Whitelist Server Fusion-Craft|Ultimate|White list|Grief Prev|1.1.2|TS3|Keep items on death|Essentials

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Forum name: Auris331
In-Game Name: Censorious
Age: 16
Country: Lithuania
Have you ever been banned? why? I'm a respectful player and was never banned before
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I'd probably be Iron-Man. I think reasons are obvious :D
Forum name: Auris331
In-Game Name: Censorious
Age: 16
Country: Lithuania
Have you ever been banned? why? I'm a respectful player and was never banned before
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I'd probably be Iron-Man. I think reasons are obvious :D
Unfortunatly there appears to be inconsistency in your application.One says your from new zealand, another claims your 13.Could you please exlpain them

source one
source two
Your application has been denied. The dates (24th march 2013 and 5th april 2013) on the other applications are rather recent. It may seem like a small thing, but lying in an application is a show of character, and a lying characteristic is not welcome on the server
Forum name: Vorac
In-Game Name: Tundras
Age: 37
Country: Canada
Have you ever been banned? why? Nope, Never
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Villain, I think they get a bad rap and not all villains are super bad lol
Age: 23
- Location
- Minecraft, FTB experience: A few months after launch I started
- Why are you interested: To find a good community of people that I can be friends with and have fun with
- What you consider yourself good at: Building structures
- If Applying for Staff what experiance do you have? Honestly, I haven't taken any staff roles on servers
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? (Yes/No): Not anymore :)
- Other info: CANT WAIT TO START :D
Forum name: Guthatron
In-Game Name: Guthatron
Age: 22
Country: Scotland, UK
Have you ever been banned? why? no
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I would be superman, so i wouldnt have to build that oh so expensive gravi chest plate xD
(I wanted to add that I know i literally just registered, I played FTB for 2 months now but just never registered here. I always just play on open servers (and donated to both of the ones I play on), however they are either down all the time or they keep banning stuff because certain members ruin it for everyone else. Someone suggested I try out a whitelist server as the people are usually much more friendly and you get less griefers. So here I am. I looked through 2 pages of whitelist servers and like the look of your the most)
Look forward to your reply,
Forum name: KySoto
In-Game Name:KySoto
Country: United States of America
Have you ever been banned? why? No.
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I guess I would have to say Batman, he uses his head and thats his edge on everyone.
Forum name:Ksurks1
In-Game Name:Ksurks1
Have you ever been banned? why? No
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Green Lantern because he has hypnosis.
Forum name:Ksurks1
In-Game Name:Ksurks1
Have you ever been banned? why? No
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Green Lantern because he has hypnosis.

You have been added, welcome. Please visit fusion-craft.org for more
Our base build contest has now ended with two members winning steam games. Please check out our forums@ fusion-craft.org for the latest updates and information on the next big contest starting today!
Forum name: Reshals
In-Game Name: Reshals
Age: 32
Country: USA - Texas
Have you ever been banned? Negative
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Nightcrawler from the Marvel(Xmen) universe. Teleportation, Invisiblity, Adhesive hands/feet, and not to mention the prehensile tail.
Background: I am new to Minecraft only playing a couple weeks, but I am an avid gamer and learn quickly. Also a friend should be applying here soon, we are both looking for a server together. Hoping to find a mature server that is stable and going to be around for a while. You mention being self sufficient, thats not going to be a problem even though I am relatively new to MC I will take care of myself and not be a burden or beggar on the server.
P.S - My friend that should be applying IGN is Mavrl
Forum name: Reshals
In-Game Name: Reshals
Age: 32
Country: USA - Texas
Have you ever been banned? Negative
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Nightcrawler from the Marvel(Xmen) universe. Teleportation, Invisiblity, Adhesive hands/feet, and not to mention the prehensile tail.
Background: I am new to Minecraft only playing a couple weeks, but I am an avid gamer and learn quickly. Also a friend should be applying here soon, we are both looking for a server together. Hoping to find a mature server that is stable and going to be around for a while. You mention being self sufficient, thats not going to be a problem even though I am relatively new to MC I will take care of myself and not be a burden or beggar on the server.
P.S - My friend that should be applying IGN is Mavrl

you have been added, please check out http://fusion-craft.org for more info, contests and more :)
Forum name: Mavrl
In-Game Name: Mavrl
Age: Well past any requirement (I can tell in private if you like)
Country: USA
Have you ever been banned? why? Nope
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? The Black Widow. Gorgeous, smart, kick-ass fighter, remains calm in a pinch. What else could you ask for?
Forum name: chickenDESTROYER
In-Game Name: chickenDESTROYER
Age: 13
Country: United States
Have you ever been banned? (Vanilla yes) (Feed the beast No) why? I was banned on vanilla because I was younger and stupid
If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Super hero because I don't like ruining peoples things, I like to help and I think its pointless to go making abunch of people mad.
P.S. Here is a link to the 2 servers I was banned on. One was real and the mcswaggers one was because I critisied the 12 yr/old owner http://www.mcbans.com/player/chickenDESTROYER