Well advanced alloys are obsolete till you"upgrade" the to begin withand then upgrade it almost instantly to advanced solar... obsolete before you can even make it. Does that seem right?
Diamond tools aren't a must-have? How are you gonna get to the nether?
By different power grids, s/he means the mixture of IC2 EU, BC2 MJ, RP2 Blutricity, and Factorization's whatever-that-is. Since TE does a lot of the same things as IC2's machines, you could easily just remove IC2 and use TE's machines for the same purpose, and have one less power grid to maintain. The only thing I'd miss is the electric tools, really.
I know what he/she means, I just don't get whats so horrible about different power Grids

It doesn't NEED to change IC2 recipes to be balanced. It adds huge amounts of really expensive energy storage. It basically could stand on its own as an extension to IC2 that does not much more than adding another tier to the end of the tree. With the AESU and such being expensive as they are, you would have a lot more use for that extra energy from the lightning rod, and the lightning rod doesn't even work all the time anyway. Only reliably when it's storming, and much less reliably when it's regular raining.
Well from what I've seen the actually expensive part in those recipes actually is the iridium. :3 atleast the recipes i've seen so far in the current GT version thats in FTB. And well GT nerfed iridium production
I haven't seen many complaints about the new matter fabricator, personally. It's just nearly every other recipe change. Changing the recipes isn't really rebalancing them. It's just making you have to play more "vanilla" MC before you can really get started with the mods, which for many of us isn't fun. We play mods because we're tired of vanilla. More vanilla before we can play with mod stuff isn't fun.
Well no, you don't you have plenty other mods to use

use Lava + Water cells to make obsidian
use Igneous Extruder to make obsidian
pour the gate instead of building it out of obsidian
use Survivalists Pickaxe to get Obsidian
and others mentioned some ways too