Maybe you should take some time to step outside your little IC2 based universum where pretty much everything is based on iron and look at other mods. I have a well rounded installation and even with 8 36HP boilers and craptons of AE , BC and TE stuff I have much MUCH more Iron in storage than copper or tin.
Your experiences with your "balanced" mod setup don't apply, since you are not using gregtech. We are talking about Gregtech balance. using gregtech, especially with lava centrifuges, iron is still a lot more precious. And this is with a 50 by 50 plot of forestry multifarms, and 36 alvearys. you also said that if I don't use forestry, than I should not be commenting on its balance, by that logic, since you don't use gregtech, why are you commenting on it's balance?
Stop trying to give arguments on why in your perception the bronze nerf is 'good'; it's not. It's simply stupid to make such a change without any consideration to the mods that actually NEED those recipes just because you want to 'balance' (and don't make me laugh, Gregs idea of balancing is making stuff tedious and then adding his own machines that are better than what's provided by other mods) a mod that DOESN'T NEED the recipes.
Perhaps you should stop being so close-minded? Instead of rejecting any opposing viewpoint out of hand, on something you have no experience with, yet refuse to investigate you should perhaps consider that gregtech is actually better than you think it is? You keep using the same tired arguments that I already have addressed, without coming up with any counterargument; you simply ignore any opposing points.
Perhaps instead of blaming greg, we should look at who created the problem in the first place? Instead of adding a bronze recipe that directly conflicts with one that already existed in one of the most popular mods at the time, Sengir should have stuck to the already existing recipe, he could easily have maintained his desired balance by making his machines casings cost only 4 bronze, thus using the same number of materials. As I have said previously, yet you seemed to ignore, if two mods have directly conflicting recipes for the same material, one or the other is going to be unbalanced.