[Game Thread] MoonWolf 2

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Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Life seemed to be going pretty well, at least as far as life goes in Thraben. Sure, there's the odd geist floating around and the occasional ghoul shambling down the streets, but the cathars have generally been doing a pretty good job of keeping the more serious threats out of the city.

However, in the past few weeks, more and more reports have been coming in of strange happenings all across Innistrad. In Kessig, the werewolves are becoming bolder, attacking the human towns more frequently and in larger numbers. In Stensia, more and more people have been found dead in their homes, pale and drained of blood. In Nephalia, undead are swarming in larger numbers than anyone remembers. And Avacyn... nobody's seen a feather of the archangel in nearly a month.

All across the world of Innistrad, the various Avacynian charms and wards are failing. And even here, in the town of Thraben, in the province of Gavony, late last night, as the full moon was beginning to set, you all awoke to a piercing howl that shook the night.


Roles & Rules
End of Day

  1. Robijnvogel
  2. erindalc
  3. Pyure
  4. IDKboybigdbigd03
  5. 016Nojr
  6. Vikestep
  7. profrags
  8. RealKC
  9. Shazam08
  10. Lethosos
  11. Victini
If you are not in the above list, please do not post on this thread. The next game will likely start in a week or so; you can join it then.

If you are in the above list, do not post on this thread yet either. I'm currently handing out roles; when that is done, I will let you all know.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
All roles have been sent out.

Day 1 will end in about 45.5 hours, assuming that I have access to the Internet at that time.

Let the game... BEGIN!


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
Has the day begun? (Oh wait, it hasn't)

If so, no-one will blame me for voting myself as some kind of antismite, because I am about to go to sleep right now. (I actually opened my laptop for a second to post this then dive into bed.)
I will actually try to be an active and helpful person after I've gotten a good night's sleep.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey, we've got 40 hours left of D1 and this is as good a topic as any.

There are fifteen roles (not counting Gravecrawler) and eleven players in this game. Which four do you think SE cut?
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Reactions: Bigdbigd03


Well this is going to be a long day... I guess I'm going to Vote Bigd/idkboy


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I said I'd say when I'm a wolf, but these dang gms won't let me.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
You just practically wolf-claimed by telling us the GMs would not allow you to unveil your role as a wolf...