FTB Horizons: Daybreaker Discussion

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I'm enjoying this pack! I'm happy to see that there is no Thaumcraft and AE2. It's almost like starting out over again. Looked up a lot of mods and checked out as much video's as I could. Realistic Terrain and Streams are awesome. Seeing cows, and sheep and chickens floating downstream was amusing. Oh, and Mekanism! It's about time. :) Progressive Automation is a cool alternative to the ol' set and forget systems in the other packs.
I may think about putting Ancient Warfare in there. Feels like it might fit well with this pack.

Thanks for putting this pack together. I'll be on this one for awhile.
I'm enjoying this pack! I'm happy to see that there is no Thaumcraft and AE2. It's almost like starting out over again. Looked up a lot of mods and checked out as much video's as I could. Realistic Terrain and Streams are awesome. Seeing cows, and sheep and chickens floating downstream was amusing. Oh, and Mekanism! It's about time. :) Progressive Automation is a cool alternative to the ol' set and forget systems in the other packs.
I may think about putting Ancient Warfare in there. Feels like it might fit well with this pack.

Thanks for putting this pack together. I'll be on this one for awhile.

I'm going to have to take a look at this today. Even if I don't end up playing it, it sounds like something to see.
Well, my opinion is that its not his modpack; its an official FTB pack. As a mod, be can post the thread wherever he feels like it will get the most views/comments. This is especially important for Daybreaker, as it includes a bunch of mods that may not be used to working together nicely.

Some people just have to have something to cry about. My guess is that his favorite pack wasnt stickied.

I've decided to wait until GC Oil is fixed before continuing to play through.
So, can I assume that Matter Overdrive's Gravitational Anomalies work the same way as Thaumcraft hungry nodes and like to eat you and your things?
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Is there a mod in this pack that makes people stay 'logged on' on servers after they've left the game?

I've gone on a server, and after leaving it for half an hour and logging back in, I was already dead. is that a bug, a feature, or a server being damn unresponsive to log-offs?

Edit: I have discovered oil geysers, they cause monsterous amounts of lag. maybe they should be toned down a bit (a LOT)?
since the oil spill happened you got times out, what happened was that you logged off when you were in the oil spill so it took time for the server to see that you had left the game which is why you died, also don't rate servers over modpack bugs, this pack is still in development and its hard to moderate and fix a modded server specially when a pack is still buggy
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Why is random things spectre dimension disabled?
It caused bugs when people tried to use it - if they were even able to use the Spectre Key successfully, it alternated between crashing the test server and teleporting them back three seconds later.

EDIT: Pushed out 1.0.1 to the FTB launcher. 1.0.0 is already available on Curse Voice, and 1.0.1 just got approved - an ETA of about 15 minutes before it's out.
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Quick and dirty list of mods that changed if you want to look up individual mod changelogs while waiting for the official one (numbers are the pertinent ones that changed, this does not account for any config adjustments):

AOBDBB 1.0.3 --> 1.0.4
DifficultLife .0 --> .3
EssentialCraft 204 --> 205
GCCore 333 --> 344
FCPlants 333 --> 344
MalisisCore 12.3 --> 11.4 (regress)
MalisisDoors 1.8 --> 1.6 (regress)
Micdoodlecore 333 --> 344
ModularArmor 1.0.7-30 --> 1.0.11-34
rftools 3.02 --> 3.10
rfwindmill 0.7 --> 0.7a

BTW, Gideon, are we going to get an alternative recipe for the Open Modular Turrets "Containment Chamber" sub-ingredient? Currently it requires shiny/platinum, which is a no-sell as far as I can tell in this pack. This means no Tier 4 turrets can be currently made.

Also, as far as I can tell Redstonic is kind of gimped without valid tier 2/3 batteries since the default mod ones require EnderIO mats and the fallbacks require TE capacitors, neither of which this pack gives access to; perhaps an alterative recipe for the tier 2/3 batteries can be added?
Also, as far as I can tell Redstonic is kind of gimped without valid tier 2/3 batteries since the default mod ones require EnderIO mats and the fallbacks require TE capacitors, neither of which this pack gives access to; perhaps an alterative recipe for the tier 2/3 batteries can be added?

I support this request. Right now, its mitigated by having a means of recharging in your inventory (Mekanism Energy Tablets of QF Quibit Cells)
BTW, Gideon, are we going to get an alternative recipe for the Open Modular Turrets "Containment Chamber" sub-ingredient? Currently it requires shiny/platinum, which is a no-sell as far as I can tell in this pack. This means no Tier 4 turrets can be currently made.

Also, as far as I can tell Redstonic is kind of gimped without valid tier 2/3 batteries since the default mod ones require EnderIO mats and the fallbacks require TE capacitors, neither of which this pack gives access to; perhaps an alterative recipe for the tier 2/3 batteries can be added?
Yup, I'll get recipes added for those.
since the oil spill happened you got times out, what happened was that you logged off when you were in the oil spill so it took time for the server to see that you had left the game which is why you died, also don't rate servers over modpack bugs, this pack is still in development and its hard to moderate and fix a modded server specially when a pack is still buggy
Strangely enough, they were separate instances, when I changed server the timing out stopped happening but that was when I discovered the oil wells.

Since I've never used mekanism, I'm gonna be a bit baffled with this. never even heard of essentialcraft, and I seriously considered apple&milk&tea for my ore processing.
Strangely enough, they were separate instances, when I changed server the timing out stopped happening but that was when I discovered the oil wells.

Since I've never used mekanism, I'm gonna be a bit baffled with this. never even heard of essentialcraft, and I seriously considered apple&milk&tea for my ore processing.
Mekanism is actually more complicated than it looks. The ore processing is tiered but basic 2x ore processing is really easy. The Metalurgic Infuser makes almost all the machine components. The Purification chamber is basically this mods pulverizer, but the Crusher is used for special things like diamond dust. The Hydrolitic Separator is used to make Hydrogen for jetpacks and oxygen. There is also a nice walkthough of the ore processing tiers on Mekanism's official wiki: http://wiki.aidancbrady.com/wiki/Ore_Processing Also, Early game solar panels or windmills is awesome.

As for my Ore processing, thanks to EE3, I'm using a couple of QEDs for easy ore tripling. Just a few gold ingots gives me a boatload of coal.
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I messed up a recipe. I meant to have it smelt gravel, it instead decided it wanted to do sand, overwriting the recipe for glass. In the minecraft/scripts/Crafting.zs, remove the line that says "furnace.addRecipe(<Silicio:materials:4>, <ore:sand>);" (line 26). Then do /mt reload, and your problem should be fixed. I'll have a version out today that fixes it, and adds Difficult Life client side, because I forgot it somehow. (still going to be disabled by default).

tl;dr: I'm an idiot
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I messed up a recipe. I meant to have it smelt gravel, it instead decided it wanted to do sand, overwriting the recipe for glass. In the minecraft/scripts/Crafting.zs, remove the line that says "furnace.addRecipe(<Silicio:materials:4>, <ore:sand>);" (line 26). Then do /mt reload, and your problem should be fixed. I'll have a version out today that fixes it, and adds Difficult Life client side, because I forgot it somehow. (still going to be disabled by default).

tl;dr: I'm an idiot

No problem. It gave me a chance to check out the silicio mod. I wouldn't have noticed otherwise. It's 100-something redstone channels will make setting up rftools endergenic generators real easy.