Mod Pack: FTBTech World 2
Mod & Version: Rotarycraft(18f2f4025A2AD81BD9750F8)
Pastebin link to crash log:
What's the bug(s)? CVT unit doesn't work anymore, period. Also, as reported earlier, clicking (U) in the NEI over, e.g., lubricant pail, causes a disconnect crash.
Can it be repeated? Yes.
Known Fix:[DOUBLEPOST=1388155427][/DOUBLEPOST]Mod Pack: FTBTech World 2
Mod & Version: Tinkers' Construct(460.af0330a)
Pastebin link to crash log:
What's the bug(s)?
Minecraft's "tool" endurance numbers (available through F3+H) do not match Tinkers' Construct endurance numbers (seen in Tool station or Forge)
Can it be repeated? Yes.
Known Fix:
Mod Pack: Techworld 2 (1.0.4)
Mod & Version: Thermal expansion 3.0.0 (I think)
Pastebin link to crash log: Do not crash
Whats the bug? Sorry for the "Long" explanation:
I have a problem which I think either relates to redstone conduits or the energy cells.
I have a redstone energy cell sending RF in two directions, one direction demanding 500 RF to a tess and another takes 200 up to a hardend energy cell.
When I remove a conduit that supports the 500 RF direction, the redstone energy cell does not start to charge (it is receiving aprox. 820 RF), but when I remove a conduit that supports the 200 RF direction it starts to charge. Which is strange in the first place.
Therefore I move up the 200 RF direction to the hardend energy cell, which supports my Thermal expansion machines. The interesting part with this direction is if I remove the conduit right next to the cell, it starts to charge/fill the buffer, but if I remove a conduit one further away, it does not start to charge, nither if I remove a conduit that is right before the machines.
I am not sure how to classify this bug, I have tried to remove conduits and replace them, I have tried to remove all the machines, but still the hardend energy cell/the one redstone conduit right next to it, seems to make alot of RF disapear.
Can it be repeated? well sort of since it still persists after removing and replaceing the conduits and energy cell
Known Fix: ?
Yup. Screenshot or it didn't happen.... I am sorry to have "wasted" your time, I cannot replicate the error. I have no idear what went wrong the first time, but it seems to work fine now. I will remember to screenshot it if it ever happens again.
Thx for the time and help and sorry for the inconvenience.
2014-01-05 01:39:44 [INFO] [STDERR] java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
2014-01-05 01:39:44 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(Unknown Source)
2014-01-05 01:39:44 [INFO] [STDERR] at java.util.HashMap$ Source)
2014-01-05 01:39:44 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound.func_74734_a(SourceFile:25)
2014-01-05 01:39:44 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase.func_74731_a(SourceFile:119)
2014-01-05 01:39:44 [INFO] [STDERR] at net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools.func_74800_a(
2014-01-05 01:39:44 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2014-01-05 01:39:44 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2014-01-05 01:39:44 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2014-01-05 01:39:44 [INFO] [STDERR] at
2014-01-05 01:39:44 [INFO] [STDERR] at Source)
Many thanks for the fast reply!
Ive tryed a clear fresh install of 1.0.5 of Techworld 2 on Server and Client with my old world, on the exact same chunk ive get the fps drop, clear install doesnt helped me. What can i do?, Is it possible that the old world(or better this canyon) corrupt something?, means that i must delete my world with every update?
Ps: The Anvil Java Error was spammed when i directly stand on the chunk from the canyon. I have in the nether one chunkloader from chickenchunks active, ive deleted it and tryed again to stand on the chunk from the canyon, and now the errorspam doesnt appear since deleting chickenchunks chunk loader, but the extreme fps from 300+ to 30-80 is still there. Don't know what i can do nowBut thanks for your help!
Pps: Tryed it with chunkfix tool, but it doesnt find any error on chunks.