FTB and Forge - Curse Partnership.

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll just silently pray that this forum wont be slowly digested from inside out by Curse, and the FTB moderators I like and trust be replaced by Curse's kindergarden moderators.

The idea of Slow and LexManos only being advisors is scary. To me, advisor = no real power over decision-making
Advisors can say stuff, but who says that Curse will listen and respect your decisions?

I can also fully understand why you need to do this Slow, I did take the time to read the OP.

I just get a bad vibe from this...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ohh wait I DLed ATL a while ago. I was playing Resonant Rise but stopped as I could find no good Aussi servers.
Curse better not dick around AT ALL with how FTB runs. Sure change is a thing and it sometimes needs to happen but people still hate it with a passion, irrationally so. I also hope Curse keeps their forum BS away from this, you know how I used the word DICK in this comment? Wont be able to do that when this forum merges with Curse which I might add is a fucking eye wateringly ironic name... I'm usually a tame forum goer but I have had many many infraction notices for insulting but innocuous stuff. You can't even call a troll a troll there... It's silly. I don't post there as often becasue I have to be WAY too careful with what I type.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This news does not fill me with confidence. Way back in the day, I used WoWace and WoWmatrix to manage my World of Warcraft addons. Then Curse ate WoWace. And then Curse blocked access to WoWmatrix on release day of a major expansion and just so happened to also release the beta of their own addon manager. Clearly dirty pool. Add to that all the many, many occasions of the Curse client being abused to deliver malware and, well, let's just leave it at the fact I'm still using WoWmatrix exclusively.

Unless there's a big turnaroud, the day this CurseForge client comes out is the day I stop using FTB.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So the mods and the launcher will still be free to the user. Just the mods and launcher? So where does curse play its card to get money out of all of this? I am all for the success of the people who put hard work into there mods. But in 6 months, if were going to be riddled with payments and ads from curse to go premium just play minecraft or modded minecraft. I for one will say. Bad move, really really bad. I will keep using the other launchers that provide superior accessibility and performance, without the need for a money making site and 6 months worth of waiting to actually see how much money they want.

My opinion is that they should not mess with what already works fine. I understand that life gets in the way of development. But that is life. If your developing, and life gets in the way. OH WELL life is more important. There is really no reason for this change. Just that most of the work will be given to curse while Slow and Lex watch as everything they worked for falls apart because of curse. I am accustomed to change, that part doesn't bother me. Its the fact that there handing it over to a site...who's credibility is like looking at dried up pile of dog crap. Sorry Slow and Sorry Lex, but this is a dumb idea.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
Portland, Oregon
Do not want! Curse is just seeking out the little guys right now to add them to their network to generate revenue by spammy ads and they slow down my website experience. I do not want our FTB experience mixed up with Curse!

edit: Our forums are moving to minecraftforum.net? Those forums are disgusting. Signatures as tall as some posts, often and no finesse to any of it. I much prefer our independent community. Not saying I don't appreciate growth but those forums are honestly visual diarrhea.

un worry

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
edit: Our forums are moving to minecraftforum.net? Those forums are disgusting. Signatures as tall as some posts, often and no finesse to any of it. I much prefer our independent community. Not saying I don't appreciate growth but those forums are honestly visual diarrhea.

Though there are several wikis (in different states of completeness and accuracy), this forum is arguably one of the most valuable assets for the community. Mods are constantly changing and accurate information is often hard to find, so this site has become an important resource for many people. I would hate to see its quality and value decline as a result of these change.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Pray, my friends, so we shall see the light another day.
FTB may fade away, but this community will never succumb.
We are friends, we are family, we are one. We're not perfect, we fight each other, but we sure as heck aren't going down without doing something.
That Modded Minecraft never dies!
That this wonderful group of misfits live on!
For our own freedom, and for our wallets!
For they may only be drained out on Steam Sales and not premium shit!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If those annoying Curse popups start happening then the amount of activity from me on the forums will significantly drop. I assume the same for others as just about everyone I've talked to about curse and the MCF is "those ads lag me horribly and I can't use the site because of it"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Read the OP, understand the move, just hope all the ads and malware doesn't transfer over. Also, Slow and Lex, I wish you guys would fight for a position higher than "advisor." I doubt that the Curse team would listen to a mere "advisor." It would be another matter if you guys actually had power and I would go into this transition with my mind at rest knowing you two will do your best for all of us in the long run. Also, please make sure that these forums DON'T go away. You mentioned that the layout would be same, and I've been extremely enjoying the forums even though I'm a new member. Things I would like to see happen overall:
1. No ads or malware. (or if that's really not an option, some ads are fine as long as they don't fill the whole launcher.)
2. Slow and Lex should not, NOT be just "advisors." I don't know what kind of powers you guys will have, but that title just seems too weak.
3. The forums must stay. They're awesome. They're clean. Everyone loves them.
4. In the long run, more ads should not be added, and more power should not be taken away from Slow and Lex as well as our own forum moderators. If there's even a slightest hint that Curse is extending their evil hand, pull out.
And as long as these four things are enacted upon I will be happy to support the change. Of course compromises will have to be made, but as long as its these things, I'm good. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm going to cross-post my response from Reddit here, since it sums up my concerns:

I’m going to cut to the chase here: I’m highly opposed to this change. I’m going to attempt to respond to some of the FTB dev teams reasoning behind this change (I’ll be referring to the Curse system as “FeedTheCurse” throughout this):

> Worst case scenario: The whole thing turns out horribly, the curse launcher is awful, there's giant fullsized super bowl ads everytime you go to play minecraft. People end up using a different method and make their own packs. I kinda doubt Curse is going to do anything that will drive people to use a different option.

The main reason that this is an invalid argument is servers. People are currently roped into using whatever pack a server is set to use, and most simply begin using that pack for their single player stuff. Unless you do entirely singleplayer, most people will be using FeedTheCurse packs.

Don’t forget the multiple cases of breaches causing malicious adverts to appear on Curse sites. There ain’t no AdBlock Plus for launchers.

And yes, I do know that supposedly other launchers will be able to tap into the packs themselves. There’s no guarantee that Curse won’t be placing in other restrictions on people not accessing it through the front door.

> Best case scenario: The end user can easily install mods or modpacks created by anyone whenever they want with a single click installation. Anyone wanting to make a pack can do so by choosing the mods they want and hitting install. Mod Devs get credit and downloads from their site because it directly downloads. Everyone in the modded minecraft community has an easier time and more fun.

“One-click install” is the argument most of the FTB people have been using. It takes one-click right now to get an FTB pack. There’s no difference here other than the fact that other people will be able to make packs using this system. If Slowpoke was to be believed, the new launcher will/was going to have this support anyway.

Now let’s tackle the other issue here. The ONLY way this system will work is if mod developers start hosting on FeedTheCurse. Mod devs may or may not earn more advertising money from this, but even if they are you're essentially roping mod devs into hosting their content (or at least a mirror of it, I’m a developer myself and I would NOT trust Curse to be my primary content host) or making them not be in the FeedTheCurse pack. It’s poorly thought out in my opinion.

> Same, i was a Curse Premium member when it was a beta on WoW.

No. Just no. By saying that, you are saying you don’t know what it’s like to be a slave to the insane advertising on every single piece of whitespace they can possibly fit one onto. Or their absurd bandwidth limitations. And worse.

> This is a short post that is being made in order to announce that an agreement has been reached to form a partnership between Minecraft Forge, FTB and Curse.

This is a line even I didn’t really notice the full effect of until now. The Forge dev team is going along with this. Which means one of the last non-Reddit non-Curse communities will be migrated to Curse, plus Minecraft Forge and all the other mods that they provide a host for will probably be shoved onto FeedTheCurse.


I really loved the old FTB. The one that cared about the community. The one that put out packs like FTB Ultimate. Packs designed for the community. Not to satisfy modder demands. Not to make money. Not to try and be future-starters. For us. You’ve lost my business for good. I’m sorry.

P.S. - Because comments can be edited and deleted on this site, I took the liberty of making an archive of the post as I saw it while writing this. These are the comments I responded to: http://archive.is/VI13J
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