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Forum name: Mavrl
In-Game Name: Mavrl
Age: Well past any requirement (I can tell in private if you like)
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned? why? Nope
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? The Black Widow. Gorgeous, smart, kick-ass fighter, remains calm in a pinch. What else could you ask for?
You have been added, check out fusion-craft.org for info contests and more :)
Forum name: chickenDESTROYER
In-Game Name: chickenDESTROYER
Age: 13
Country: United States
Have you ever been banned? (Vanilla yes) (Feed the beast No) why? I was banned on vanilla because I was younger and stupid
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Super hero because I don't like ruining peoples things, I like to help and I think its pointless to go making abunch of people mad.
P.S. Here is a link to the 2 servers I was banned on. One was real and the mcswaggers one was because I critisied the 12 yr/old owner http://www.mcbans.com/player/chickenDESTROYER

you actually have 3 bans, but i appreciate you telling us of the two you know of. However we have to deny your application because the bans are less then 1 year old, and include griefing, hacked client and being rude to staff. All which are not great traits to have no matter the mod pack. I wish you luck in the future.
Forum name: destoryfire
In-Game Name: destoryfire
Age: 22
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned? why? no
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Cant think of any really.
Forum name: destoryfire
In-Game Name: destoryfire
Age: 22
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned? why? no
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Cant think of any really.
you cant think of any superhero's or villians? I can think of hundreds off the top of my head, Dr. Fate, Batman, Superman, Wonder woman, green lantern, the atom, martian manhunter, red tornado, green arrow, shazzam... i could go on and on lol. Just try to look one up, it helps us know what kind of person you are and other things......... *rubs hands*
you cant think of any superhero's or villians? I can think of hundreds off the top of my head, Dr. Fate, Batman, Superman, Wonder woman, green lantern, the atom, martian manhunter, red tornado, green arrow, shazzam... i could go on and on lol. Just try to look one up, it helps us know what kind of person you are and other things......... *rubs hands*
not really what i meant, but there are the x-men, avengers, spider-man, other marvel heroes the dc ones you mentioned but not one i would be.
lol okie dokie, well ive added you to the server, check out fusion-craft.org for info contests and more :)
Forum name:Brimat
In-Game Name:Brimat
Country:KC, Mo USA
Have you ever been banned? why?NO
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why?One of the wonder Twins "Shape of " Just think of all that poteneial lol.
Forum name:Brimat
In-Game Name:Brimat
Country:KC, Mo USA
Have you ever been banned? why?NO
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why?One of the wonder Twins "Shape of " Just think of all that poteneial lol.

You have been added - welcome to the server! Be sure to check out www.fusion-craft.org for daily contest information and server rules.
Forum name:bluwolf05
In-Game Name:wolf_of_flames
Have you ever been banned? why?no
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why?theirs a few i guess venom or ghost rider venom would be cool to have all spidermans
powers and have a suit you don't have take off just change it appearance and ghostrider cause i'd love to have that motorcycle i wouldn't even mind the flames
Forum name:bluwolf05
In-Game Name:wolf_of_flames
Have you ever been banned? why?no
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why?theirs a few i guess venom or ghost rider venom would be cool to have all spidermans
powers and have a suit you don't have take off just change it appearance and ghostrider cause i'd love to have that motorcycle i wouldn't even mind the flames

Youve been added, check out fusion-craft.org for info contests and more
Forum name: skyblazer
In-Game Name: skyblazermk1
Age: 25
Country: Australia
Have you ever been banned? why? no
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? That wondering hero type who appears from time to time and helps out a lot of people and then leaves to return to being alone.
Forum name: skyblazer
In-Game Name: skyblazermk1
Age: 25
Country: Australia
Have you ever been banned? why? no
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? That wondering hero type who appears from time to time and helps out a lot of people and then leaves to return to being alone.

You have been added. Please check out www.fusion-craft.org for updates and info about contests.
Forum name:Snakob99
In-Game Name:snakob99
Have you ever been banned? why?No
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Probably Iron man because he started with nothing and ended up with tonnes of cool technology which he used to change the world
Forum name:Snakob99
In-Game Name:snakob99
Have you ever been banned? why?No
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Probably Iron man because he started with nothing and ended up with tonnes of cool technology which he used to change the world

You have been added, welcome!
Be sure to visit the website at http://fusion-craft.org for contest info etc.
Forum name: pgary1723
In-Game Name: pgary1723
Age: 15
Country: US
Have you ever been banned? why? No
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I would have to choose batman as then i can help everyone and be able to fly
Forum name: Jordann
In-Game Name: xjordankr99x
Country: England
Have you ever been banned? why? On one server, this was a raid/pvp server at the time and my faction raided a mods faction, he then proceeded to ban me and the rest of my faction
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I would be iron man - A billionaire genius man with an iron suit that can fly? who wouldn't be! :)
Forum name: pgary1723
In-Game Name: pgary1723
Age: 15
Country: US
Have you ever been banned? why? No
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I would have to choose batman as then i can help everyone and be able to fly
Forum name: Jordann
In-Game Name: xjordankr99x
Country: England
Have you ever been banned? why? On one server, this was a raid/pvp server at the time and my faction raided a mods faction, he then proceeded to ban me and the rest of my faction
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I would be iron man - A billionaire genius man with an iron suit that can fly? who wouldn't be! :)

You have been added - welcome to the server! Be sure to check out www.fusion-craft.org for daily contest information and server rules.
Forum Name: Jaih Pittman
In-Game Name: deatheaterelite
Age: 17
Country: US
Have you ever been banned? Why?: No
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I would be superman because he is basically invincible and the stronger person on earth..and he can fly! :D
Forum Name: Jaih Pittman
In-Game Name: deatheaterelite
Age: 17
Country: US
Have you ever been banned? Why?: No
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I would be superman because he is basically invincible and the stronger person on earth..and he can fly! :D
you have been added, please see fusion-craft.org for info contests and more :)
Forum name: spencer haas
IGN: spencerhaas1999
Age: 13
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned? Why? No i have never been banned. If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I think i would go with Iron Man because if you do get lonely you could just talk to Jarvis and no one could go wrong with technology.