FTB Horizons: Daybreaker Discussion

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Seriously though, I love the mod list... wouldn't mind seeing a few additions.

Immersive Engineering being one of them.
Morpheous - I know it's well known but it's a more quality of life type thing
Aroma's Dimentional World
Aqua Creeper
Balkon's Weapon's Mod

Don't know how well known those are but I think they would go good in there (suggested for S&G)
Question: What is the seed of the picture of the mesa in the release announcement?

Has anyone found a seed they like so far?

Aura Cascade sounds like an interesting mod, and Others.
I found a pretty sweet seed. No real landmarks, like dungeons or villages that I know of, but really nice building spots. I've set up in a "rwg_hotPlains" biome. the seed is -4835567553656230296
I found a pretty sweet seed. No real landmarks, like dungeons or villages that I know of, but really nice building spots. I've set up in a "rwg_hotPlains" biome. the seed is -4835567553656230296
Aren't villages spawned randomly? So say if you create the same world using the same seed 10 times, 3 of them could have a village at spawn, while 7 don't?

@OP, the modlist seems nice, I'm downloading the pack right now to test it, but is RF Tools really that unknown of a mod? I mean, it's even on the Infinity pack :eek:
Same with bloodmagic, c'mon everybody knows that mod
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Aren't villages spawned randomly? So say if you create the same world using the same seed 10 times, 3 of them could have a village at spawn, while 7 don't?
Nope. Villages are also seed based, just as dungeons, strongholds, ravines, etc.

EDit: Although, things can look different. Last time I used a seed for multiple worlds, the place I used to live was a slightly higher elevation(by like 1-3 blocks, not enough to really care) and the caves looked slightly different(ore vein spreading in a different direction and random blocks being in a different spot). This was in modded minecraft though, so there's no telling what mods were doing what to worldgen.

@OP, the modlist seems nice, I'm downloading the pack right now to test it, but is RF Tools really that unknown of a mod? I mean, it's even on the Infinity pack :eek:
Same with bloodmagic, c'mon everybody knows that mod

People have been looking for Mystcraft replacements since forever and RF Tools hasn't reached the popularity status to really compete with mystcraft for slots in people's packs let alone what it deserves for adding so much more than dimension building.

Also, with blood magic I'm pretty sure it's just there for all the addons. There seems to be, what, 2 add ons?
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Three addons - Blood Arsenal, Sanguimancy, and Sanguine Utilities
Hey, last suggestion from me [for now >:)], so this AMAZING mod has not been released but they've said it will be soon, the mod is called 'Immersive Engineering' i can't explain how great this mod looks and how great it would (i think) fit with this pack! Gid I'm sure you watch Direwolf so you may know what it is :p
I wanted it in the pack from the start, but it's not out yet. It'll be added once it's publicly available for use in packs.
Seriously though, I love the mod list... wouldn't mind seeing a few additions.

Immersive Engineering being one of them.
Morpheous - I know it's well known but it's a more quality of life type thing
Aroma's Dimentional World
Aqua Creeper
Balkon's Weapon's Mod

Don't know how well known those are but I think they would go good in there (suggested for S&G)
Unless I forgot it (I'm not putting that past myself haha) I believe Morpheus should be on the server side. I'll look at Aroma's Mining World - although I think it may be good just to have people use RFTools
Hrmm, I thought Thaumcraft would get into the list... it has quite a few addons that aren't well known (Essential Thaumaturgy, Thaumic Horizons, Thaumic Infusion, Magistics)
Doesn't BluePower have pipes? Or is that not in yet?
Yes BluePower got pipes, pretty much the same as RedPower 2 had. Not sure if I have the latest version in my custom pack, but I can't see the items that go through the pipes, which kinda sucks ;o

As for Blood Magic, with the addons it makes sense, but I agree, please include Thaumcraft and it's dozens (or so xD) of addons
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I would say that Thaumcraft is in almost every Minecraft modpack ever made which doesn't fit the scope of the pack. Aromas would be a good idea for servers that don't want overworld quarries since RFTool uses butt tons of RF/t.

Those mods would be best included in a Thaumcraft mod of the month kind of pack.
I would say that Thaumcraft is in almost every Minecraft modpack ever made which doesn't fit the scope of the pack. Aromas would be a good idea for servers that don't want overworld quarries since RFTool uses butt tons of RF/t.

Those mods would be best included in a Thaumcraft mod of the month kind of pack.
On the flip side, though, there's a TON of addons which have never seen the light of day. :P
Blood Magic has gotten popular, but it's in the pack. It isn't anywhere near Thaumcraft proportions, of course, but still. ;)
Three addons - Blood Arsenal, Sanguimancy, and Sanguine Utilities

I wanted it in the pack from the start, but it's not out yet. It'll be added once it's publicly available for use in packs.

Unless I forgot it (I'm not putting that past myself haha) I believe Morpheus should be on the server side. I'll look at Aroma's Mining World - although I think it may be good just to have people use RFTools
Sweet! I'm exited for the upcoming updates! also emc values? will that be implemented or is it going to have to be done manually? if a list can be made with the basic materials, copper tin lead etc, and form those 'unknown' mods servers can manually add em for the time being, servers are looking for guidance for the em values and want to avoid dupe bugs. thanks !! keep up awesome work!
Sweet! I'm exited for the upcoming updates! also emc values? will that be implemented or is it going to have to be done manually? if a list can be made with the basic materials, copper tin lead etc, and form those 'unknown' mods servers can manually add em for the time being, servers are looking for guidance for the em values and want to avoid dupe bugs. thanks !! keep up awesome work!
If I actually understand that question correctly, this is answered on the first page already

Question: Will there be EMC (exchange energy) values for copper, tin, osmium, and etc?
Answer: Yes, as soon as I have the capability to add them. Currently, EMC values are added for each save individually - meaning if I set the EMC value of copper in "New World," that value would not transfer to "New World-". This is a feature that will be added in the future.
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Does anyone have any idea what mod these crude oil geyser type things are being made by ? (its basically a source block of oil on the ground that makes a sound and then erupts and falling oil blocks start falling from the sky)
Has anyone managed to charge up Modular Armour pieces yet? Mekanism Energy Cubes do not accept them as an item to charge, and Mekanism Chargepads do not seem to work either (I get the sound and particle effects standing on the Chargepad, and a Mekanism Energy Tablet will charge but the MA pieces do not charge). Mekanism Energy Tablets by themselves do not charge them either. I have changed the Mekanism config for Energy Type to RF (was set on J), that changed the display but did not fix the issue.
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Does anyone have any idea what mod these crude oil geyser type things are being made by ? (its basically a source block of oil on the ground that makes a sound and then erupts and falling oil blocks start falling from the sky)

That is Galacticraft oil. What you are seeing is a bug, but if you collect the tiles and store them, you can use them later (placing the tiles creates an oil block).
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That is Galacticraft oil. What you are seeing is a bug, but if you collect the tiles and store them, you can use them later (placing the tiles creates an oil block).
Yeah i found out it was galacticraft oil but the issue i'm having is it causing major lag and timeouts on our server when someone finds one or walks into it and i was hoping it was able to be turned off somehow :/
If I actually understand that question correctly, this is answered on the first page already
i understand that he said yes, but I'm asking if he has a list of what he's adding and how much its adding for server owners to add for now, so it can be accurate for when he adds it himself, i know he's adding it in coming updates