gregtech block breaker nerf

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was about to go on an angry rant but stopped when I noticed I was rambling. Trying to be detached here. It isn't about fun because of how the community has gotten.
Other games' modding scene is much more of a hobby, compared to what you see around here. Everyone seems to be so protective of their mod that they wrote for other people to enjoy, around Minecraft, which gives us SO much freedom on how to mod it. But I can't really blame these people as I've never coded a day in my life, not even LUA. I'm sure it feels rather terrible to have someone "steal" something you worked hard on, and I'm not trying to point fingers.

Mad props to the people who treat the modding community as a community, make mods for fun, and distribute them freely. I understand many people want to protect their intellectual property, and I would too, it's just sad that this even has to be an issue. :'c


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And I am on the opposite end of thought. I see all this sharing as so backwards. Then again I was brought up where a few rotten apples ruins it for everyone. There wasn't any middle ground. One extreme or the other was the way it went. Community is a vauge term because what defines a community? The fact we all play a sandbox game means we play a sandbox game nothing more. No one here holds any kind of entitlement to speak to anyone. If I was a person who wrote code for a game I wouldn't even join a forum. I would make what I make, turn it in, and go on with life. If I made a mod I would make it and play it. I don't, nor do the map makers, modders, texture pack makers, skinner, mod pack makers, hell even Mojang themselves, have to give a bloody damn about what the "community" thinks. People will consume what ever is put out.

Hell maybe I am part of the problem and I am okay with that. As was brought up before..Nobody Cares.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(If only I had a nickel for every time someone threatened legal action or claimed a few troll bees somehow constituted illegal action. The very notion is patently absurd to anyone with even a basic grasp of the underlying legal concepts. But, oh well:

I have more than a basic grasp, and well...continue to believe that.[DOUBLEPOST=1364223946][/DOUBLEPOST]
Again, I am NOT making a point about the legality of the issue, I am well aware its not breaking any laws.
Read what i was replying to.

In the end, only what force can be brought to bear on the situation matters. Which, absent extreme situations, means legal.[DOUBLEPOST=1364223982][/DOUBLEPOST]
Was MFR even in any packs when that option was added?

I'm certain that Greg does not code specifically, much less only, for FTB


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Because of your earlier implication in the previous message, I would suggest otherwise.

Appeal to authority arguments are fun. As I said before: Unfortunately for you I can tell that you have not even the slightest clue of the subject matter you are trying to talk about. I'll leave it at that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Where's our copyright attorney when we need him? You may be surprised who is on the other side of that keyboard, incidentally.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is not going to turn into a bicker session between a mod author and the public is it? Yeah I know that sounds snobbish and I don't really care. If after this thread Sengir decided to just leave modding and take everything with him I would applaud him for doing so. It is the entitled attitudes, and i am not being specific because I know I can seem entitled too, that make many people just not want to put up with it. So they leave and any positive that could have came about is gone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, in terms of the MCForums, said attorney is eleven years old and believes adfly provides enough for a living.

Woo! Everyone hates rationality!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Appeal to authority arguments are fun. As I said before: Unfortunately for you I can tell that you have not even the slightest clue of the subject matter you are trying to talk about. I'll leave it at that.

I think it is cool how if actually read back in the thread, I think you two agree with each other. But the troll in question (one Peter Gunn) has done such an awesome job chopping the thread into absurd little discussions about increasingly awkward hypotheticals that it requires critical inspection to see one another. He's demonstrably doubled back on himself four times now to rile up 4 separate people. Go back and re-read what was actually being said. Did I miss an anecdote about the "wipe your hard drive and join you to a botnet" bee? Effect: "Your d34d".

Pretty sure SirSengir has never made nor does he intend to make a bee that causes damage to computers. Pretty sure DoctorOr doesn't believe that a goofy bee messing with game mechanics is actionable damages. I happen to know I know less about law than both these two gentlemen, but I know enough about forums to recognize a confusing and trolled thread when I see one. Too see you two manipulated away from well-meaning and informed discussion this fashion pains me. Especially since I'm pretty sure both of you have a some amount of authority beyond my layman's self-protection law to dish out here, and I seldom get opportunities to learn about this stuff.

Don't let this troll whip you up into non-existent arguments. Trolls love that environment because it means they can leap back into negative-attention-seeking behavior at any time they need to without all that tedious buildup.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Act III: As the fog of war dissipates, the combatants unanimously turn their sights back on Peter Gunn. A bead of sweat forms on his temple and runs into his eye, stinging with the fear of inevitability. It is clear that his confusion must be eradicated with extreme prejudice.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Act III: As the fog of war dissipates, the combatants unanimously turn their sights back on Peter Gunn. A bead of sweat forms on his temple and runs into his eye, stinging with the fear of inevitability. It is clear that his confusion must be eradicated with extreme prejudice.

Act III: He takes the victory he's already claims and leaves. He knows there will be more.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm certain that Greg does not code specifically, much less only, for FTB
You wouldn't think so, but I wouldn't be so sure. A lot of mod authors, especially ones that were relatively unknown before FTB, have adopted a syndrome where they seem to think that the only possible way to use their mod is in an FTB pack. How many mods that are not in FTB packs has Greg modified?

What Plus+ is doing should be the last word in copyright "protection." Have a look-see:
A certain flame-head needs to read a certain line of that and let it sink in:
the appellate court held that “a party who distributes a copyrighted work cannot dictate how that work is to be enjoyed. Consumers may use … a Game Genie to enhance a Nintendo Game cartridge’s audiovisual display in such a way as to make the experience more enjoyable.”


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You wouldn't think so, but I wouldn't be so sure. A lot of mod authors, especially ones that were relatively unknown before FTB, have adopted a syndrome where they seem to think that the only possible way to use their mod is in an FTB pack. How many mods that are not in FTB packs has Greg modified?

Wrong question. You should be asking why FTB adds all the mods Greg has modified. For thf at was the order of events.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You wouldn't think so, but I wouldn't be so sure. A lot of mod authors, especially ones that were relatively unknown before FTB, have adopted a syndrome where they seem to think that the only possible way to use their mod is in an FTB pack. How many mods that are not in FTB packs has Greg modified?

A certain flame-head needs to read a certain line of that and let it sink in:

Oh wow.

Sorry to get crass, but fuck yes I am glad I read that link. I can publish this modpack I've been working so diligently on with some things I really think are needed. I've been so stressing about the lack of good logic, frames and tanks in this modpack and it's been holding me back from releasing it. Maybe I can make some pre-emptive donations to folks to help assuage hard feelings.

Even if I wasn't, I'm actually happy to toss folks like Binnie, Soaryn, SirSengir, CovertJaguar and KingLemming some money for their continued use. I'd even donate to charity in their names if they wanted. I've been considering evening out my tax situation this year already...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You wouldn't think so, but I wouldn't be so sure. A lot of mod authors, especially ones that were relatively unknown before FTB, have adopted a syndrome where they seem to think that the only possible way to use their mod is in an FTB pack.

well, what percentage of their users come from ftb? my guess is "almost all". is there another mod pack to play (don't say tekkit)? how many modded minecraft players choose vanilla + 1 mod? my guess for that is "almost zero" when compared to vanilla and ftb.

How many mods that are not in FTB packs has Greg modified?

i'd be shocked if there was a single one


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I believe Magic World and Ampz are two that GT doesn't have a config file in. Adn I am willing to say a good portion of vanilla players use just one mod. You are using a gross exaggeration.
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