Whitelist Server GFgaming [FTB Mindcrack v8.3.2 [25 slots] [Anti-Grief] [PvE][Nothing disabled]

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Username: Chocochomper97
Age(Optional): 16
Experience with mods?: Well, yes, i am Top possible rank on the Tekkit server.
Do you accept our rules?:Yes, haven't broken a single rule on the tekkit server before either.
Experience with mods?:I have played on the tekkit lite server for a while now
Do you accept our rules?:Yes, I ACCEPT!
Username: mrminer84403
Experience with mods?:I have played various modpacks and manually installed mods for over a year now. I used to play on LoS but either the server is offline or the details are incorrect.
Do you accept our rules?: I accept the rules and understand the consequences.

Can't resolve hostname
Experience with mods? 1 year with tekkit
do you accept our rules? yes
Username: Sweetoburrito
Age(Optional): 17
Experience with mods?: Buildcraft, IC
Do you accept our rules?: Of course

Username: Volkin27
Age(Optional): 17
Experience with mods?: BUildcraft, IC
Do you accept our rules?: YES!

Experience with mods?: I have played with the mods for a long time now so i know most all of them pretty well.
Do you accept our rules?: Yes
Username: IXMessyXI
Age(Optional): 19
Experience with mods?: Nothing special. Hoping to learn more on FTB but need a server without many restrictions.
Do you accept our rules?:Yes.
Username: AlusVita
Age(Optional): 25
Experience with mods?: i know most of that mods since the beginning.
Do you accept our rules?: Yes.
Username: jojinator97
Age(Optional): 16
Experience with mods?: Yes. Feed the beast for as long as it's been out, and technic since about halfway through IT'S lifespan.
Do you accept our rules?: Yesh
Username: squishey123
Age(Optional): 16
Experience with mods?: Been playing tekkit lite since it was released, tekkit/technic in general for at least a year.
Do you accept our rules?: Always
Username: pinkflamingojj
Age(Optional): 16
Experience with mods?: been playing ftb for 6 mounts at least, prettty experienced
Do you accept our rules?: yes i accept
Im signing up 2 people me and my friend.
Username: kanley
Age(Optional): 14
Experience with mods?: Good played FTB for 4 months and I have played from late alpha
Do you accept our rules?: Yes
Username: joshuaong
Age(Optional): 14
Experience with mods?: Good has played tekkit and FTB for 2 months each and minecraft from early beta
Do you accept our rules?: Yes

Username: Pr0Racing
Age(Optional): 18
Experience with mods?: FTB Mindcrack, Tekkit Classic, Technic
Do you accept our rules?: Yes
Username: Kish30
Experience with mods?: Have been playing FTB for a long time
Do you accept our rules?: yes i accept
Username: jabba687

Age(Optional): 20

Experience with mods?: Played with most of them in Tekkit Classic, know most of them inside out.

Do you accept our rules?: Yes, I accept the rules and will abide by them.