Extended Pack:
IP: mc.ftbcraft.com (
Difficulty: Hard (please atleast know basic vanilla and basic modusage on join)
Raidcall: http://www.raidcall.com/go.php?sid=5166918
Frequent used stream: http://www.twitch.tv/craft_tv
Forums: http://ftbcraft.com
To join this awesomeness, please check this spoiler for updates (players will notice when not able to join our server)
For information about howto join, please contact us in one of the following ways:
- FTB-Craft @ espernet on mIrc (fastest way)
- Streamchat of Craft TV
- PM Sp0nge and/or Nozart on these forums (this is the slowest way)
- Or use OJ3TGHBT1O
- Advanced Machines
- Advanced Solar Panels
- Advance Power Systems
- Applied Energistics
- BiblioCraft
- BrainTech
- BuildCraft
- Charge Pads
- Chest Transporter
- Code Chicken Core
- ComputerCraft
- Electric Expansion
- Enderstorage
- Essentia Everything
- Extra Bees
- ExtraBiomesXL
- Factorization
- Forestry
- Forge
- Foriendsoverlay
- Gravitation Suite
- GregTech Mod
- Harvest Craft
- IC Addon: Combo Armors
- IC2
- IC2 NuclearControl
- Immibis TubeStuff
- InfiCraft
- Iron Chests
- Inventory Tweaks
- Jammy Furniture
- McCapes (mod made by us, listed as coremod)
- Mekanism
- Millenare
- Mo'Creatures
- Modular Powersuits
- Mouse Tweaks
- NEI Plugins
- Obsidiplates
- PetroGen
- Plugins for Forestry 2
- Railcraft
- Rei's minimap
- Runic Dust mod
- Season Mod
- Smart Moving
- StevesCart
- Thaumcraft
- Thaumic Bees
- ThermalExpansion
- The Twilight Forest
- Universal Electricity
- Valve Pipes (and more!)
- Wireless Redstone CBE
(Current modlist NOT 100% updated in this thread, will be shortly)
MyTown: Similar to Towny just for forge. Set a mayor or assistant, add members to claim more land!
Multiple chatchannels just like HeroChat, easy to use (uppercases are dissabled for new users due to spam)
Customized mobspawning to enshure that you WILL encounter mobs while exploring, watch your back!
Entitycontroll, making us able to remove entities on the ground, and monitor where leaks might be so we can fix them
Q: Why not use whitelist to ensure greifers cant join?
A: Who say they got a banrecord, who dont add 2 years on theyre age if there is an agelimit, and why bother using time on the forums, when its much more fun to play (i know, i know, the free bumps would be awesome ...)?
Thanks Alphaest
Here at FTB-Craft we want to run a server which is how we envision how FTB should be played. This means hard but very rewarding gameplay (It's worth mentioning how excited we were when Gregtech was included into the modpack). We want the game to be rewarding as the key goal. We have already got a player base from beta FTB and are hoping to expand with the full release.
A member, by the name of thebad300, of the FTB-Craft community is making a lets play series of his time on the server. If you want to have a looksee of what we can offer here's the first episode and his channel:
Any questions, or need help, join irc.esper.net at www.esper.net, and join #ftb-craft, speak to an op.
No asshatting
Use common sense
If you think something may be wrong, ask before doing it
Have fun
Some tips:
Don't build close to spawn
Playing with friends is much more fun
Protect yourselfe with MyTown
Server is preffed for experienced players!
If you need staff in game ask:
We run Raidcall as a voice client (it's like teamspeak), you can get it here:
Once installed click the link at the top to join our Raid call.
Big thanks to GraphicRabbit for the images in this post and a big thanks to thebad300 for making a lets play and allowing me to use in this post. Also amazing <3 too Alphaest for custom plugins