Greg's done it again.

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In beta v8 smelter does not except thaumium ingots, as parts need to poured into casts, TC parts are out for now.

Which is why I updated my Tinkers Construct and Modular Powersuits manually while we eagerly await either a 1.5.2 FTB Beta 0.9 update or the full 1.6 FTB update, whichever comes first. No reason to play with out of date toys when I can have the shiniest new ones.
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In the recent dev builds, yes, also shortbows and arrows. Thaumium acts similar to paper, giving up to +2 modifiers for either having a full thaumium tool (if it requires three parts or less) or a tool with at least three thaumium parts (if it requires four parts or more.) So, for example, a cleaver made with a thaumium rod, plate, and binding would have two additional mod slots while one made with only two thaumium parts would have +1 I believe.
Well that certainly sounds useful. What are its stats other than the extra modifiers thing?
This makes me want to add thaumcraft back to my pack. I guess its futile to try to keep a pack lean and have all your favorite mods at the same time.
Which is why I updated my Tinkers Construct and Modular Powersuits manually while we eagerly await either a 1.5.2 FTB Beta 0.9 update or the full 1.6 FTB update, whichever comes first. No reason to play with out of date toys when I can have the shiniest new ones.

Ahh I see the problem.

There's no mention of thaumic in "Materials and You", nor does it melt in the smeltery.

Apparently, mDiyo thinks Thaumium is soft, as it's used with wooden patterns. Also, why anybody would want "Thaumic" (repairs from vis) over the normal Tinker's Construct moss related repair or IC2 battery usage is beyond me. Other than that, the stats of thaumium Tinker's Construct tools are poor with its only use being maybe maybe to mine obsidian without using a diamond.
Well that certainly sounds useful. What are its stats other than the extra modifiers thing?
This makes me want to add thaumcraft back to my pack. I guess its futile to try to keep a pack lean and have all your favorite mods at the same time.

Not sure, as DoctorOr mentioned it's not listed in any of the ingame books, but I just plopped down a cobalt and ardite ore in a test world and spawned a thaumum TC pick and it won't mine either one, but it will mine obsidian, so as far as mining tiers go it's the same as diamond, at least.

Ahh I see the problem.

There's no mention of thaumic in "Materials and You", nor does it melt in the smeltery.

Apparently, mDiyo thinks Thaumium is soft, as it's used with wooden patterns. Also, why anybody would want "Thaumic" (repairs from vis) over the normal Tinker's Construct moss related repair or IC2 battery usage is beyond me. Other than that, the stats of thaumium Tinker's Construct tools are poor with its only use being maybe maybe to mine obsidian without using a diamond.

Actually, the thaumic trait doesn't repair with vis, as I mentioned earlier it's similar to the writeable trait, where having at least one thaumium part will give you +1 modifier slot, so for example all the tool builds over in the ultimate Tinkers tool thread that include a paper binding for an additional slot you could substitute a thaumium binding to get the same effect while sacrificing less durability.
Actually, the thaumic trait doesn't repair with vis, as I mentioned earlier it's similar to the writeable trait, where having at least one thaumium part will give you +1 modifier slot, so for example all the tool builds over in the ultimate Tinkers tool thread that include a paper binding for an additional slot you could substitute a thaumium binding to get the same effect while sacrificing less durability.

Since writeable stacks, and it's used on parts that don't really contribute to durability, I don't really see the point. I suppose, thaumium isn't really rare itself so it's six of one, half a dozen of the other, but he could have done a lot better with that effect.
Since writeable stacks, and it's used on parts that don't really contribute to durability, I don't really see the point. I suppose, thaumium isn't really rare itself so it's six of one, half a dozen of the other, but he could have done a lot better with that effect.

Well it is a dev built there is always hope he does better before its finalized.
Since writeable stacks, and it's used on parts that don't really contribute to durability, I don't really see the point. I suppose, thaumium isn't really rare itself so it's six of one, half a dozen of the other, but he could have done a lot better with that effect.

It seems to be more for the big tools like hammers and cleavers, just tested it out, a manamana hammer with thaumium plates and rod has a mining speed of 7.66, durability of 7,792, and damage of 2.5 hearts as well as five modifier slots, a cleaver with the same basic idea applied, manamana blade, thaumium rods and plate is 5 mods, 4 hearts for damage, and 5,849 durability. Substituting paper in each tool for the thaumium parts dramatically cuts their durability to under 2,000 each, their damage by one heart each, and the mining speed of the hammer to 4.33.
Not sure, as DoctorOr mentioned it's not listed in any of the ingame books, but I just plopped down a cobalt and ardite ore in a test world and spawned a thaumum TC pick and it won't mine either one, but it will mine obsidian, so as far as mining tiers go it's the same as diamond, at least.

Actually, the thaumic trait doesn't repair with vis, as I mentioned earlier it's similar to the writeable trait, where having at least one thaumium part will give you +1 modifier slot, so for example all the tool builds over in the ultimate Tinkers tool thread that include a paper binding for an additional slot you could substitute a thaumium binding to get the same effect while sacrificing less durability.

Bindings don't contribute to durability...
Bindings don't contribute to durability...

Meh, so consider it an aesthetic option that provides the same effect as adding a paper binding but giving you the option of a nice dark bluish grey instead of white. Also, just tested thaumic with writeable and the two stack, so if you wanted you could use a paper binding, thaumium rod, and cobalt or manamana head on a pick to have five slots, a bit more than half the durability of a full manamana pick and a decent mining speed and level.
It's technically a dev build but it's a release candidate right now, so it's almost ready. As for why to use thaumium over paper - Tier 2 tools get durability from every part so even a single thaumium instead of paper can make a big difference.
Maybe someone should make a Greg addon which does exactly this, making things realistic. Could be fun, you never know ;)

Remember, he doesn't like realistic, else he wouldn't have nerfed 3 parts copper plus 1 part tin makes 4 parts bronze. And, unless he changes his plate machine recipes, beating out metal plates with a hammer gives you back the same amount of metal that a rolling machine does, half of it doesn't just vanish into the either :)
It's technically a dev build but it's a release candidate right now, so it's almost ready. As for why to use thaumium over paper - Tier 2 tools get durability from every part so even a single thaumium instead of paper can make a big difference.

I guess I can see that. But to be honest by the time your in Tier 2 unless your in a mod pack with no power systems duriblity really does not mater as you can just go paper and use one slot as eletric.
Depends on the tool really. For example with the hammer the mining speed loss from using paper plates can't be overcome by adding redstone. Basically, a cobalt plate will be faster than a paper plate even after factoring in the extra speed from redstone. In that instance using a thaumium plate for the bonus modifier would probably counteract the loss, though I can't say for sure since I haven't mucked around with the latest builds.

Unless it was changed since the version in the .8 packs redstone only seems to give a bonus of .05 speed for t2 tools, compared to .08 for tier 1.
If you don't like GT, don't use it. There really isn't a reason to moan and complain about something that doesn't affect you.
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