FTB and Forge - Curse Partnership.

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That's something Slow and Lex have firmly maintained they'll hold onto, the ability to walk away if Curse goes bad. That's been mentioned, worried about and addressed earlier in this thread, so why are you even bringing it up again?

You missunderstood what I was trying to say. It is important that they have this ability, not that they miss it. Although I would be very careful about this, since Curse from business-point has to try to bind them to curse by any means. It is just to early to say if they succeed with it. I do have trust in slow and honestly even a bit more in the people around slow that they will notice any actions going in that directions.

Also yes, the new launcher from Curse will be Mac/Linux compatible, as long as it isn't you can use the old FTB-launcher.

Also don't confuse the curse-client with the new planned minecraft-launcher. The curse-client has no Mac or Linux support (and honestly most games it supports don't work on Linux and Mac), the new minecraft-launcher however will have support for both systems.
You missunderstood what I was trying to say. It is important that they have this ability, not that they miss it. Although I would be very careful about this, since Curse from business-point has to try to bind them to curse by any means. It is just to early to say if they succeed with it. I do have trust in slow and honestly even a bit more in the people around slow that they will notice any actions going in that directions.

Also yes, the new launcher from Curse will be Mac/Linux compatible, as long as it isn't you can use the old FTB-launcher.

Where does it says this?
It will bring them money, of course they won't have an issue with hosting it. The only real question is whether Greg wants it there. Cause that's the only thing that matters. It's his mod.
Mmm, good point :P

Greg hasn't said anything about it yet, so I'll wait and see I guess...
Cool, I hope this is all true. Even though I will probably hate it.

At least people are going into this all positive and full of hope!....(really no pleasing people are there?)

As fas as I understand it it is all still in the planning/negotiation phase. Lets pack up all the doomsayer signs and give them half a chance to see what they can actually do with it shall we? It might actually not turn out just so bad as everyone immediately jumps to the conclusion of based on faulty/limited information.
I for one is very exited to see what this can bring as we stand to loose nothing. We/they can always go to the way things were.
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At least people are going into this all positive and full of hope!....(really no pleasing people are there?)

As fas as I understand it it is all still in the planning/negotiation phase.
I think a majority are being negative at this point for two reasons:

First, because while Slow took soundings from the entire team before moving ahead, the rest of the community feel that we have been presented a fait accompli.

Second, because now, before deals are set in stone and signed, is the most rational time to express our concerns. As more time passes, things become increasingly irreversible.

As a sort of side point to that, I for one would rather not have anyone say afterwards, "Well, why didn't you speak up if you had an issue?"

Thumper's mother was horrifyingly wrong, in the long run, and so is anyone else who subscribes to her theory. Slow wants honest feedback; he's getting it. I'm sorry it's not overwhelmingly positive but that is no reason not to give it.

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Does anyone know if Slow has said if he surveyed the current FTB user base? Because nowhere in any of his posts on these forums have I seen him do that. And I do not have any email record of him asking me to do so. Therefore I feel left out of this decision to go with Curse, and I feel that Slow should hold off on the deal or cancel until he has properly rolled out a survey of all the users who are on the FTB forums, and I am asking that he consider doing so before signing any legally binding contracts.

While I fully believe Slow is trying to act in our best interests, I do not feel that it is in our best interests for them to go and make such a monumental leap without first finding out what we the users of FTB want.

Cheers ...

Does anyone know if Slow has said if he surveyed the current FTB user base? Because nowhere in any of his posts on these forums have I seen him do that. And I do not have any email record of him asking me to do so. Therefore I feel left out of this decision to go with Curse, and I feel that Slow should hold off on the deal or cancel until he has properly rolled out a survey of all the users who are on the FTB forums, and I am asking that he consider doing so before signing any legally binding contracts.

While I fully believe Slow is trying to act in our best interests, I do not feel that it is in our best interests for them to go and make such a monumental leap without first finding out what we the users of FTB want.

Cheers ...

I suspect he intentionally didn't do that because I'm almost certain that most everyone would object to it, regardless of whether they understood the actual deal, what the plan is and how FTB has the option to back out at any time.
Does anyone know if Slow has said if he surveyed the current FTB user base?

The pros and cons as I see it are like this:

  • FTB modpacks are hosted somewhere else, which means that FTB as a whole is not nearly as costly as it is no longer having to pay rather high data transfer costs every time a new pack goes live or gets updated.
  • Coding of the launcher is outsourced to Curse, who can integrate the way it collects files within their own launcher so that instead of each pack downloading everything, packs share download pools and allocate what mods are associated with what pack.
  • Due to eased time restraints and costs, FTB becomes more focused on just creating packs and working on the challenge maps that was what started all of this.
  • Curse gets partnered with FTB, which means that they get increased revenue from more people using their client and paying for their premium service.
  • Slow and Lex get paid (unconfirmed) by Curse and can act in an advisory role towards FTB related areas.

  • Mods related to FTB modpacks MUST be located on Curse's servers in order to function with the new client, even if the author does not want their mod hosted by Curse. Data transfers will be done through Curse's client, from their servers, blocking people who may have been banned by Curse, or who cannot use/refuse to use the client.
  • Coding of the launcher probably still won't happen any more quickly, coding becomes entirely in the hands of Curse, and done however they decide to do it (so long as it does not directly prevent people downloading the mod without a premium service). Launcher may not be as well integrated with Minecraft, may have hidden tracking aspects, or just simply lock everything away behind a wall of adverts. Launcher may also not update at the speed that may be necessary to adapt to the ever changing modding environment.
  • Due to how files are pulled from Curse, older packs may not be downloadable if that version of the mod was not uploaded to Curse.
  • Being partnered means that FTB may be bought out at some point, or the FTB community "merged" with curse (to better serve users).
  • Curse, atleast from their track-record, will probably only listen to what Slow or Lex says until they acquire their next group or FTB is found to not make Curse the money that it is expecting to get from this venture, and Curse can still ultimately do whatever they want in the matter.
  • Being bound by contract means that Slow and Lex cannot simply pack their things and leave Curse should Curse decide to do anything they do not like or agree with, without either losing the FTB brand in the process or having to pay fines for breech of contract.

The bottom line is that Curse really only cares about the money involved here. FTB is a brand that has sprung up in the community, has gained a reasonably large following, and is related to a property that Curse is already involved with. It's a matter of business. FTB has operational costs, a partnership with Curse can reduce those costs significantly, but the question is what the community loses in the process since nothing in this world is free and Curse isn't doing all this out of the kindness of their heart.
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I guess I want to add my two cents to this.... I really don't know what this is anymore other than people misspelling and not reading previous posts. Anyways my two cents
  1. I think that a way for Feed the Beast pay for the work done by the staff is a good thing since we enjoy so much for free why not give back to them. I for one would not mind a little bit of adds except for when I'm trying to read large forum threads like this. I think a way to minimize the negativity of the ads would be to put them at the top and bottom of the forum pages but not at the sides. Besides that I also think a general repository of minecraft mods would be awesome since I normally add a couple of extra mods here and there to my server and have to just go to one site or client to download them would be excellent even with some ads. I would not however like to be asked to pay money for features on a client that we have now or being able to download multiple things at once. I know this has been covered over and over again but I'm just writing my honest opinion on some of the things I've seen discussed. Also to the point of problems with virus' and trojans just get an antivirus people it's not that difficult in fact get 2 or 3 if your that concerned. I mean I've had my same antivirus for the past I don't know how long but it's been a while and I have yet to have my computer so badly infected that I lost anything or had anything hacked. I also think some of the revenue that is made by the ads should go to the mod makers and the minecraft teams that work hard to get them recognized like FTB but that may just be me. I may be missing a couple of things I've seen in this thread but hey it's been one long thread with an outpouring of repetitive posts and flaming even though I did read it all I don't think I remember half of all of the points because of the constant interruptions for flaming.
  2. .... Ah I remember what the second point was about. Slow and Lex's advisory roles. I really don't think that advisory is a high or important enough position for both Lex and Slow because as people have said the position inherently implies that the user, user of the position, has no power in anything other than giving their opinions and since both Lex and Slow will be bringing in a lot of people to the curse site they know what motivates most well enough to be able to help increase and keep the flow up people but if they can only "advise" they really can just be shoved off to the side in my opinion because they role affords them only the right to be heard not to actually veto a bad idea or put forward a good idea. Honest I think that Slow and Lex do a great job with what they have and with the help of curse they could make it even better but if all they can do is suggest things that may or may not get done I feel that the whole thing could go wrong in so many ways with a corporation. That said I know Slow and Lex will back out of the deal if they see it going that way. I also would like to ask them to make sure to nit pick every little detail in the contract so as to make sure everything is as it should be and a suggestion, put it up in a closed thread on the forums before signing so that people can see the deal before it happens and so legitimate concerns can be messaged to staff member. Although this will generate some trolls I think that most messages would be constructive in the whole to the deal. Just a suggestion.
Well that's my two cents.... Wow this is the most I've written in a forum in... well ever. I'm not normally one for many words but this has been an intriguing topic to write on and consider. I hope this all turns out good because I really like Feed the Beast and all of the moderators and I respect the work they've put in especially since they do it all for free and completely in their off time. I have a hard time doing anything other than gaming in my off time so that makes me respect them even more because not only are the working with a game when here that they have to resist the temptation to forget about what they were doing and just play a game. Anyways thank you for letting us know in advance and leaving this thread open for some of us to post constructively and others to just make a mockery of what this thread was meant to be.

Thanks for spending the time to at least skim or read this,
The pros and cons as I see it are like this:

  • FTB modpacks are hosted somewhere else, which means that FTB as a whole is not nearly as costly as it is no longer having to pay rather high data transfer costs every time a new pack goes live or gets updated.

Im pretty sure Creeperhost donates the hosting to them so they don't have to pay anything.
At least people are going into this all positive and full of hope!....(really no pleasing people are there?)

As fas as I understand it it is all still in the planning/negotiation phase. Lets pack up all the doomsayer signs and give them half a chance to see what they can actually do with it shall we? It might actually not turn out just so bad as everyone immediately jumps to the conclusion of based on faulty/limited information.
I for one is very exited to see what this can bring as we stand to loose nothing. We/they can always go to the way things were.

You have a small group being absorbed by a company... people are right to be worried because there is a decent record of these things going wrong. Now, it could very well work out. However, depending on whatever contract is signed, we don't know what can be lost.

Vagrant0 was pretty dead on. Curse sees a profit as that is all a company exists for. Hopefully, they won't wreck things for said profit. The concern is justified in my eyes.
Also to the point of problems with virus' and trojans just get an antivirus people it's not that difficult in fact get 2 or 3 if your that concerned. I mean I've had my same antivirus for the past I don't know how long but it's been a while and I have yet to have my computer so badly infected that I lost anything or had anything hacked.
I would strongly recommend you Google the phrase "Zero-Day Exploit". I do not think antivirus works the way you think it works.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  • Being partnered means that FTB may be bought out at some point, or the FTB community "merged" with curse (to better serve users).
  • Being bound by contract means that Slow and Lex cannot simply pack their things and leave Curse should Curse decide to do anything they do not like or agree with, without either losing the FTB brand in the process or having to pay fines for breech of contract.

Slow has said that curse is not interested in buying the name FTB and that he has not/will not sell the name FTB. He also said in his stream that they (Slow & Lex) can back out of this at anytime if they feel that it is not working or lacking backing from the mod developers.
Dorque said:
I would strongly recommend you Google the phrase "Zero-Day Exploit". I do not think antivirus works the way you think it works.

Last thing before I'm done with this thread other than reading it. There will always be new exploits for systems especially windows and the only way to avoid them all is to never use the internet. The exploit could come from anything or anyone no one is immune. Every major site I know of has been hack/exploited in some way or another because they are a large repository of information. Curse is like everyone else. They will get infected ads but so does facebook or twitter or pintrest. And yes an antivirus works the way I think it does because I know enough of the practical theory behind it.

edit: anyband all software that uses the internet and has a human component has the zero day exploit. yes even curse does but if you keep your antivirus updated and don't click on ads you'll be a lot safer.
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Last thing before I'm done with this thread other than reading it. There will always be new exploits for systems especially windows and the only way to avoid them all is to never use the internet. The exploit could come from anything or anyone no one is immune. Every major site I know of has been hack/exploited in some way or another because they are a large repository of information. Curse is like everyone else. They will get infected ads but so does facebook or twitter or pintrest. And yes an antivirus works the way I think it does because I know enough of the practical theory behind it.
The primary issue that people are pointing out here, though, is that with the internet you can take common-sense steps; ad blocking, noscript plugins, general blocking of the execution of potentially malicious code.

With a launcher, your options are severely limited; if a malicious ad gets pushed to the launcher, it basically acts as a malware conduit.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
I still have an issue with this, because even though apparently Curse doesn't want to purchase FTB and slow doesn't want to let it go, ... how long will the temptations occur before it actually happens?

An advisory role in a corporation doesn't give you a whole lot of power when it regards what you're advising in the first place. I would shoot the offer down out of the sky before it even happens, because I'd want total control of how everything goes; not to give that up.

But, alas. In the end, its Slow's decisions what goes on, and as I've said in the past; as soon as I am required to use a Curse-branded client and/or use a Curse account is the day I will be walking away from everything here, because I just do not like Curse with the way they have treated me as both a customer and a user in the past. Yes, I admit I had subscribed for their premium service once. Then I wanted to make some suggestions/complaints and not get the same-old canned response I'd get each and every time, so I requested some contact information. Instead of getting that, I got a ban from their systems. That is not the way a company should treat their customers, and as such; I do not support them in any way, shape or form.

I would recommend the same as far as this "partnership" goes, because all Curse is trying to do here, is monopolize the Minecraft modding scene.
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Slow has said that curse is not interested in buying the name FTB and that he has not/will not sell the name FTB. He also said in his stream that they (Slow & Lex) can back out of this at anytime if they feel that it is not working or lacking backing from the mod developers.
I would still caution against them agreeing to anything before checking the legal terms they are signing to thoroughly, and considering the numerous other options out there that can provide what Curse can give them, if not more. I cannot believe that for as talented of a community we have here that there are not other options available that might serve FTB better in the long run. Curse would not have approached them if Curse was not wanting to get something in return.
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