The people of Thraben were quite unsettled today by the reports from other areas of Innistrad, combined with the sudden and unexpected howling in the night last night. They quickly picked up their torches and pitchforks, singled out
bigdbigd03, a sketchy-looking character that somebody had seen rooting around in the graveyard, and led him straight to the gallows. Later investigation of his workshop revealed a bunch of metal discs with weird runes engraved in them and an unusually large stockpile of what appeared to be partially-disassembled human corpses, but no trace of fur. A necromancer, maybe, but not a werewolf.
Not long after sunset, just after the half-moon rose above the horizon, a great deal of commotion was heard in one of the houses. Startled cathars rushed to the scene, but by the time they got there,
RealKC and
profrags were already dead. Real's collar of Avacyn was evidently not enough to protect him from profrags' vampiric fangs.
Later that night, a piercing howl was heard coming from somewhere inside Thraben proper, followed by a series of confused barks and pained yips. Nobody was quite sure exactly where those sounds came from, but nobody turned up dead the next day, so I guess that's a success?
- Bigdbigd03 was lynched! He was a Havengul Runebinder!
- RealKC died protecting somebody! He was a Midvast Protector!
- profrags was slain by a Midvast Protector! He was a Fiend of the Shadows!
As a reminder, ghosting in this game is strictly prohibited. You three have other ways of contacting the living.
The Moon sets, the Sun rises, and Day 2 begins!