Yes the server is set to hardIs the game difficulty set to hard?
Yes the server is set to hardIs the game difficulty set to hard?
Why would you like to join?: Dont want to play this mod alone.
How much time, do you think you will spend on the server/teamspeak? About 3 hours a day.
What experiences do you have with MC/FTB? Playing mc since 1.4(wolf update), and tekkit classic.
What other games do you play?: LoL
Any comments or questions?: Is there any house protection plugin like towny or factions? If no could you add?
All items and mods are enabledIGN:netty16
Why would you like to join?:I would like to play along side others and play in a peaceful and relaxing environment of mature community, being previously on a gaming community, it would be nice to play with others in other games as well.
How much time, do you think you will spend on the server/teamspeak? I play daily ranging form 1 to maybe all day, depending on my work shifts
What experiences do you have with MC/FTB? I have been playing MC since Alpha, and FTB for over a year now, great in the Technic side of the pack and currently exploring the Magical side of the pack.
What other games do you play?: I play ESO, Planetside 2, LoL, CS:GO,WoT, MC
Any comments or questions?: Is there any banned items or mods? Hope to play with you all soon
Age: 24
Why would you like to join?: Looking to join people in game. I've been playing solo and it gets rather lonely.
How much time, do you think you will spend on the server/teamspeak? little to start, I'm quite the sarcastic pain in the butt. so I keep my mouth shut until people know me. Server almost daily
What experiences do you have with MC/FTB? been playing MC since 1.2. jumped to the XBLA version when it came out, and came back to pc after watching Dire play some FTB
What other games do you play?: ESO, Watchdogs, titanfall, been focused mainly on MC though
Any comments or questions?: None that come to mind
GN : nik_xyz
Age : 18
Minecraft Expertice : 3years play mincraft only with direwolf20
Why you want to join : im just looking for good server without lag and nice community im a student a travel between iran and brazil
I've added you to the whitelist. Adding another mod would need everyone else to download and install the mod in their own instance.IGN: Dem0n123
Age: 18
Why would you like to join?: I'm starting to play minecraft again after about 6 months and playing with other people/ making friends is always best
How much time, do you think you will spend on the server/teamspeak? depends on work i work 40-60 hours a week with a crazy schedule but probably 10 hours+ on a bad week
What experiences do you have with MC/FTB? before i left i had a good understanding of all popular-semi popular mods, been refreshing but not totally caught up yet.
What other games do you play?: League of leegnds, path of exile, titanfall(a bit), binding of isaac and other such small steam games.
Any comments or questions?: Do we have many people that are split up into teams to build? Also idk how the FTB laucher works now but would adding carpenter blocks be too hard? (require special download by everybody) because its such a fun mod to build with but no big deal :3.
Welcome to the server. The problem with adding another mod is, every other player has to install it on their launcher too. Thats not that easy for everyone, sorry.IGN: outspokensaint
Age: 23
Why would you like to join?: trying to find a good server to met new people to play with
How much time, do you think you will spend on the server/teamspeak? every day for 1 to 4 hours
What experiences do you have with MC/FTB? been playing ftb since 1.4.7
What other games do you play?: Watchdogs, cod, banished, and sim city all for the pc
Any comments or questions?: If I do get in is there anyway to get blood magic on the server there are no id problems ... and it is a epic mod... If not no big deal![]()
Welcome on board. Its a VPSIGN: stafkew
Age: 36
Why would you like to join?: I'm looking for a server to play on with as little banned items as possible
How much time, do you think you will spend on the server/teamspeak? i usually play a few hours when i'm online. I will not be online every day, just when it fits my schedule.
What experiences do you have with MC/FTB? Been playing and hosting server for a few years now. My time has gotten too limited to host servers anymore so now i just want to play and enjoy the game.
What other games do you play?: RPG/FPS
Any comments or questions?: Is it your own server or a vps that you hire? Just curious
Added to the whitelist. have fun!Posting for my friend
IGN: Ninanesbitt
Age: 21
Why would you like to join?: I'm looking for a server to play on and play with Stallion27.
How much time, do you think you will spend on the server/teamspeak? Whenever i can.
What experiences do you have with MC/FTB? Minecraft a year or two and feed the beast very little.
What other games do you play?: CounterStrike/FPS
Any comments or questions?: None.
Why would you like to join?:Looking for some nice modded MC for after a 9-5 work day.
How much time, do you think you will spend on the server/teamspeak?: I will get on when I can, I might not every single day but ill be a usual.
What experiences do you have with MC/FTB?:Been playing MC since alpha and now all I do is play modded MC.
What other games do you play?:ALL OF THEM.
IGN: shadowquinn1974
Age: 40
Why would you like to join?: Always on the look out for server with players that love to talk to each other and have fun
How much time, do you think you will spend on the server/teamspeak? 5/6 hours a day easy
What experiences do you have with MC/FTB? been playingthem since 1.2.5
What other games do you play?:Elder scrolls online, LOL, WOW, daoc, theres a lot
Any comments or questions?:Nope just hoping to check you guys out and maybe find a new home to play on.