Short spoiler, no warning needed.Long spoiler, ye be warned
Although my username cannot be changed, Call me Albin Xavier
Bigass Spoiler, other spoilers buttons are borked.Long spoiler, ye be warned
siggy! (close)
Anon said: ↑
It's kinda ironic that Googles slogan is ''Don't be evil''.
Hyperme said: ↑
As for Mojang tyranny, ha ha. Any form of DRM to prevent more APIs will, like all DRM ever made, fail miserably. Really the best thing to do would to eat Forge using vague legal arguments and implement that. I mean Mojang is trying to eat Bukkit.
Knuckles said: ↑
How dare you try to infiltrate my home,
In hope you may steal my precious jewels?
The Chaos Emeralds belong to me.
You shall perish if you break my rules!
I'll take these gems of yours.
See how you like it yourself!
Now leave this island, you spiky little fiend,
If you know what's good for your health!
MachineMuse on EXO mod.
MachineMuse said: ↑
Looks amazing! If this takes off then maybe I can finally stop maintaining MPS >.>
Bellaabzug21 said: ↑
Allright guys. It is today that I reveal Eloraam's secret power! The ability to make amazing programs but start sucking at random intervals and having to stop for extremely long periods of time. Let the elo-foot mystery end!
Proper Muck Bug Reporter
Check out Proper Muck! and check this just terrible mod by...someone - IdiotCraft!
I hand out "hates" as if they were nukes, just stay on the good side of me and I won't hate you!I hand out "likes" as if they were sweets, just stay on the good side of me and you'll get some!
Check out my FTB Guide:
Forum Game - Funniest Puns (Rated Edition) :
Lab Monkey for Resonant Rise
Check Resonant Rise! and check this cool mod by Doctor Who - T.A.R.D.I.S
Someone said:
Fans do that, their hate keeps them alive... which is weird since fans are inanimate objects.
Just sit there and waste your precious time. When you want to do something, don't do it right away. Play Minecraft and Zelda instead. Maybe even a doctor who marathon
to finish it[/quote]I hand out "hates" as if they were nukes, just stay on the good side of me and I won't hate you!
Check out Twitch Plays Pokemon:
The last part could be biased by Internets.
I think we could use [q.u.o.t.e] to manually quote what is in quotes on the signature.
Fun fact, placing the quote command will quote everything inside even if there is no
Hail The Domed One[/quote]to finish it
I hand out "likes" as if they were sweets, just stay on the good side of me and you'll get morbidly obese!
FTB for Dummies:
This link deserves a PUN-ishment, HAHAHAHAHA... i need friends...:
There is no rule to say that you must play the game every time you post.Wait
Blank post?
Your ost doesnt have a dummy the post is the quote![]()
which one are you referring to?Your ost doesnt have a quote...
The one right before I said blank quotewhich one are you referring to?
You eyes need ujustin ya heard? because there is a flippidy flappidy quote with some bippidy boopidy content in that there postThe one right before I said blank quote