GDD|Craft [Direwolf] [Whitelist] [No Lag] [24/7] [12+]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
Years playing Minecraft? 3
Have you been banned? yes, i have been banned for not sharing my mob trap to a owner ( he was a ass hole )
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) Nopee
Other information: i have been playing with mods a few years now, and it is realy hard to find a good direwolf20 server but this seems as a god one
Username: vahva
Years playing Minecraft? a few years... Started just before Beta
Have you been banned? No
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) No
Other information: I'm wanting to try the Direwolf20's Modpack on a multiplayer server, and I have basic knowledge of the mods :cool:
Username: stefanon
Age: 17
Years playing Minecraft? 3 years
Have you been banned? Never
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) Nope
Other information: I relatively new to FTB but I would like to play it and start a let's play on youtube but on a server rather than single player
Username: Spextrums
Age: 17
Years playing Minecraft?: 1.5 ish?
Have you been banned?: never
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist): Nope, I just hope no-one griefs me
Other information: Pretty familiar with all the mods, once I've set myself up, I'd be glad to help everyone out
Years playing Minecraft? about 2 years now
Have you been banned? nope
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) no i just want to play the game and with that not disturb other players playing the game
Other information: i am from the netherlands
Username: Taha1999
Age: 13
Years playing Minecraft? About one and a Half
Have you been banned? Never
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) No Way!
Other information: -I have been moderator on servers before. - I am familiar with some of the mods used. - I am quite good of a builder.
Username: shaunishere1
Age: 20
Years playing Minecraft? about 2
Have you been banned? nope
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) never.
Other information: still exploring some mods (thaumcraft mostly)
Years playing Minecraft 2
Have you been banned: ONe time it was when i left my Engines on that Strict Server :(
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) I dont like to Grief i want to make lotsa Friends and build awesome Things
Other information:I Don't like Working alone but if i have to i will
PS: why is your Server 1.3
Direwolf Pack is 1.4.6
Username: Shivy011
Age: 17
Years playing Minecraft? About 2/3
Have you been banned? Nope
Will you like to grief: I have always been against griefing. There's no reasoning to it!
Other information: I know a fair amount about a lot of the mods in the pack, such as BC, IC2 and Red Power.
Thanks :)
Username: Cha0tixz
Age: 17
Years playing Minecraft? 2.5 years
Have you been banned? MCbans says i am an alternate acount of croatbag, but i have no idea who that is. I think someone hacked my mc acount once or it must have been an bug.
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) I hate griefers, so i am not going to grief
Other information: Friend of shivy011 :)
Username: wildcries80
Age: 20
Years playing Minecraft? 2 years currently
Have you been banned? Never.
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) Absolutely not.
Other information: Looking for a good community where I can play with other people while learning how to use some of the newer mods.
Username: PepsimaxL
Years playing Minecraft? one year and a half
Have you been banned? Yes
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) I wont grief, i used to grief like a year ago but i have growen up from that stuff.
Other information: I love building and making complex & easy machines. i usually dont build a nice house at the beggining but once i get more materials etc. i make it look nice =) Im also very familliar with most of the most.
BTW: My english Isent exactly the best cause english is my 3rd laungauge.
Username: Mucanius
Age: 16
Years playing Minecraft? I've been playing Minecraft since Alpha
Have you been banned? No, never.
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist)
Other information: I can build pretty and realy neat things also I'm a lot into redstone and I started to learn programming but I can have some help ;DD.
Username: fizzgigg1
Age: 15
Years playing Minecraft? 2 almost 3
Have you been banned? No sir
Will you like to grief? No
Other information: I am fairly mature, a freshman in highschool but I am taking advanced math classes and have all honors classes except for history and art. I have a dry sense of humor and sarcasm but keep it polite, not racist or sexist. I have been a part of a vinilla community for a year and a half and have only got kicked once even though it is one of the strictest servers. I wanted a change from vinella and am bored of singleplayer so I wanted to meet a new community and see how much I can help out.
Username: StrykDem
Age: 16
Years playing Minecraft? 2 Years
Have you been banned? Nope
Will you like to grief? Why would I waste my time applying for a whitelist if I wanted to grief? No... I won't
Other information: I want to start from scratch and learn some new building techniques that look good for SMP use.
OP updated
please note that in the beta period the server address will be but after out old server gets shutdown it will become just
Ultriix,Dyckannu,chilledchaos924,Mr_ExCiTe,Shablo5,tyNiee,Gallanoth,Manuel033 and ManuCow are in the process of being added to the whitelist.

Hi Zbayne!

I cant seem to log in, it says im not whitelisted using

Is everything still ok to come on? Also I registered on the GDD forum, do I need to link and get citazenship once on the server like it says above?

Many Thanks!

Ultriix (MC Username with capital U)
Username: factorcore
Age: 28
Years playing Minecraft? 2
Have you been banned? Never.
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist): Griefless
Other information: I am also adept with Java, SQL, HTML, Lua. Working knowledge of cloud architectures, dynamically allocated resources etc.
Looking for a server to play and grow with. PM me for further details :D
Username: BlueWolf
Age: 19
Years playing Minecraft? 3
Have you been banned? No.
Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) No.
Other information:
Username: Rantz
Age: 15
Years playing Minecraft? Since alpha or something - way before beta.
Have you been banned? By trolls and abusive admins.
Will you like to grief? No
Other information: