Private Pack FTB-Craft || Minecraft 1.5.2 || Extended v11.7 || MyTown || No whitelist

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As for the SSP aspect, as always its possible to remove mods manually that people dont want to use :). As for removing Millenaire ill keep the mod for now. The stuff im working on now has a Millversion that has several bugfixes added into it, so that should help out greatly.
Yeah ive thought of it, however ive landed on a mod called HighLands (i also got perms for that mod):

Right now testing out a mod that got released a few hours ago, made by the same guys that made the dinosaurmod (sorry but cant recall the name right now) and that is a mod i hope to include in the 1.5.2 update. As for the update itselfe the current mods arent fully updated to 1.5.2: MystCraft, UE with addons. What used to be called Soma and Fauna is now renamed Natura, thats also in the testpack. Same is Lord Of The rings mod, both the new mods are working great.

Im also thinking some about Metallurgy and Galacticraft, but I havent gotten around to sort out the perms yet, or tested compability (ive been told Galacticraft have some issues with Inventory Tweaks).

And at last, im working on upgrading the server. More ram etc so it might be even more stable. However, as always, funding _is_ an issue still ... (serverrent isnt going up, even with the upgrade)
Yeah ive thought of it, however ive landed on a mod called HighLands (i also got perms for that mod):

Right now testing out a mod that got released a few hours ago, made by the same guys that made the dinosaurmod (sorry but cant recall the name right now) and that is a mod i hope to include in the 1.5.2 update. As for the update itselfe the current mods arent fully updated to 1.5.2: MystCraft, UE with addons. What used to be called Soma and Fauna is now renamed Natura, thats also in the testpack. Same is Lord Of The rings mod, both the new mods are working great.

Im also thinking some about Metallurgy and Galacticraft, but I havent gotten around to sort out the perms yet, or tested compability (ive been told Galacticraft have some issues with Inventory Tweaks).

And at last, im working on upgrading the server. More ram etc so it might be even more stable. However, as always, funding _is_ an issue still ... (serverrent isnt going up, even with the upgrade)
the dinosaur mod ur talking about is it fossil archeology
No actually my mistake, its called Erebus. The guys doing those mods are planning alot of dimentional mods, that i might try and pick up on and add into the pack. By all means, i love the techaspect of minecraft that the current mods provide, however having diversity is something i really want and finally some rather decent mods starts to emerge around in the community :)
And tnx to awesome Ross: "Updated TT, fixed, fixed some millenaire issues". It should now be stable (more stable atleast) :)
Throwing up a testserver, those that wanna play some just come onto irc, or just chat with me on my twitch account :) (irc pref, since i cant really link good enough from twitch)
v11 now avalible. Currently not in the launcher due to missing permissions for one mod, hopefully that will get sorted asap. For now, the only way to get a hold of the pack is on our irc (knowhow of multiMC is needed), or the link in the first post.
Server now updated to 1.5.2, the client might take a while untill it updates, but it should be fairly straight forward using MultiMC for now to connect with :)
Updated to v11.3

There seems that there might have been some issues with personal safes with this update, so ill have to check in with IC what might have happend there.
If people have enjoyed the pack, and playing on the server i would have hoped that people would considering donating some in regards of keeping the server up and running. Sadly it isnt free, and rent is due now (as for within 24h). Sadly the current funds arent enough, and if that somehow cant change, the server will shut down pretty soon :/

Edit: All sorted, we are still good to go! :)
If people have enjoyed the pack, and playing on the server i would have hoped that people would considering donating some in regards of keeping the server up and running. Sadly it isnt free, and rent is due now (as for within 24h). Sadly the current funds arent enough, and if that somehow cant change, the server will shut down pretty soon :/

Edit: All sorted, we are still good to go! :)

Great owner, nice staff, awesome pack. Happy it got sorted!!
In a minor limbo right now. There apparently was an issue with the IC2 build that i used. However ive submitted an update for it, but that might take some time before its changed. Ill evaluate the situation some, and i might update manually again so that people would have to use multiMC again for a short periode of time (or manually update theyre FTB folder with the instance in it).
In a minor limbo right now. There apparently was an issue with the IC2 build that i used. However ive submitted an update for it, but that might take some time before its changed. Ill evaluate the situation some, and i might update manually again so that people would have to use multiMC again for a short periode of time (or manually update theyre FTB folder with the instance in it).

could you tell me were i can find the update ?
The update is submitted to FTB, so the launcher should update when that happends. Meanwhile thee server is still at the current version of what the launcher is (unless its updated while ive been outdoors).
The update is submitted to FTB, so the launcher should update when that happends. Meanwhile thee server is still at the current version of what the launcher is (unless its updated while ive been outdoors).

oh about that i downloaded all the mods with multimc and when i try to login to the server it tell me that i need ic2 1.115.327-lf or somethink like that.
could you tell me what sould do?
i coudnt find it .
The IC2 builds im using is devbuilds. Just use the FTB launcher, and you should get the client you need to connect with :)
That website isnt designed to be userfriendly, only to get the information needed avalible for those that needs it.