“In-Game Username:mace1262
Age:12 but I'm really mature
What is your Timezone?

Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: nope
If Yes, why?: N/A
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week):I play sports so like if I'm lucky on weekdays I can play for like a hour. But on weekends I can play for like 6 hours.
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: since 1.2.4
FTB Experience?:1 year ago, but I picked it up fast.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: yesbut I never talk
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: yup
Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: looking for a fun server to play on
What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: more experience in some mods I'm learning and to play with active players
What will you be bringing to our server?: I'll help people with stuff if they need it
Other information you would like to add about yourself: might not be as active right now if accepted. But like I said my football is about to end so I will play a lot soon.
Any questions you would like to ask: nope
--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack:I played tekkit for a while
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience?no
How well do you know linux?not at all