Greg's done it again.

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Could someone post all of these recipes changes he's made? I've heard there's new recipes for planks and the enchantment table. I don't really feel like infecting my computer with GT, he might start nerfing my other games! :eek:
The new ones I've noticed are iron/gold tools needing the GT tools and logs yielding 2 planks w/o a saw(the same for sticks too, btw.)
It doesn't un-nerf plank creation. (Use a handsaw or only get two planks)
It doesn't un-nerf base-IC2 changes like requiring a wrench and refined iron plates to make a machine block. It doesn't un-nerf requiring plates for RE-batteries, tin cells, etc.

It's sad, because people spent so much time bitching about GT nerfs they never realized the mod is primarily a resource multiplier. More than the obvious 3x(plus) from the grinder, but the extra output recipes and the additions of new metals as basically extra-outputs like aluminum and tungsten that substituted for more common recipes. GT makes what you dig out of the ground go further.

With 3.10, the mod has jumped the shark. It's season 7, time to toddle off to the fan-cons.

The extra dusts or tiny dusts are used for GT only in most cases, so unless you are going to try use GT to its full you are getting no real resource multiplier considering the setup costs involved, its bit of a snow ball effect, EI you want to make A so you need make B, & B has an extra tiny output that can be used to make A, but required a lot so you have to make some overly complex system to gain XX amount of tiny dust & so on, often the same with cells, GT compliments no other mods, or to put plainly GT outputs are of no use in other mods, as the other mods have there own ore/resource multipliers, this is why I feel that GT is more of a stand alone mod (if an addon could be), with near all other mods in the main stream packs you can go one of three or four ways to resource multiply, & each compliments the other or at least can be interchangeable, GT stands out on its own & wants to force others to follow its lead, & be force I mean edit there recipes & try nerf there items & machines, this I hope will be met with strong opposition as was the case with the omniwrench.

But then again Doc I know your a die hard fan & will never change, thats fine but you must see that the players that GT is aimed at are moving away from the mod, weather more are coming to GT than are leaving I can not say, maybe its a case of ppl that have lost hope with GT are more vocal I just cant say but it sure looks like more & more are losing interest each time theres an update or another antic from the author, its a pity really I so liked GT at the start, dont you wish there was a do over button for some things.
The extra dusts or tiny dusts are used for GT only in most cases, so unless you are going to try use GT to its full you are getting no real resource multiplier considering the setup costs involved

This is silly.

Centrifuge+Lava - copper, tin and tungsten
Electrolyzer+Clay - Aluminium, titanium, silicon

Aluminium is an option to replace iron - effectively extending the resource of iron in many recipes. Titanium does the same. Titanium, Tungsten, and Silicon all are part of recipe output increases.

He's gone off the deep end recently, as I already said, but the primary result of installing GT is that resources increase but not in a looped, duping, manner like some other mods. Which is what I said that you're replying too.

But then again Doc I know your a die hard fan & will never change, thats fine but you must see that the players that GT

You've just seriously proven that you are functionally illiterate, not even reading the message you replied to.
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What's important to note when comparing FC to Greg: BTW is ambitious, has a real release history, and he tends to finish most of the features he starts. Greg still can't bring himself to admit what he really wants is a total conversion mod. Until he does, GT will always feel awkward.

As much as I detest FC's social skills and reasons for leaving forge and general design philosophy, I have to agree that he did take an ambitious project and made it feature-complete as he went along. I've played many different versions of BTW, from the pre-split version to the BC-compatibility patch to the more recent versions with hardcore everything. It's never felt half-finished even in its transitional phases. It's almost an anti-magic block conversion while GT is the ultimate magic block mod.

But, for all the hate I'm willing to heap on FC and BTW, the buoyancy mechanic for the water sorting system is a work of freaking genius far above anything in you will ever find in GT.
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This actually sums up my issue with the idea of GT as hardmode, as none of those things are hard.
Am I the only person who thought of the vMC TNT based player launchers that were big in the minecraft 1.3.5 era when reading this?
I agree. It's eluded me why folks think modded minecraft should be hard. I started with mods to ease mining so that I could build. I got intrigued because of the challenge of creating Rube Goldberg systems. I never wanted mind numbing tedium. I can branch mine in vanilla for that.

Also the only thing I thought reading his shark mod reply was how many people simply don't understand the "jumping the shark" reference, let alone know of the show Happy Days.
It's eluded me why folks think modded minecraft should be hard. I started with mods to ease mining so that I could build. I got intrigued because of the challenge of creating Rube Goldberg systems. I never wanted mind numbing tedium. I can branch mine in vanilla for that.

Also the only thing I thought reading his shark mod reply was how many people simply don't understand the "jumping the shark" reference, let alone know of the show Happy Days.

Oh I'm quite aware of the meaning of jumping the shark and its origins as the scene in which the Fonz literally jumps a shark which most people agree was the point where Happy Days was all downhill from there, I simply think a silly mod to enable the jumping of sharks in Minecraft would be terribly fun.
It's eluded me why folks think modded minecraft should be hard. I started with mods to ease mining so that I could build. I got intrigued because of the challenge of creating Rube Goldberg systems. I never wanted mind numbing tedium. I can branch mine in vanilla for that.

Yeah, it's true. :^/ Too much is self contained in many magic blocks to really need rube goldberg machines for most tasks. I also find the server lag of most rube goldberg machines to be a deterrent to building them.

Also the only thing I thought reading his shark mod reply was how many people simply don't understand the "jumping the shark" reference, let alone know of the show Happy Days.

Sad, but true.
This is silly.

Centrifuge+Lava - copper, tin and tungsten
Electrolyzer+Clay - Aluminium, titanium, silicon

Aluminium is an option to replace iron - effectively extending the resource of iron in many recipes. Titanium does the same. Titanium, Tungsten, and Silicon all are part of recipe output increases.

He's gone off the deep end recently, as I already said, but the primary result of installing GT is that resources increase but not in a looped, duping, manner like some other mods. Which is what I said that you're replying too.

You've just seriously proven that you are functionally illiterate, not even reading the message you replied to.

Selective quoting & insulting is the way you wish to reply fine, have at it but I will not follow suit, plus you seemed to have missed the point, oh never mind.
Selective quoting & insulting is the way you wish to reply fine, have at it but I will not follow suit, plus you seemed to have missed the point, oh never mind.

Selective reading, like you engage in is worse. Because then you pretend contrary statements to the false point you're trying to force were never made.

I just expect people to hit the up arrow if they want the full replied-to message. You pretend the words never existed at all.
DoctorOr and Egor66, you have put in your opinion about the subject. If you want to continue this conversation, please do it in a PM. I can't be the only one aggravated by the de-railment.

I am really getting irked at Greg. His machines are great, and some of the nerfs did make sense, but I am getting annoyed that he is effecting things outside of his mod. The idea that we have to jump through 10 hoops to just get a simple iron tool is ridiculous. I'm a big Forestry person, and his nerf on bronze has annoyed me the most. 4 ingots go in and all we get back is 1 bronze ingot? It basically forces you to use his mod, even though I normally wouldn't be touching it.
He's gone off the deep end recently, as I already said, but the primary result of installing GT is that resources increase but not in a looped, duping, manner like some other mods. Which is what I said that you're replying too.

This is a cold hard fact and one of the reason I used to like GT. Doctor here is not saying the current trend and update to GT is not pant on head stupid. What he is saying and is vary true even if your only partially using GT is that it has the effect of making your ores and mats last longer. As pointed out many of the tiny piles or side products form GT systems act as replacements to other things making what you have basicly effective more.
Selective quoting & insulting is the way you wish to reply fine, have at it but I will not follow suit, plus you seemed to have missed the point, oh never mind.

It would help if you didn't say this after misrepresenting what he said 180 degrees turned.
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DoctorOr and Egor66, you have put in your opinion about the subject. If you want to continue this conversation, please do it in a PM. I can't be the only one aggravated by the de-railment.

I am really getting irked at Greg. His machines are great, and some of the nerfs did make sense, but I am getting annoyed that he is effecting things outside of his mod. The idea that we have to jump through 10 hoops to just get a simple iron tool is ridiculous. I'm a big Forestry person, and his nerf on bronze has annoyed me the most. 4 ingots go in and all we get back is 1 bronze ingot? It basically forces you to use his mod, even though I normally wouldn't be touching it.

You know, this is something I feel Tinkers Construct does far better than Gregtech, it makes it more complicated to make tools, but it balances this because A: making the tools made in this fashion much better than the vanilla versions and B: the vanilla options are still available without having to bother tinkering with the configs, if you'd rather make a plain old stone pick with two sticks and three cobble there's absolutely nothing to stop you. And it doesn't override anything from other mods, you can make a thaumium pick the same way you always have, or you can make a Tinkers Construct pick with a thaumium handle and binding, a manamana head, and an IC2 battery and have yourself a lovely pick perfectly suited to your magitech MO.
You know, this is something I feel Tinkers Construct does far better than Gregtech, it makes it more complicated to make tools, but it balances this because A: making the tools made in this fashion much better than the vanilla versions and B: the vanilla options are still available without having to bother tinkering with the configs, if you'd rather make a plain old stone pick with two sticks and three cobble there's absolutely nothing to stop you. And it doesn't override anything from other mods, you can make a thaumium pick the same way you always have, or you can make a Tinkers Construct pick with a thaumium handle and binding, a manamana head, and an IC2 battery and have yourself a lovely pick perfectly suited to your magitech MO.
Wait, you can make tinkers tools out of thaumium parts?
Wait, you can make tinkers tools out of thaumium parts?

In the recent dev builds, yes, also shortbows and arrows. Thaumium acts similar to paper, giving up to +2 modifiers for either having a full thaumium tool (if it requires three parts or less) or a tool with at least three thaumium parts (if it requires four parts or more.) So, for example, a cleaver made with a thaumium rod, plate, and binding would have two additional mod slots while one made with only two thaumium parts would have +1 I believe.
DoctorOr and Egor66, you have put in your opinion about the subject. If you want to continue this conversation, please do it in a PM. I can't be the only one aggravated by the de-railment.

I am really getting irked at Greg. His machines are great, and some of the nerfs did make sense, but I am getting annoyed that he is effecting things outside of his mod. The idea that we have to jump through 10 hoops to just get a simple iron tool is ridiculous. I'm a big Forestry person, and his nerf on bronze has annoyed me the most. 4 ingots go in and all we get back is 1 bronze ingot? It basically forces you to use his mod, even though I normally wouldn't be touching it.

Actually the bronze is a nerf that the author of forestry did just FYI
In beta v8 smelter does not except thaumium ingots, as parts need to be poured into casts, TC parts are out for now.[DOUBLEPOST=1373849637][/DOUBLEPOST]1 tin ingot, 3 copper ingots still = 4 bronze ingots in v8
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