Private Pack FTB-Craft || Minecraft 1.5.2 || Extended v11.7 || MyTown || No whitelist

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Finally! We should be good to go! From now on, use the FTB launcher, not our custom stuff :)
For those joining i STRONGLY recommend going into the FTB launcher options under advanced options and add this line where it say additional java parameters : " -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"

Basicly copy paste it without the "" of course. You might need to use ctrl+v to input it. This pack is really clientside heavy. Also its recommended manually add Optifine AND give it more! ram than the launcher gives it by default :)
Those not able to log on:

mekanism.cfg, line 31, set that one to false.

Mekanism servers screwed up, so the versionchecks will crash the clients atm!
To clarify. Go to your minecraft\config folder, open mekanism.cfg and change B:UpdateNotifications=true to B:UpdateNotifications=false
Make sure minecraft is CLOSED while doing the edit.

good times :)
This is an open server. You don't have to apply. :)
Check the opening post for a private pack code you can input in the ftb launcher to download the pack.

Not sure if the launcher adds the additional java arguments that are needed for smooth gameplay, so read up the post on how to add them.
I guess its time to start on 1.5.1, a few new permission have been gotten, but so far, one mod is missing updated (Railcraft). But ill atleast start on it, and hopefully RC isnt far off from being completed (its apparently in betatesting at the moment)
A betapack is avalible for testing. Work has started on the 1.5.1 update. Those that know our Git will be avalible to test it out! Will also be streaming this some at random (depending on what else i gotta do RL)
Ive gotten a few new permissions aswell for 1.5.1. Those testing, feel free to add me as friend ingame (yeah thats now possible) to chat with me in realtime, even if im playing SSP or even just in the menus :). Just press F4 when the game is started up, and add Sp0nge. I will accept all requests for now.

Also V10.1.1 is now avalible for testing
With some help from the Buddycam dev Im finally able to puch a beta with "working" mods. None of the familiar mods are added in yet, first wanted to sort out the current issues, and wait abit more for mods to get abit more stable. Its found at the same spot as usuall for those that have access to it. If finding any bugs, just post them here and ill try address the devs about it and figure out a solution :)
Beta-testers for the 1.5.1 update is needed. Please check the first post for more information :)
Sponge it's me xxluciferzxx

Here's what happen when I try centrifuging sapphire emerald and diamond combs it give me the tiny dust piles like most combs do but when I try gathering them up they won't stack and after a few tries to stack them the server crash and leave a big hole in the map. What happen next I think u know