IGN: Demonickwolf
Age: 21
Skype (Required)(Can be messaged to me if wanted): demonickwerewolf
Skills/Experience in Vanilla Minecraft: Everything except brewing ^^; Never quite got into that
Skills/Experience in Modded Minecraft: Most of the major mods i'm good with. Soo, I dunno..75 out of 100%?
Location/Time zone: Florida/ Eastern Standard
How often will you play?: Almost all day on Sunday, and the rest of the week would have a few hours before and after work, mayb 9-10 total.
Why do you want to join? I've always preferred smaller servers, and I hate when servers ban items, even if I don't use them. Plus, you're server looked really good ^^
Why should I pick you?/What's special about you?: Err... I dunno, honestly. No matter what I say, it's still ultimately your choice XD
Anything else I should know about you?: *Shrugs* Not that I can think of. I'm horrible at thinking of things to say about me