Whitelist Server Fusion-Craft|Ultimate|White list|Grief Prev|1.1.2|TS3|Keep items on death|Essentials

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Forum name: Kyuzou
In-Game Name: KyuzouMiki
Age: 22
Country: US
Have you ever been banned? why? I banned myself on my own server for testing purposes other then that, no.
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Hmmm, Define a superhero or villain. I wouldn't pick any that are well known. The guy you should be afraid of is the one you know nothing about. My superhero/villain would be neither. He would be a neutral party member. Someone who just does what he does. Ya know? That guy trying to be like everyone else so he doesn't stand out. Why would I be this person? Because I feel no need to stand out. I prefer to be left alone and do not like publicity. There's nothing special about me and if there was I sure wouldn't broadcast it in this world. I'd be the governments new science project. Never to see the light of day again. Helping here and there if fine. But I prefer not to be known as a title. Just a person, like everyone else. Just my opinion.
You have been added, welcome please check out fusion-craft.org for more.
Whitelist Application:
All applications are researched heavily. Be honest or you will be denied.
Forum name: Nevercry
In-Game Name: Nevercry
Age: 14 (as you have said, age is not a valid measurement of maturity) "Last of all please have common sense and understand maturity isn't an age, it is a mindset."
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned? why? Not to my knowledge. If I have, only because of stupid reasons like the server owner not knowing how to whitelist, so he bans everyone who joins.
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Of course spiderman because I just watched that movie and it is the first name that popped in my head.
Whitelist Application:
All applications are researched heavily. Be honest or you will be denied.
Forum name: Nevercry
In-Game Name: Nevercry
Age: 14 (as you have said, age is not a valid measurement of maturity) "Last of all please have common sense and understand maturity isn't an age, it is a mindset."
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned? why? Not to my knowledge. If I have, only because of stupid reasons like the server owner not knowing how to whitelist, so he bans everyone who joins.
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Of course spiderman because I just watched that movie and it is the first name that popped in my head.

You have been added - welcome to the server! Be sure to check out www.fusion-craft.org for daily contest information and server updates.
Whitelist Application:
Forum name: Zafir
In-Game Name: XxXDarkxKiraXxX
Age: 17
Country: United States
Have you ever been banned? why? Nope
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I would be Beast Boy, come on who doesn't like turning into any animal or monster at anytime?
Whitelist Application:
Forum name: Zafir
In-Game Name: XxXDarkxKiraXxX
Age: 17
Country: United States
Have you ever been banned? why? Nope
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I would be Beast Boy, come on who doesn't like turning into any animal or monster at anytime?

Zafir, You have been added, Welcome to Fusion Craft. Please take some time to have a look at our website www.fusion-craft.org Where you'll find contest and server information and updates!
Forum name KiwiAngus
In-game name kiwiangus
Age 13 I am mature and would really like to have a server were I can just play FTB
Have you ever been banned? Why? I haven't been banned
If you could be any superhero or villain who would it be and why? Batman because he's awesome helps out the people of Gotham and all his high tech gear would be awesome :)
Whitelist Application:
Forum name: Syko42
In-Game Name: Syko42
Age: 22
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned? why? No I respect others work.
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Multiple Man because there is not enough time in 1 day to do everything.
Whitelist Application:
Forum name: Syko42
In-Game Name: Syko42
Age: 22
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned? why? No I respect others work.
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Multiple Man because there is not enough time in 1 day to do everything.

You have been added - welcome to the server! Be sure to check out www.fusion-craft.org for daily contest information and server updates.
Forum name: Voilodion
In-Game Name: Voilodion
Age: 45
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned? Nope.
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Well, I actually already was a supervillain, aka the Insidious Professor Sansclue, until global warming melted off the top half of my secret arctic base. It's hard to keep perimeter lasers synced with water dripping on all the control terminals, you know? Not to mention superheroes avoiding the shark tunnel by just flying in through the top.
I'm applying with Noncomposmentis, & we'll be working together, assuming we're both accepted in. Cheers!
Forum name: noncomposmentis
In-Game Name: noncomposmentis
Age: 30
Country: US
Have you ever been banned? why? Nope. I'm friendly.
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Professor X. Runs a cool school for superheroes and can zap your mind. :)
Forum name: Voilodion
In-Game Name: Voilodion
Age: 45
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned? Nope.
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Well, I actually already was a supervillain, aka the Insidious Professor Sansclue, until global warming melted off the top half of my secret arctic base. It's hard to keep perimeter lasers synced with water dripping on all the control terminals, you know? Not to mention superheroes avoiding the shark tunnel by just flying in through the top.
I'm applying with Noncomposmentis, & we'll be working together, assuming we're both accepted in. Cheers!

Forum name: noncomposmentis
In-Game Name: noncomposmentis
Age: 30
Country: US
Have you ever been banned? why? Nope. I'm friendly.
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Professor X. Runs a cool school for superheroes and can zap your mind. :)

You have both been added - welcome to the server! Be sure to check out www.fusion-craft.org for daily contest information and server updates.
In Game Name: CommanderCortes
Age: 16
Country: The United States of America
Have you ever been banned?: I should certainly think not! Why?: Because I respect other's property and integrity.
If you could be any super hero or villain, who would you be and why?: The Batman, as even without a suit, he is a suave martial arts expert with buckets of cash.
Note: I would like to be called "TheGentleman" on the server, if possible.
In Game Name: CommanderCortes
Age: 16
Country: The United States of America
Have you ever been banned?: I should certainly think not! Why?: Because I respect other's property and integrity.
If you could be any super hero or villain, who would you be and why?: The Batman, as even without a suit, he is a suave martial arts expert with buckets of cash.
Note: I would like to be called "TheGentleman" on the server, if possible.

You have been added, please see our forums here http://fusion-craft.org/index.php for more info, contests, and fun.
IGN: Smalttrain
Age: 19
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned? I have not.
If you could be a super hero, or villain, who would you be and why? : I would be inspector gadget because he's the man. I loved his versatility when dealing with problems. I also just loved his goofiness, but even with that, he still got the job done.
Forum name :Matt_O123
In-Game Name: Matt_O123 (not zero capital"o"
Country: U.S.A
Have you ever been banned? why? no
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Flash because i like the idea of running super fast.
Forum name :Matt_O123
In-Game Name: Matt_O123 (not zero capital"o"
Country: U.S.A
Have you ever been banned? why? no
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Flash because i like the idea of running super fast.
IGN: Smalttrain
Age: 19
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned? I have not.
If you could be a super hero, or villain, who would you be and why? : I would be inspector gadget because he's the man. I loved his versatility when dealing with problems. I also just loved his goofiness, but even with that, he still got the job done.

You have both been added - welcome to the server! Be sure to check out www.fusion-craft.org for daily contest information and server rules.
Forum name: Whisperduke
In-Game Name: .....Whisperduke ;-)
Age: 30
Country: United States (In the spot where people don't suck ....I hope) California.
Have you ever been banned? why? Negative. Not even a little bit.
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? A.M.A.Z.O. . An android created by Lex Luthor to defeat the Justice League. Started as a Villain. Evolved to be a good guy. Unstoppable and absolutely badass. Constantly evolving, changing, learning and improving. He will surpass all. I mean C'mon. He can steal your powers just by looking at you, can evolve to not have any weaknesses and simply develop powers of his own. He's a God at this point and has moved beyond corporeal realm I am sure.
Forum name: Whisperduke
In-Game Name: .....Whisperduke ;-)
Age: 30
Country: United States (In the spot where people don't suck ....I hope) California.
Have you ever been banned? why? Negative. Not even a little bit.
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? A.M.A.Z.O. . An android created by Lex Luthor to defeat the Justice League. Started as a Villain. Evolved to be a good guy. Unstoppable and absolutely badass. Constantly evolving, changing, learning and improving. He will surpass all. I mean C'mon. He can steal your powers just by looking at you, can evolve to not have any weaknesses and simply develop powers of his own. He's a God at this point and has moved beyond corporeal realm I am sure.

You have been added - welcome to the server! Be sure to check out www.fusion-craft.org for daily contest information and server rules.