Whitelist Server FTB Monster 1.1.2 [No Banned Items/Mods] [Blood Magic/KAMI/BOP enabled] [Very New] [Dedicated 4gb]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whitelist is now closed.

Hello, everybody!

After having some issues with previous servers, I've decided to finally just buy a dedicated server of my own. The server is a 4gb dedicated server hosted by HostHorde, from whom I've played on several servers that all had flawless performance, and I expect to have similar results with my own. If issues arise, I can always upgrade.

The server is brand spanking new and is awaiting for players to colonize the world. The server doesn't run MCPC+ so it wont be riddled with crashes and issues (Or so we can hope), but in order to combat basic annoyance and griefing, I'll have a pretty strict whitelist. This'll benefit everyone who actually wants to play on the server for fun.

I plan on keeping this server as 'legit' as possible -- I won't be using creative unless necessary. Everything built on this world will come from the world. That being said, we're gonna need a spawn soon. I'm hoping the community can get together and build a fairly decent spawn -- Nothing fancy, but better than just a clearing in the middle of nowhere.

Since we won't have plugins to allow TPA/Home, we'll have to build a hub of mystcraft books to link our bases to spawn.

Since I don't want to impose and strict limitations or regulations on gameplay, although I will if I must, I ask you to use common courtesy and common sense. Don't set up a quarry+ that loads 256 chunks. Do you really need that? Don't set up a lava generator with 200+ magmatics. A big reactor could easily outproduce that, and won't lag us all. Try to keep chunk loaders to a need-to-use basis. Y'know. This should be common sense, but I'll say it anyways.

-Basic Rules-
-This isn't an anarchy community. No griefing/stealing/etc
-Be a decent human being. Be polite, even if the other person is being rude. Screencap anyone who is being a problem and send it to me on my skype. I'll take care of them.
-Use your common sense, it's not that hard.

Mods Enabled:
-Blood Magic
-Thaumic Tinkerer KAMI
-Biomes o Plenty

Basic Info about server:
-Using BIOMESOP worldgen type
-Very new, world practically untouched

In order to at least mitigate griefing, I'll have a whitelist. Nothing too difficult, and anyone who legitimately wish to play for good reasons wont have an issue getting accepted. Should something catastrophic happen, I have 24h scheduled backups running. These will be a last-case solution, as a lot can happen in 24h.

Whitelist is now closed.

Whitelist Application
Age (16+ Required):
Favorite Mods:
Preferred Playstyle (Builder/Casual/End-game-rusher/etc):
A bit about you:
Reason for applying to -this- server, if specific:

You can contact me on skype if need be, username: Lisugau.minecraft

IP: s18.hosthorde.com:25883

I don't host servers often. If there's anyone who wants to play on my server who knows how these things work, having you as a resource would be real helpful. There's no issues right now, but I'm sure they'll arise.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: AeroMechanic
Age: 19
Favorite Mods: Extra Bees primarily and agriculture. But I'm also experienced in most of the machinery mods too.
Preferred Playstyle: I'm mostly a builder. I love to build when I've got the materials. I've worked on many server's spawns and many other large (and small) buildings.
A bit about you: Every couple of months I come looking for a server. Mostly because my old server friends just get tired of hosting and stop. I have lots of modding experience (but of course I'm not asking as I'm writing an application to join and you barely know me). Unfortunately I can't help with much server issues, so hopefully you can find some people that do. But yeah I hope to be accepted and start having fun with everyone that joins!
Reason for Applying: Most reasons were mentioned above but as I said I like to build for myself and the community, and of course I love this mod pack.
Suggestions/Concerns: None at all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: AeroMechanic
Age: 19
Favorite Mods: Extra Bees primarily and agriculture. But I'm also experienced in most of the machinery mods too.
Preferred Playstyle: I'm mostly a builder. I love to build when I've got the materials. I've worked on many server's spawns and many other large (and small) buildings.
A bit about you: Every couple of months I come looking for a server. Mostly because my old server friends just get tired of hosting and stop. I have lots of modding experience (but of course I'm not asking as I'm writing an application to join and you barely know me). Unfortunately I can't help with much server issues, so hopefully you can find some people that do. But yeah I hope to be accepted and start having fun with everyone that joins!
Reason for Applying: Most reasons were mentioned above but as I said I like to build for myself and the community, and of course I love this mod pack.
Suggestions/Concerns: None at all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: rhinestar
Age (Soft Limit is 16): 15, close enough right?
Favorite Mods: Mekanism, Mystcraft and Thermal Expansion
Preferred Playstyle (Builder/Casual/End-game-rusher/etc): Techie, I prefer the tech mods, with a little magic
A bit about you: i do alot of modded minecraft, I really want to write my own mod and hope that i can get big like Azanor (The creator of Thaumcraft 4 and maintainer of 3.), i've helped ran servers in the past, most recently an modded server.
Reason for applying to -this- server, if specific: I want to play on a monster server and this one seems cool :D.
Suggestions/Concerns: 1) can i make an mystcraft age for my base.
2) i'm bringing a friend, i'll have him apply if i get accepted.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: gamorex183
Age (Soft Limit is 16): 20
Favorite Mods: I like mechanical/technical based mods, but I am really interested in getting deep into Thamucraft and BloodMagic.
Preferred Playstyle (Builder/Casual/End-game-rusher/etc): I like to do a little of everything. I'm not much of a builder but do enjoy coming up with a cool base.
A bit about you: I took a break from FTB several months ago when my last server shut down. I have recently had an interest to come back.
Reason for applying to -this- server, if specific: I have been looking for a server with Blood Magic and KAMI enabled and a worldgen mod used.
Suggestions/Concerns: none


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age (Soft Limit is 16): 31
Favorite Mods: AE, dartcraft
Preferred Playstyle (Builder/Casual/End-game-rusher/etc): Casual, and play for fun
A bit about you: i like to play for fun and help other people as much as i can when all setup, also i have ran server minecraft/modded minecraft servers in the past
Reason for applying to -this- server, if specific: Looking for a small no so populated server
Suggestions/Concerns: None except the mystcraft ages


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: rhinestar
Age (Soft Limit is 16): 15, close enough right?
Favorite Mods: Mekanism, Mystcraft and Thermal Expansion
Preferred Playstyle (Builder/Casual/End-game-rusher/etc): Techie, I prefer the tech mods, with a little magic
A bit about you: i do alot of modded minecraft, I really want to write my own mod and hope that i can get big like Azanor (The creator of Thaumcraft 4 and maintainer of 3.), i've helped ran servers in the past, most recently an modded server.
Reason for applying to -this- server, if specific: I want to play on a monster server and this one seems cool :D.
Suggestions/Concerns: 1) can i make an mystcraft age for my base.
2) i'm bringing a friend, i'll have him apply if i get accepted.
Denied, sorry. The age soft limit is intended to allow mature players under the age of 16 get accepted regardless. From your application which you put very little work into and is riddled with errors, your maturity is questioned.

IGN: gamorex183
Age (Soft Limit is 16): 20
Favorite Mods: I like mechanical/technical based mods, but I am really interested in getting deep into Thamucraft and BloodMagic.
Preferred Playstyle (Builder/Casual/End-game-rusher/etc): I like to do a little of everything. I'm not much of a builder but do enjoy coming up with a cool base.
A bit about you: I took a break from FTB several months ago when my last server shut down. I have recently had an interest to come back.
Reason for applying to -this- server, if specific: I have been looking for a server with Blood Magic and KAMI enabled and a worldgen mod used.
Suggestions/Concerns: none

Age: (Soft Limit is 16):17
Favorite mods: IC2,Thermal Expansion,Thaumcraft,microblocks,buildcraft
Preferred Playstyle (Builder/Casual/End-game-rusher/etc):I would say i'm mostly a builder like building cool underground bases.
A bit about you: iv'e been playing minecraft since 1.7 beta and once i heard about tekkit i was hooked on modded minecraft ever since.
Reason for applying to -this- server, if specific:All of the servers i usually join either have to many people or the community is just not very friendly.
Suggestions/Concerns: is it possible for me to make a mystcraft age?

Age (Soft Limit is 16): 31
Favorite Mods: AE, dartcraft
Preferred Playstyle (Builder/Casual/End-game-rusher/etc): Casual, and play for fun
A bit about you: i like to play for fun and help other people as much as i can when all setup, also i have ran server minecraft/modded minecraft servers in the past
Reason for applying to -this- server, if specific: Looking for a small no so populated server
Suggestions/Concerns: None except the mystcraft ages

To those wondering about mystcraft ages:
As far as I know, the creation of ages should work. However, like I said, don't overdo it. Use your common sense. Don't make fifty ages 'just cuz'. You can have one personal age for whatever reason. If you need more for a specific reason, contact me. Post the age (and number) that you make on the forums, and your reason for making it. I will delete ages that have no reason for creation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Agorath
Age (Soft Limit is 16): 25
Favorite Mods: NEI or AE
Preferred Playstyle (Builder/Casual/End-game-rusher/etc): I like to make factory with automation, so End-game-rusher?ish
A bit about you: I've played mostly single player modded minecraft for quite a while now. I want to enjoy a server with some people and just have fun. Not get spammed with messages about donating for or that. Nor getting restricted to certain activities in a server.
Reason for applying to -this- server, if specific: I want to play multiplayer since playing by myself gets lonely and I now have a constant internet connection to be a part of a group of people to play with.
Suggestions/Concerns: Nope, I just hope to make some friends.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Agorath
Age (Soft Limit is 16): 25
Favorite Mods: NEI or AE
Preferred Playstyle (Builder/Casual/End-game-rusher/etc): I like to make factory with automation, so End-game-rusher?ish
A bit about you: I've played mostly single player modded minecraft for quite a while now. I want to enjoy a server with some people and just have fun. Not get spammed with messages about donating for or that. Nor getting restricted to certain activities in a server.
Reason for applying to -this- server, if specific: I want to play multiplayer since playing by myself gets lonely and I now have a constant internet connection to be a part of a group of people to play with.
Suggestions/Concerns: Nope, I just hope to make some friends.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lisugau, may I talk with you, I find it unfair that you talk me down only because of my grammar, and yes, I did write the application in 2 minutes. I've been applying to servers all day and none have been replying back. You say that I'm immature and you judge that on solely my grammar. you don't even bother correcting the sentence above mine, "I like to make factory with automation, so End-game-rusher?ish".

I talked with a server owner that I previously helped admin his server. I showed him my post and he said that my grammar was bad but it's honestly just common mistakes. If you don't mind talking to me about this so I understand your side of it better, that'll be great. Also, you even said yourself that the "Soft limit" is there so that "mature" players under 16 can be accepted, After talking with the previous server owner and the one before him I worked for, they both said after chatting with me online for days, they would have never guessed I was 15. again, I would like to talk about this and figure out why you have rejected me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lisugau, may I talk with you, I find it unfair that you talk me down only because of my grammar, and yes, I did write the application in 2 minutes. I've been applying to servers all day and none have been replying back. You say that I'm immature and you judge that on solely my grammar. you don't even bother correcting the sentence above mine, "I like to make factory with automation, so End-game-rusher?ish".

I talked with a server owner that I previously helped admin his server. I showed him my post and he said that my grammar was bad but it's honestly just common mistakes. If you don't mind talking to me about this so I understand your side of it better, that'll be great. Also, you even said yourself that the "Soft limit" is there so that "mature" players under 16 can be accepted, After talking with the previous server owner and the one before him I worked for, they both said after chatting with me online for days, they would have never guessed I was 15. again, I would like to talk about this and figure out why you have rejected me.
I'll give you the courtesy of responding, but my answer hasn't changed.

I'm very sorry, but I hope you have better luck finding another server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: SlicenDiice
Age (16+ Required):24
Favorite Mods: Hard to choose, but anything involving tech really. Oh, and extra bees, man I love bees.
Preferred Playstyle (Builder/Casual/End-game-rusher/etc): End-Game rusher, kinda. I tend to play for many hours at a time.
A bit about you: I started playing FTB/Modded minecraft around the time Ultimate was released. I'm tend to be quiet and keep to myself the first few days I am on a server. Eventually I open up and start helping others with what ever they may need. I am mostly like this because I like to get a feel for the server and the people that are on it. (Figuring out who I can trust, for the most part)
Reason for applying to -this- server, if specific: I have a lot of free time this semester due to me only take one college class, and it is online. I chose this server because, most of the time, small whitelisted servers tend to have to best community. Also, bloodmagic, I have been wanting to explore this mod, but not many servers enable it.
Suggestions/Concerns: None at this time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Biggun777
Age (16+ Required):16
Favorite Mods: Forestry, Thermal Expansion, Magical Crops, MFR, AE anything that involves farming tech farming.
Preferred Play style (Builder/Casual/End-game-rusher/etc): Casual i think would best fit me but i'm also a bit of a builder I like to build a good base but take my time not to make it look like i rushed.
A bit about you: I started playing FTB around the time that Minecraft got hoppers and i loved it and played it every since i have tried many different mods and i enjoy being the farmer with advanced farms on the last server i played on i single handedly supplied everyone with food. (what else am i going to do with 30k Baked potatoes). I am open person and enjoy chatting and i am very helpful i would hand you my last diamond so you could make an omni wrench.
Reason for applying to -this- server,if specific: A friend told me this server was a great and i would love to be able to help him build a base on this server and take care of his farming needs for he often forgets to feed himself. (my friend IGN: drippingfang)
Suggestions/Concerns: Do whatever you need to make this server the best small community server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whitelist Application
IGN: inferno_puppet
Age (16+ Required): 22
Favorite Mods: Well all of them are great. So if I had to categorize them it would be as follows Thaumcraft, Blood magic, Ic2, and Applied energetics.
Preferred Playstyle (Builder/Casual/End-game-rusher/etc): Most definitely End-game-rusher to a certain point. I like to get to the nether/end as soon as possible to build community farms for all to use, But other than that mainly just laid back unless I start a project then I am 100% devoted to it and wont stop till its done
A bit about you: Well I love FTB. I used to run a server for a few of my friends for about 6 months but after that they decided to stop playing Minecraft. I love magic the gathering and anime, so I might reference a few things in what I build. I am slowly learning java atm but I do need breaks or I will rage quit. Not much else I can think of atm but I am sure you will learn a lot about me in the time to come If I am accepted.
Reason for applying to -this- server, if specific: "I plan on keeping this server as 'legit' as possible -- I won't be using creative unless necessary. Everything built on this world will come from the world." This is why I would like to join, I know all to well the temptation of creative mode on servers so I under stand why you want this
Suggestions/Concerns: None that I can see
P.S Even if im not accepted I am willing to help with what I can just hit me up on Skype I already sent you a msg


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whitelist Application
IGN: Axed713
Age (16+ Required): 25
Favorite Mods: TE, IC2, etc.
Preferred Playstyle (Builder/Casual/End-game-rusher/etc): Used to rush end-game content but now I'm looking to play more casually.
A bit about you: Been playing Minecraft since alpha on and off. I've always loved modded minecraft and trying out all the various mods.
Reason for applying to -this- server, if specific: Looking for a new group of people to experience the latest modpack with.
Suggestions/Concerns: Nothing to add, you seem to have covered any rules I would impose if I was to host a server myself.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Chupsy
Age (16+ Required): 18
Favorite Mods: AE, Ender IO
Preferred Playstyle (Builder/Casual/End-game-rusher/etc): End-game-risher
A bit about you: I'm crazy! Nah, I love minecraft and ftb stuff related, plat LoL sometimes and i love Technology stuff related!
Reason for applying to -this- server, if specific: Looking for a new group of ppl to play this modpack :)
Suggestions/Concerns: Nothing, u covered all the point's i would like an admin to cover :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: Pure_Origins
Age: 14
Favourite Mods: Applied Energistics and Big Reactors
Preferred Playstyle: End-game-rusher, nothing better than be able to build just about whatever comes to your head.
A bit about yourself: I am chilled, relaxed kind of person and love playing
with some friendly players, as well as having the urge to rush through somethings.
Reason for applying to this server: I always love playing in a close-knit community of players with little restrictions and an all round cheerful place.
Suggestions/concerns: I would like to just remind you, I am 14 and I am not going to bother saying I'm mature and all that stuff, for the choice is up to you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: IronicWhopper10
Age: 17
Favorite Mods: TiC, IC2, Thaumcraft, Applied Energistics
Preferred Playstyle: Casual, I like to slowly progress through the game at my own pace.
A bit about you: I have played MineCraft on and off since Alpha 1.1, started playing modded MineCraft around Beta 1.1. I have also hosted several servers for some friends and myself so I know a bit about server hosting and plugins etc.
Reason for applying to -this- server, if specific: I like a small community of players that know what they are doing for the most part and I happen to find a very new server so I decided to apply.
Suggestions/Concerns: None that I can think of, the server seems great.