FTB Monster mod pack listed - What do you think?

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this is exactly what i've done. the pack i'm playing on started out as magic farm 2, became bloated to around 150 mods, and now vaguely resembles the most awesome pack i've played.

as for my actual opinions on Monster itself:
-very surprised to see gendustry, but that's awesome. binnie is lagging it tho :p
-i was secretly hoping for Blood Magic.
is slowly becoming my favorite mod. thanks reika.
-srs tho, i'm sure binniemods will be included by release, but i still worry.
-2nd the "wtf dyetrees"

Well I for one am happy to see gendustry. The only thing I don't like about gendustry is it's inability to add new bee species. Until it does that Binnie is still beating it.
haha yea, that's what i meant about binnie lagging it, being afk and all that.

as far as gendustry bees in the future...i imagine it'd be hard to come up with new bees, toes could get stepped on. or not.
haha yea, that's what i meant about binnie lagging it, being afk and all that.

as far as gendustry bees in the future...i imagine it'd be hard to come up with new bees, toes could get stepped on. or not.

Meh, right now it doesn't seem like modders care all that much about duplicate processes. There's about seven ore doubling systems as it stands right now.
which ones will you disable?
Endernet for now.

EnderNet in beta3 is stable, you don't have any external servers whitelisted by default. The only balance issue might be the fact it doesn't take ender pearls as fuel yet, but that will be added (along with an option to use RF energy instead).
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I see the pack on the launcher...speaking of
Which anyone heard how the new launcher is coming along besides last news post?
The mod list is a heck of a lot better than the early list we we're given.

- I still don't understand why BOP isn't enabled by default (you have to enable it in the worldgen/server files anyway!).
- Love the keybinding layout. Massively improved and easy to keybind.
- All minimaps disabled by default is good, will limit complaining when someone doesn't like X minimap.
- ATG + BOP is to die for. It's hands down the best terrain gen!
- GeoStrata add a lot of unneeded worldgen/items, and not a lot of useful content that other mods don't already bring.
- Mimicry is not needed and may be OP with all the ore doubling we already have.
- DyeTrees should really be disabled by default or removed.
- No Ars Magica is a slight bummer, was finally hoping to get into that.
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Mimicry seems like it could be a little OP. It is at least resource limited though, so it may not be really an issue depending on worldgen.

Just completed a 100 chunks quarry for the Monster private pack, which returned an average of 15 Mimichite per chunk.

I'm not sure what the recipe requires or what the payoff is per ore.
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Just completed a 100 chunks quarry for the Monster private pack, which returned an average of 15 Mimichite per chunk.

I'm not sure what the recipe requires or what the payoff is per ore.

That's very little doubling. You could double i think 3 diamonds, 4 emeralds, or 15 iron bars with that. Give or take.. I forget the exact amounts needed.
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What mods Will I remove?

JABBA- total ripoff of factorization barrels. Not needed as FZ is included anyway.
WALIA/Hud stuff- Annoying.
Minimaps- Cheating.
Torch Levers- not needed
This will probably get 3x longer when I dig through there in detail.

Will probably rebuild half the config options to enable gameplay over instant gratification and having everything on a silver platter from the off.

Why even bother downloading it in the 1st place??
Just use the FTB universal configs and build a pack to suit your needs?
GeoStrata seems like it could be annoying ...
Even though the crystals will likely have an effect on framerate similar to Xycraft's quartz crystals..

From the quarry results, it appears a Cave Crystal generates around once per chunk, though you will naturally encounter them nearby one another as you go caving.

cave 2013-12-24_14.40.11.png

Not yet sure what they are for, but collected all 16 colours :)

cave crystals.jpg

Overall, they were noticeable but not annoyingly so and emit a light level of 7.
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Looks like in the private pack they configured CoFH WorldCustomGen for ATG.

Includes Alum (y128-170), Apatite, Certus (105-140), Coal, Iron (128-192), Silver (195-220), Gold (ditto), Copper (100-135) & Tin (140-160), so mountaineering wont be without its rewards
by any chance could you tell me the amounts too (size of vein, veins per chunk)
uuuh, this is one... 'weird' pack which unfortunately i have 0 interest in ;_;
There is the MASSIVE problem of not having Blood magic, while I can just add this myself, it defeats the point of having a pack to me.
The modlist looks very... defunc in a way, very messy and weird.
I'm very confused about Universal electricity being there since it is more or less dead now, with Calclavia deciding to revive it every other day.
And im also confused about the inclusion of messy, 'unbalanced' and just strange mods like Mimicry, rougelike dungeons and magical crops...

And there is also the thing if it being bloated of mods which i woudnt want to play or go anywhere near with, like IC2, Buildcraft and the list goes on...

Its quite disappointing for me and I guess i will just be sticking to my custom pack :/
Just a note about Lycanites Mobs, found this mod a few weeks ago and added to my Omega Dawn pack, but I heavily configured it. Some mobs have been disabled (those that are too far "out there") but with what is remaining, it does indeed add some nice extra encounters. Seeing Ettins in swamps, lurking Ghouls, being ambushed by spider things, some extra demons in the Nether (damn that place is very dangerous now). Has full BoP support, as many mobs only spawn in specific biomes, so you won't get overwhelmed by modded mobs.
Also, to the people complaining, big Reactors was in. Somehow I skipped over it when looking at it in the mod List eyamaz gave me.

Also keep in mind that shatter is being removed in the next update. I'm not sure why, but that's the case
by any chance could you tell me the amounts too (size of vein, veins per chunk)

from the 1.0.0 configs for COFH/WorldCustomGen :

the values correspond to ID, metadata, clusterSize, numClusters, minY maxY, retrogen
                                      CS   NC                         
UNIFORM   atgAluminumtic   1475   5   5    4    128   170   true
UNIFORM   atgApatitef      1398   0   6    10   100   200   true
UNIFORM   atgcerusae        854   0   4    9    105   140   true
UNIFORM   atgcoalvanilla     16   0   12   24   128   200   true
UNIFORM   atgironvanilla     15   0   6    16   128   192   true
UNIFORM   atgsilver        2001   2   2    5    195   220   true
UNIFORM   atggoldvanilla     14   0   2    5    195   220   true
UNIFORM   atgcopperte      2001   0   8    11   100   135   true
UNIFORM   atgtinte         2001   1   6    4    140   160   true

Note: these are oregen parameters -- what is actually generated is often half of what you'd expect
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I'm not seeing Mekanism or Dartcraft anywhere in that list. Is this the anti-fun modpack?

I don't know why an entirely unbalanced Dartcraft gets in the last round of modpacks, the developer works really hard to balance it and then it gets ignored for this round of packs. Seems like FTB might be sending the wrong message on that one.
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Loaded up the Beta pack this morning.. is it me or is animal gen crazy... or could it be the rainbow forest?
with Horizon's being the successor of Unleashed there seems to be a few mods and decisions that make me wonder why, but the basic of the modpack is good.
people can complain about a mod being left out, or other mods being included, but people still need to remember, it's a BETA, things can still change at any point. so instead of complaining, try to rather give constructive feedback so things can still be changed.

I guess DyeTrees might have been added because people liked the colored trees from ProjectRed, I however, dislike having these trees in my world generation. I'm fine with being able to craft and grow them myself, but I want to keep them out of my world generation. I do really like though that you can get dyes from them, but seeing as there's already some others ways of getting dyes from plants, I'm not completely sure if this mod is needed.

and I agree with Biome's o Plenty being disabled by default... I'd rather keep it enabled, but keep this line to false

    B:"Add Biomes To Default World"=false

this way, it's enabled, and people can choose to have the biomes generate or not.

gendustry is a nice addition as a replacement for Binnie's mods, though it's nowhere near as big as Binnie's mods, it does add the thing I am mostly wanting from Binnie's mods, the option to change my bees.

geostrata is a nice mod if you like to see some diversity while mining, and I believe all these stones it add will break into normal cobblestone unless mined with silktouch, which prevents your inventory from getting clogged up, but I'm afraid it might cause unnecessary lag. the same goes for ATG, I tried it out in Horizons, and it does indeed does some awesome things with the terrain, but it also did some bad things with my FPS

LycanitesMobs is really interesting with all the mobs it adds, and it's nice that they actually belong in certain biomes, which is a good way to evade certain mobs that you really don't like. I haven't tried them out though, but I hope they're not as unbalanced as the Hecate from Ars Magica... damn I hate that mob

while we're on the subject of Ars Magica... it's both sad and understandable that it's left out. it adds some nice content, but it isn't nowhere near done. though there has been an update of the mod yesterday, but I have the problem of not being able to gain experience with that release, so adding that release to the modpack would be pointless...

Mimic is a bit... I don't really know what it's doing here. it's a nice simple mod, but it just feels so misplaced in Monster... I'd rather put it in Horizons

Meteorcraft... ooh god, creeperholesx1000000
I like that it adds something unique to minecraft, but I ain't gonna fill up those holes every damn time

QuarryPlus, I never really liked this mod. the things that you can do with the quarry just seems a bit... too easy for me. it's a mod like compactsolars, it provides you a block so you won't have to spam other types of those blocks around. which is not bad, but I just hoped it'd be a bit... more awesome-looking instead of some simple outlines of the original block

revamp... I've seen this mod in Horizons, but I've heard it may cause quite some lag, so I've been really unsure about this mod. would love to hear what the experiences of other FTB players has been with this mod

it's kind of sad that Mekanism isn't in the pack, as I would really like this mod out. though there have been some UE mod additions to the universal configs, so who knows. though I do understand the point of FTB of having to add another mod that basically does the same as 10 other mods... but I love me my shinies, a human can't go without it's shinies...

long story short, Monster is a good basic pack, though some mods may need to be either removed or tweaked before it gets out of beta

Loaded up the Beta pack this morning.. is it me or is animal gen crazy... or could it be the rainbow forest?

bingpong, the rainbow forest entity gen is really messed up, I noticed this myself when walking through one
I myself also loaded it this morning but I changed my move keys. F is to go right but it doesnt work and it shows nothing is conflicting.... Am I missing something? I already checked the key assignments and nothing else is using that key..[DOUBLEPOST=1387898518][/DOUBLEPOST]And as for the mods. Getting thoughts of everyone is nice but lets face it,no one will ever build a pack that makes EVERYONE happy. There will always be people that think something is OP or cheaty or some other reason either it be positive or negative.

This pack is titled Monster... So make it one. Add EVERYTHING to it lol. If people dont like whats in it,then they can either disable it or not play it.