GrayCraft|Latest FTB A|Whitelisted Mature PvE

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
1: Minecraft Name: Thaile4ever
2: Age: 27
3: Have you ever been banned before? no
4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? Both, but perfer Teamspeak just because of the push to talk.
1: Minecraft Name: arallak​
2: Age: 30​
3: Have you ever been banned before? never.​
4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? Yes.​
In-game name: odenite
Age: 34 in another week
banned?:never been banned
Do I have Skype or Teamspeak: Yes, skype
1: Minecraft Name - soyjuicesux
2: Age - 28 (29 next monday)
3: Have you ever been banned before? - nope never
4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? (You do not need to put your skype name here) - I have both
1. Minecraft Name? PontusLundh
2. Age? 24
3: Have you ever been banned before? No, I'm a new player currently looking for a mature and friendly realm to settle on. Although I've had time to play around with FTB hosting a local server.
4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? Yes I do have both of these VOIP services installed (:

Thanks for your time, kind regards.
Thanks for all of the applications so far, if you haven't received a pm from me by now I'm afraid we did not accept your application.
Actually yours was accepted soyjuice I just didn't send you a message because I forgot to send yours. Sorry mate you've been allowed on for the last hour or so.
1: Minecraft Name: Democretes​
2: Age (my wife and I will ask to speak to you on skype or teamspeak to verify[If your application says that you're under 18 my wife and I will probably just ignore it, we do not want to babysit or to massage teenager-egos.]): 17​
3: Have you ever been banned before?: Not once.​
4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? (You do not need to put your skype name here): I do have Teamspeak3 and I can also get on Skype if you would prefer that and I would be plenty willing to talk with you.​
I've looked through your posts and I'm aware you are not fond of people under the age of 18, ( I honestly don't blame you there.) but I've really been looking for a small server that I could get into and play on with people who aren't immature kids but are still looking for a good time. I kindly ask you to at least give me and the other youngsters out there who are actually willing to go through a personal interview with someone to get on your server. I hope to get a reply from you soon, thank you for your time.​
My deepest regards,​
1, IGN: MartinThorning
2, Age: 30
3, Have you ever been banned before?: uhm, yes :) sadly, yesterday I got banned due to some sort of technical problems. The admin of "Feast thy badger" claimed I alone was draining 3-4 times the CPU load of a "normal" user and gave me no chance to sort it out. I was immidetly banned and so now I'm now looking for a new server. There had also been some issues with me and some other guys placing quarries even though they where in fact banned (I had heard otherwise, and I immidetly removed them after hearing about it). I hope this won't haunt me and taint my account forever :) I always feel it best to be honest and straight. In contrast I have played on Swedens biggest regular vanilla server for a long long time and they can easily vouch for me. I'm a nice guy and skilled mindcrafter/redstoner. I'm a father of a 1,5 year old son, working as a teacher, happily married etc...
4, Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3?: Yes
1: Minecraft Name: yawinsum
2: Age: 29
3: Have you ever been banned before?: No Sir
4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3?: Yes I have both.
1: Minecraft Name: pillbox
2: Age: 30
3: Have you ever been banned before?: Nope
4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3?: Yep
1: Minecraft Name - Axed713​
2: Age - 23​
3: Have you ever been banned before? - No​
4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? I primarily use Mumble and I do have Skype installed. I wouldn't have a problem with using Teamspeak.​
1: Minecraft Name: Ragnar_Ulf
2: Age: 32
3: Have you ever been banned before? No
4: Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? Yes, I have skype. I can easily get and install teamspeak.

I have played minecraft for a while, mostly modded. I have built extensively, mostly underground, and on mountain tops. I tend to be rather dwarvish in nature, when it comes to minecraft. Some of these mods in this pack are new to me, others such as build craft and rail craft I have used before. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
1. My IGN is: Jodli
2. I just turned 25 last week.
3. I have not.
4. I use Skype a lot but TS3 is also installed.
I'm half German and half Mexican so English is not my mother language but I think it's quite good however.
I'm currently studying Computer Science in University and I'm looking for a friendly and mature stable server for Minecraft to take some time off.
And because I'm really into technology and stuff it has to be FTB.
Thanks for reading! ;)