FTB Infinity 1.7.10 Help, Venting and Discussion Thread

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The only thing that I can narrow it down to that caused lag in Infinity 1.4.1 is a big hungry node with 8 other nodes around it at the corners of a 9x9 cube, but I'm not entirely convinced that that was the cause.

I thought it was that too, it was actually AE2 doing it
Hey guys,

noob question but I have an iron pick which has a redstone mining level. What comes next since I cannot boost the pick via experience?

Thx :)
Hey guys,

noob question but I have an iron pick which has a redstone mining level. What comes next since I cannot boost the pick via experience?

Thx :)

This might help, even tho its from Hexxit, i think it gives the info you are requesting.

Practical advice - always try to make Alumite tools ASAP. To make Alumite in a TiCo smeltery, you need to put 2 iron ingots, plus one obsidian block (each block counts for "2 ingots" worth of obsidian in TiCo terms), plus 5 aluminum ingots. 2 iron, 2 obsidian and 5 aluminum makes 3 alumite ingots (I think, going from memory). Even tho you can't break obsidian until you have Alumite tools, you CAN make a machine that can make it for you (hint, Thermal Expansion mod).

Once you get Alumite tools, you can break Cobalt and Ardite blocks in the nether, make some Manyullyn ingots, and now you're up into the high tier tool materials. Good luck!

Another option would be to make steel ingots using Railcraft coke ovens and blast furnaces, if pink-colored Alumite isn't your thing, then make your tools out of the much more "manly" steel (lol) - same mining level as Alumite.
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Thanks @asb3pe but how do I mine obsidian? XD

My iron pick can only do redstone.

You use a Thermal Expansion machine, the Igneous Extruder. You'll have to feed it one bucket of lava and one bucket of water for every obsidian block it makes. Even if you have to do it by hand, it's still a great way to get obsidian without having to make a vanilla diamond pickaxe and waste those 3 diamonds which are oh-so-valuable during early game.
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Take one iron ingot. Bake in furnace. Place refined iron ingot (oreDict as steel) in smeltery. Pour into pick mold. Use pick to mine obsidian. Make nether portal. Mine cobalt. Place cobalt in smeltery. Pour into pick mold. Never look back.
I've been playing Infinity for while now, but I just had a weird glitch.

I died last night from falling whilst mining in the Nether, and rage-quit immediately afterward. I just restarted it a few minutes ago, and sprinted off to the spot where I died, but I can't run due to being hurt by hunger. Considering I'm on Peaceful, this confuses me. Any thoughts?

I'm reluctant to go any farther without fixing it... don't want to fall in the Nether again.
I've been playing Infinity for while now, but I just had a weird glitch.

I died last night from falling whilst mining in the Nether, and rage-quit immediately afterward. I just restarted it a few minutes ago, and sprinted off to the spot where I died, but I can't run due to being hurt by hunger. Considering I'm on Peaceful, this confuses me. Any thoughts?

I'm reluctant to go any farther without fixing it... don't want to fall in the Nether again.

This may sound dumb, but have you tried eating something? I'm not sure starving on peaceful difficulty is a bug to be fixed. Creative? Sure. Peaceful should still have to eat.
This may sound dumb, but have you tried eating something? I'm not sure starving on peaceful difficulty is a bug to be fixed. Creative? Sure. Peaceful should still have to eat.

On peaceful your hunger wont go down.

But if you turn onto peaceful when you are starving, it wont go up either.
This may sound dumb, but have you tried eating something? I'm not sure starving on peaceful difficulty is a bug to be fixed. Creative? Sure. Peaceful should still have to eat.

I did eat, and stopped taking damage. But I thought when you died, your hunger bar was refilled?

On peaceful your hunger wont go down.

But if you turn onto peaceful when you are starving, it wont go up either.

I was on peaceful the entire time, though. After eating, it didn't go down again.
I did eat, and stopped taking damage. But I thought when you died, your hunger bar was refilled?

I was on peaceful the entire time, though. After eating, it didn't go down again.
I think the hunger going down after death is a TiCo tweak (it may be Iguana Tweaks or Blood Magic)
I think the hunger going down after death is a TiCo tweak (it may be Iguana Tweaks or Blood Magic)

Agreed that Hunger persisting through death is a TiCo config. Blood Magic has Soul Fray as well, that causes a hunger debuff if a player takes damage while active (may only be self-inflicted wounds though).
I think the hunger going down after death is a TiCo tweak (it may be Iguana Tweaks or Blood Magic)

Agreed that Hunger persisting through death is a TiCo config. Blood Magic has Soul Fray as well, that causes a hunger debuff if a player takes damage while active (may only be self-inflicted wounds though).

Oooohhhh... that explains it. Sorry. Thanks for letting me know, guys.

I'm new to FTB Infinity and I'm playing on an 1.5.0 server and want to setup my own logistic pipes network with the very cool logistics crafting tabel. But if I want to have a Yellorium Block from BR I only get
an Uranium Block.

Q: What must I do to change it, if I don't have the wanted block? Are there any special key's (combinations) to push or must I edit smth. in the configuration?

I hope that you can help me so that I can setup my hole "auto crafting system" with the right content.

I'm new to FTB Infinity and I'm playing on an 1.5.0 server and want to setup my own logistic pipes network with the very cool logistics crafting tabel. But if I want to have a Yellorium Block from BR I only get
an Uranium Block.

Q: What must I do to change it, if I don't have the wanted block? Are there any special key's (combinations) to push or must I edit smth. in the configuration?

I hope that you can help me so that I can setup my hole "auto crafting system" with the right content.

For all intents and purposes, a Yellorium Block and a Uranium Block are one and the same (unless you are using them as aesthetic building blocks). Depending on the order the mods load when the server boots up, it will default to one or the other (until the next reboot, then who knows?). You may have some luck breaking the blocks down to ingots, grinding them to dust, then smelting them back to ingots and recrafting the blocks. Depending on which equipment you use, that mod will create its own dust (TE vs IC2, for example), so it will rebuild into that mod's associated ingot. I've had a TiCo Smeltery pour one of each in side by side casting basins before.

Once you have one sample, you can set up a MFR Unifier or use a JABBA Barrel (locked to the version you want) to keep them all the same from there forward.

Hope that helps.
Thanks for you replay Inaeo but for me these blocks are not the same because the first one cames from BR and the secound one from IC2 so they ar different in that what you get out on shapless crafting (not other ways like smelting, grinding, ...).

So it's correct that there is actually no direct way to tell the table that it has to craft "THIS" special Item which I requested?

Well, if so than I've to follow your instruction until there will be a change to it or a mod which changes this. Not the way I wanted but better as nothing :).
Thanks for you replay Inaeo but for me these blocks are not the same because the first one cames from BR and the secound one from IC2 so they ar different in that what you get out on shapless crafting (not other ways like smelting, grinding, ...).

So it's correct that there is actually no direct way to tell the table that it has to craft "THIS" special Item which I requested?

Well, if so than I've to follow your instruction until there will be a change to it or a mod which changes this. Not the way I wanted but better as nothing :).

When in say they are the same, what I mean is that the Ore Dictionary considers them to be identical. The recipes shown (particularly the IC2 Shaped/Shapeless recipes) should work with either ingot. I've found its easier to unify them after creation and before use than to teach AE to use either/both for a recipe. To my knowing, there is not a consistent way to craft a designated ingot with certainty. Your mileage may vary.
I have 256 Recyclers making Scrap Boxes to feed 64 Mass Fabricators making UUMatter to feed 2 Replicators making Iridium Ore. So far I've made 28 Quantum Solar Panels, and have almost 7000 Iridium Ores which can make 10 more Quantum Solars.

Question: What is the point of all this? LOL The only reason I need IC2 power is to make more Solar Panels, so I can make more IC2 power... etc etc etc etc At some point... it all just seems pointless. I miss GregTech, where this IC2 power would really come in handy... sigh
Need more mods with "proper endgame" devices, where you can basically shatter AN ENTIRE SODDING DIMENSION by channelling your excess power into *THE DEVICE*

Bonus points if you catalyse the endgame reaction using a cow.
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