How do you get permission for Mo Creatures? I can't seem to.
Permission for Mo' Creatures is very limited. I believe that Mindcrack Extended and the Yogbox are the only two with permission.
Sponge it's me xxluciferzxx
Here's what happen when I try centrifuging sapphire emerald and diamond combs it give me the tiny dust piles like most combs do but when I try gathering them up they won't stack and after a few tries to stack them the server crash and leave a big hole in the map. What happen next I think u know
In regards to these type of issues, its recommended to go to the IRC first, mainly because its the most reliable and fastest... I was able to replicate them not being able to stack but was not able to replicate the crash or big hole. My initial guess would be Server-Client inconsistency but it also effects Single player so I would rule that out.