's enabled by default, so after you get your matterfabricator, you can start producing iridium from UU-matter..
This is how I did it..

1. Make the vanilla automatic wheat farm -> 2. make biomass ->3. make biogas engines -> 4. make oak tree farm -> 5. get more sapling -> 6. get more biomass -> 7. self powering forestry farm

->8. farm some logs -> 9. burn the wood for charcoal -> 10.make the AWESOME steam boiler -> 11. use the Steam Engine to power the whole oak tree farm and magma crucible -> 12.make quantum chest and iron tanks to contain excess wood and biomass..

I think I reach step 7 after 1-2 days..

It's enabled by default, so after you get your matterfabricator, you can start producing iridium from UU-matter..

indeed... i accutally testet it right now with the ftb pack so... get a matterfab (using iridium while crafting it, --> massfab is disabled by default) --> get more uu-->get more iridium
It's enabled by default, so after you get your matterfabricator, you can start producing iridium from UU-matter..

Yeah sorry, my fault, i was just loocking into NEI and it doesn't show me iridium recipe, then i look at the config and i found it is enable.
Thanks for the clarification.
My problem about the whole steel thingi is, that i consider changing dimensions as a lategame task, since you (normaly) need diamonds and obsidian to build the portal.

Or 3 tin, 1 iron, 1 flint, 1 water block and 10 lava source blocks. Something I usually have access to during my first mining trip.
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Or 3 tin, 1 iron, 1 flint, 1 water block and 10 lava source blocks. Something I usually have access to during my first mining trip.

You too huh? That's how I've been building portals ever since Minecraft alpha when the Nether was first added to the game...

But alot of the alternative energy 'nerfs' are flat ridiculous. But then again, I've never had the need to horde energy/materials like you see in direwolf's videos because:
1. I usually don't have it
2. Once I do have it, I have to find time/ideas for a project to dedicate said materials on..

Many of the Minecraft worlds I have feature high resources as I constantly thin my supplies with various projects or ideas that I have implemented. These are quite scale intensive, and aren't limited to a 'single space of a few blocks'...
You too huh? That's how I've been building portals ever since Minecraft alpha when the Nether was first added to the game...

My first Nether portal was next to a 60 block high lighthouse made of obsidian built from buckets of lava. :)

But alot of the alternative energy 'nerfs' are flat ridiculous. But then again, I've never had the need to horde energy/materials like you see in direwolf's videos because:
1. I usually don't have it
2. Once I do have it, I have to find time/ideas for a project to dedicate said materials on..

To each their own, for instance the costs of starting a Greg Tech fusion reactor are nuts, so that means that at some point I'll probably do it for the heck of it. But I can see a lot of people will have little or no use for the increased Greg Tech costs, I won't fault anyone for disabling it, we all have our own thresholds of fun.

As for resrouces, when Redpower releases, look into a frame quarry. You'll get a whole new definition of "excess materials". The quarry in FTB is faster than it used to be (don't know if that's FTB only or a BC upgrade) but it doesn't really matter. My last frame quarry was about 15x faster than the old quarry speed and that speed was only limited because I didn't make a bigger digging head, it would have been trivial to increase the head to 64 blocks with 64 blocks of motion left and right to dig out 4 chunks at the same time with a few railcraft world anchors to keep it running all the time. It will be even simpler to build and program this time, since I hear that tubes are going to be able to be placed inside of frames.
Something ridiculous about the recipes is that you can't make the drill without steel but you can make a mining laser with only two glowstone dust obtained from the Nether. You need a couple diamonds but the point is that you can make the next tier before the previous one. You need the steel for even the electric hoe which isn't even more powerful than a normal hoe, just uses EU instead of cobblestone.

It doesn't even matter to me that the solar panels are too hard to make. I just use the OP Igneous Extruder from Thermal Expansion and make 100% free cobblestone that I feed to a Recycler that feeds a Generator that can then power the Recycler and other machines on top of that. It's super efficient and requires no maintenance. You can add three more Recyclers with Igneous Extruders for them to get the Generator to run at full blast. Who needs Solar Panels or Water Mills when you can make a more efficient system with less space requirements?

GregTech would work if there only were no other mods than IC2, BuildCraft and RailCraft. With the other mods' better ways of doing things it's only making parts of IC2 useless. Not harder or worse, flat out useless, because you don't have to use them.
It is strange that super hard recipes seem to be favored when thermal expansion machines are allowed which are incredibly overpowered. I don't think I'll even be using thermal expansions machines since it seems like cheating to me, but I would like not to have to get a blast furnace going to make low tier things.
I just removed Gregtech from the modpack altogether. After watching DW's spotlight on it, it doesn't really add anything very interesting to the game. At least to me. I also didn't really like the big "G" on the GUIs.
It is strange that super hard recipes seem to be favored when thermal expansion machines are allowed which are incredibly overpowered. I don't think I'll even be using thermal expansions machines since it seems like cheating to me, but I would like not to have to get a blast furnace going to make low tier things.

1.4.5 will change some things and the progress becomes a bit more solid in gregtech. Also TE has a hardmode-setting too, if you enable the more expensive macerator-recipe you should enable the more expensive smelter and pulverizer-recipe too

I just removed Gregtech from the modpack altogether. After watching DW's spotlight on it, it doesn't really add anything very interesting to the game. At least to me. I also didn't really like the big "G" on the GUIs.

Actually I like the G on guis. If every machine would have a small indicator like this it would be more easy for new people to tell what machine is from which mod. And well... if people don't like Gregs they are free to remove it. At least you gave it a try, there is nothing wrong with modifying the preset of mods avaible, that's why this option exists so that everyone can play how they like.
1.4.5 will change some things and the progress becomes a bit more solid in gregtech. Also TE has a hardmode-setting too, if you enable the more expensive macerator-recipe you should enable the more expensive smelter and pulverizer-recipe too

Actually I like the G on guis. If every machine would have a small indicator like this it would be more easy for new people to tell what machine is from which mod. And well... if people don't like Gregs they are free to remove it. At least you gave it a try, there is nothing wrong with modifying the preset of mods avaible, that's why this option exists so that everyone can play how they like.

The Gregtech GUIs in general aren't very pretty. I agree that all/more mods should have a kind of "branding" on their GUIs and machine themselves. Something better looking than a big ugly "G" randomly placed on the GUIs though.
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Has anyone come across a comprehensive chaingelog for gregtech? Something along the lines of "IC Macerator disabled and replaced with <bleh>" kind of thing. I'm trying to do a guide series for FTB but I have gregtech disabled and the gregtech 'wiki' reads like it was originally written in crayon.
Has anyone come across a comprehensive chaingelog for gregtech? Something along the lines of "IC Macerator disabled and replaced with <bleh>" kind of thing. I'm trying to do a guide series for FTB but I have gregtech disabled and the gregtech 'wiki' reads like it was originally written in crayon.
Gregtech config gives a pretty good idea about what it does, everything is configurable there.
Gregtech config gives a pretty good idea about what it does, everything is configurable there.

It doesn't really say what things are for, it just lists whether or not it's enabled or disabled. If possible I would like to include people who are knowingly or unknowingly playing with gregtech enabled by referencing alternatives for them, but as I said...the gregtech wiki is bloody awful in how it's written and I neither have nor am inclined to get much first hand experience with it myself.
I think Gregtech is the worst part of FTB. I disabled it the second I tried to get their centrifuge to work. They don't give you a clue how things work, their wiki was written by someone who speaks English as a 7th language, and their recipes are insane in their difficulty. Gregtech takes a lot of the fun out of the best mod pack out there, I think FTB would be better off just getting rid of this disaster of a mod.
The centrifuge isn't hard to use, just put tin cans in the top left slot and what you want to centrifuge in the middle, bearing in mind you generally need more than one of the item (NEI tells you all of this including the time it takes to centrifuge the items).
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