Gregtech recipes = ridiculous?

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At first I didn't like the recipes, but now they make sense. A drill should be damn hard to get, since they obsolete everything from pickaxes to shovels. A diamond drill more so.
A stone axe obsoletes a wooden axe... should it be damn hard to get? An iron sword obsoletes a stone sword; should it be damn hard to get? Iron armor obsoletes leather armor, should it be damn hard to get? Just because one thing is better than another doesn't mean it needs to be obnoxiously tedious to get it. It should be a little bit harder, but putting a giant annoying wall in front of one point of progress arbitrarily is stupid. A faster pickaxe isn't objectively better than a magical machine that lets you create infinite gold and tin out of cobblestone, but everyone cheers GT for making the faster pickaxe "a challenge" while simultaneously thinking the infinite free resource machine (centrifuge) that it adds is somehow adding "challenge" instead of making things easier. Staring at a progress bar for 45 minutes isn't more "challenging" than mining the ores yourself; it's just more tedious.

It makes you EARN your toys, and adds some very nifty things like the Fusion Reactor as an ultimate end-game goal. The new power requirements means I can't hook up two standard solar panels to a quarry, plop down a World Anchor, and go to sleep.
Instead you plop down two magma engines next to the quarry, and now you don't even need a World Anchor, and you go to sleep. How is that harder? Answer: it's not. The World Anchor was more expensive than the magma engines are, and everything except noob solar is still the same recipe, despite the fact that they're all technically "infinite" if you plop down the right machine next to them.

If I get everything within a week I'll be wanting a reset within the month. When I take my fusion-powered teleporter 10,000 blocks to my far away island base, I won't think it's ovepowered, because I built it all with my blood, sweat, and tears. And I EARNED the right to use it, by proving that I don't need it to get that far.
Until BobTech comes out to nerf GregTech, and then everyone will agree that GregTech was just too easy and real men use BobTech.
GregTech is about making mods harder, not providing more efficient ways to do things...

Easy analogy...

Do you want endless MC grind? GregTech = Yes
Do you want efficient production? GregTech = No

A clear choice for those out there... Personally, I think Greg needs a Resource Management class...
Yeah, my problem with gregtech isn't the mod itself, it has some pretty nifty and fun things about it. What I dislike is the cheap way of "balancing". Balancing through gregtech is done by increasing the TIME it takes to do something. The goal is exactly the same as before, it just takes "longer". Some might think that's "balance", it is not in my eyes. I'm just going to toss out something random here, unrelated to minecraft, f2p games. You either pay for free and GRIND, a long tedious grind to do anything. The alternative is "pay2win", it magically reduce the tedious grind. I do understand that some people enjoy this meaningless grind but it is always the wrong way to do it. There are more clever ways to do it, making complex machinery while having fun and not just "grinding" more resources. In the end the whole point of gregtech just doesn't make much sense. As long you have automatic farming/mining whatever going on... what's the point? It's not like you're going to be digging the resources up by hand any longer.

I'm amazed that gregtech haven't removed quarries, miners(if anyone even use those), computercraft turtles completely. The only real "challenge" you'd ever see in this case would be the removal of any automatic mining going on.
The longer this goes on, the more it feels like it's the fact expensive recipes are on by default rather than gregtech itself. It takes less than a minute to pull up the config file and turn off the changes while still preserving the nifty machines and tools that were added.

As for the shift on the drill though, of course wood > stone > iron > diamond obsoletes the one before it. That isn't at issue at all. It is the fact the mining drill obsoletes 2 entire tools. Chainsaw you could argue 3 via sword, axe, shears. :P For those of us that like to wander until we're tapped on inventory space, that single extra slot savings can be meaningful. The time saved per block, no tool switching and lack of breaking concerns is also a massive improvement. Consider what it would cost in tools to dig out a full chunk. Then consider in turn the time differences. It is quite a gap.

I am quite confused why it is such a big deal however, as nobody forces any FTB user to play with any particular gameplay-related mod. We have full capacity to turn each on or off individually at our discretion and even add new stuff with ease. Personally, I drifted into Magic World and added in IC2, GT and others (took a bit of config toying, however! :confused:). The FTB launcher gives us a lot of freedom to find our personal taste but can only have one default setting. Griping about it is of course inefficient use of effort. Already made a jackhammer myself. :cool:

As for F2P games...some are like that yes, but it is trending away from it because players like no pay to win mechanics. At least from what I have observed. There will always be some that can't conceive not doing it that way of course, along with every possible shade of gray between.
My understanding, is that for GT to work as intended, there should be no un-nerfed mods such as TE or CC. What is the point of making recycler with three diamonds, if there is pulveriser? Or dig with pickaxe and jackhammer, if there are quarry and turtles?
My understanding, is that for GT to work as intended, there should be no un-nerfed mods such as TE or CC. What is the point of making recycler with three diamonds, if there is pulveriser? Or dig with pickaxe and jackhammer, if there are quarry and turtles?
As it has already accounted for IC2 and BC issues, I believe that is just a matter of time. Both Thermal Expansion and Factorization are much newer and still settling into their own. Also we do not yet know what RP2 aspects are going to be included.

And for the record, turtles are self-balancing. You have to learn how to script and once you do, you've already paid the cost for all games you start from there on. The freeform uses for turtles are meaningless if you cannot figure out how to program one. At least this is my opinion of them.
You don't have to know programming to use turtles. You can download program from the net.
To everyone who is against GT, go watch Ethos FTB videos. He just started playing with mods, look at what he archived.
To everyone who is against GT, go watch Ethos FTB videos. He just started playing with mods, look at what he archived.

And as Guude said, he has been on the ftb server 10 hours. If I had 10+ hours a day to sit in front of my computer playing games, I wouldn't care less if it took hours to make 1 item because I have to wait on the industrial centrifuge.

10 hours is almost a week of play time for me.
As it has already accounted for IC2 and BC issues, I believe that is just a matter of time. Both Thermal Expansion and Factorization are much newer and still settling into their own. Also we do not yet know what RP2 aspects are going to be included.

Yes, unfortunately, GregTech has a plan to "fix" every other popular modder's mods to make them "challenging" (read: annoying as crap). As it progresses and he keeps "fixing" mods that people enjoy, I think more and more people are going to complain about it.
Ok Guys I'm locking this thread for a little while I know the conversation here has stayed civil and on topic but a number of other gregtech threads have went a bit sour, I will retry to open this thread once I have gotten some advice from other members of the team.

I also don't want this thread to be over taken by flamewars

thanks for your patience
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