GrayCraft|Latest FTB A|Whitelisted Mature PvE

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
Hey, I'd like to apply.

IGN: _Zap_
Age: just turned 18, luckily.
Ever been banned: No. I don't hack, cheat or grief, so I don't expect this to change either.
Skype, TS³: I have TS and a client that connects to Skype, too.

It's probably worth mentioning that I don't have much experience with FtB yet. I'd understand if you don't want a newb on the server, but I'm growing sick of playing alone and learning with and from others should be more fun as well.
In the past I wasn't particulary active on servers, mostly due to the fact that it seems like there are hordes of annoying kids and all kinds of bad people out there. That's the reason why I choose to apply here, too.

Hope you consider me :)
1: Higginsadm
2: Age: 21
3: Have you ever been banned before? No
4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? both, prefer ts3
Minecraft Name? miixzn
2. Age? 23
3: Have you ever been banned before? No i have never been banned before on any game what so ever. (:
4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? No i only have skype installed at the moment, but if you need me to get TS i will get it as soon as possible.

Thanks for your time,
1. Minecraft Name: Naolas
2. Age: 29
3. Have you ever been banned before? -- No
4. Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? -- Prefer TS3. Could set up Skype if necessary.
1: Minecraft Name TheKoyaa
2: Age 20
3: Have you ever been banned before? No
4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? Yes, Skype
Minecraft name - Brewster1972
Age - 40
Banned : no
Reason for joining - This looks like a good fit as far as age an maturity go.
I have Skype.

reason for editing - had to pick up my wife from work
Minecraft Name: bigbass1997

Age (my wife and I will ask to speak to you on skype or teamspeak to verify): 15, Although I understand and respect your rule saying you only allow 18+ players into your server I still would like to try. (read age note at bottom of post)

Have you ever been banned before: Yes, an old vanilla MC server I was on. They had banned me because the owner was a 12 year old kid who didnt care about his staff and thought I was giving away items to other people. I can not say for certain that this is the only server since I could have been banned and forgot or never even knew that I was.

Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3 (You do not need to put your skype name here): My Skype Username is, bigbass1997. I also have TeamSpeak installed.

Note about my age:
I completely understand that you and your wife only want 18+ people to be on your server and as I said above, I respect that, BUT I would like you to at least talk with me on skype/teamspeak before you make your final decision. At least give me a chance to prove that I am mature enough to be accepted. So, please consider allowing me onto your server before you completely ignore me.
1: _Walrus
2: I'm 19 and would be able to get on a Teamspeak server or Skype.
3: Nope!
4: I have both of them.
( Sorry if the application's a bit short - I guess I'm more of a quality > quantity kind of guy. Also sorry if I was supposed to leave the questions in the response. )
1: Minecraft Name masterninjaa​
2: Age 19​
3: Have you ever been banned before? nope​
4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? both​
i have experience in a few of the mods. I'm looking for a good friendly server that doesn't reset every other month. Glad to see mature people running a server instead of 12-yr-olds :)
just wondering will there be a way to lock doors, chest, machines, ect and a way to protect land like towny?(from mobs and people)​
1: Minecraft Name : Greathos (Greh thos)
2: Age : 29
3: Have you ever been banned before? : I started on a server called Road to Fortune but had some serious lag issues and tried a new server. When I went back to Road to Fortune I was unable to log in due to an apparent use of Xray. This however did not happen.
4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? : I have used TS3 in the past and could download it again.
Thank you for your consideration
1: Minecraft Name lazythirdeye
2: Age 24
3: Have you ever been banned before? no
4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? i have both and id for both are lazythirdeye
1: Minecraft Name NVW00
2: Age 31
3: Have you ever been banned before? No
4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? Skype but can install TeamSpeak3 no problems if necessary.
I'm really looking for a friendly server that doesn't have griefing or PVP. Looking for a nice community that has a chat and plays the game
1: Minecraft Name- Juicestin
2: Age (my wife and I will ask to speak to you on skype or teamspeak to verify)- 19
3: Have you ever been banned before? Nope
4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? (You do not need to put your skype name here) - Yes i have skype.
1: Minecraft Name - Recyrexor
2: Age - 24
3: I have never been banned, but have left servers on bad notes. Usually because the server was run by 12 year olds.
4: I have teamspeak. I haven't used it in . . I don't know how long. Although I don't usually use voice chat anyway. Prefer to type. I guess I could share my facebook page if need be.

I am rather new to FTB. I watch Vintagebeef from Mindcrack alot and they just recently started this modpack, which is what got me to try this out. Playing with others would be a much more fun way to learn how all this hulabalu works lol.
Apologies to everyone that had to wait from Saturday until now, my wife and I have been incredibly busy and I got sidetracked playing WoW, we've read the apps posted since then and have already chosen who to whitelist if you don't receive a message in the next 10-15 minutes then sorry, we did not accept your application.
1: Minecraft Name: jdreeve
2: Age: 32
3: Have you ever been banned before? Nope
4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? TS3