IGN: lusterwarrior
Age: 18
Skype (Required)(Can be messaged to me if wanted): Shall PM if needed
Skills/Experience in Vanilla Minecraft: Been playing since the last Alpha update.
Skills/Experience in Modded Minecraft: About 4 years of modded MC experience, but with most of the industrial mods like: Industrial Craft, Thermal Expansion, Mekanism, etc. I am interested in the magic mods too.
Location/Time zone: England/UTC+00:00
How often will you play?:I am in the middle of my Final Major Project for art at college, so I'm very preoccupied with my college work and I have a job too, so with no days off I will be able to play during the evenings, but I will definitely be on 3-4 times a week and my play sessions usually last quite long.
Why do you want to join? I'm just looking for a community I can chill out with and just make a steady progress with mods, so it's more of a social thing I'm going for.
Why should I pick you?/What's special about you?: 'Cause I'm awesome!
naaah, just kidding. I hate giving up, so I'll keep going on with some stupidly grindy mod for like 3 hours to try and fix it and if I'm going for a big build, I like to go super artsy and all.
Anything else I should know about you?: I have cookies.
Age: 18
Skype (Required)(Can be messaged to me if wanted): Shall PM if needed
Skills/Experience in Vanilla Minecraft: Been playing since the last Alpha update.
Skills/Experience in Modded Minecraft: About 4 years of modded MC experience, but with most of the industrial mods like: Industrial Craft, Thermal Expansion, Mekanism, etc. I am interested in the magic mods too.
Location/Time zone: England/UTC+00:00
How often will you play?:I am in the middle of my Final Major Project for art at college, so I'm very preoccupied with my college work and I have a job too, so with no days off I will be able to play during the evenings, but I will definitely be on 3-4 times a week and my play sessions usually last quite long.
Why do you want to join? I'm just looking for a community I can chill out with and just make a steady progress with mods, so it's more of a social thing I'm going for.
Why should I pick you?/What's special about you?: 'Cause I'm awesome!
Anything else I should know about you?: I have cookies.