Private Pack Feed the Machine | 1.7.1 | Custom ModPack | Mature 17+ | Online and stable!

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In-Game Username: Harryht
Age: 17
What is your Timezone?: GMT+0
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?:
If Yes, why?: nope! I like to play fair and have a great time doing so
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): More than I care to admit, but somewhere over 10 at least
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: For a couple of months before i got into mods i started with ic2 around a year ago and things evolved from there
FTB Experience?: I know most of the mods quite well and am very intrested in learning lua (Computer craft)
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: I do indeed, but i plan to get a new one soon as mine is quite bad at the moment
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: I do indeed!

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: A server i was on has recently shut down and am looking to start again
What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: a group of people to play with and become friends with

What will you be bringing to our server?: I will bring a positive attitude and a active member

Other information you would like to add about yourself: I go to college every weekday, My name is Harry, i have a girlfriend who is adorable and I Like to play many other games
Any questions you would like to ask: If the current owner of the server became unable to host the server anymore would the map be for public download? and is there a world size limit?
--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: none at all
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? would like to learn java but nothing so far
How well do you know linux? Nothing at all again
Thanks for the consideration and hope to play with you soon!

Accepted. Check our forums client information thread, and see you in game![DOUBLEPOST=1381962327][/DOUBLEPOST]If I do not reply to your response, with an accepted reply, than sorry to inform you are not accepted.
In-Game Username: loadedspud19
Age: 17
What is your Timezone?: Central Time US & Canada
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): depends on if I have homework during the week but yes during weekends
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: I know everything in vanilla but I'm not that good with redstone
FTB Experience?: played about a total of 100 hours on FTB
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: I do have a mic but I don't like talking very much so I dont have Teamspeak
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: yes.....yes I do

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: To make new friends and have a good time on a new server(new to me anyway)

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: to learn about anything that I might not now about the new 1.6.2 mods

What will you be bringing to our server?: friendliness, smarts, and a helping hand

Other information you would like to add about yourself: Not really

Any questions you would like to ask: Does the server have timed restarts?

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: I am Head Admin on a Vanilla server, and I was Op on a old FTB Ultimate server that no longer exists
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? I will be learning about Java starting next week during school
How well do you know linux? I haven't really played with Linux I am more a Windows guy
Sorry this might be noob question but were can I get Thaumcraft 4.0.1b? Because I can only find 4.0.2A? Which makes the server not let me in because it says I need 4.0.1b? also how come it comes up saying there is only 20 slots in there server when there looks like there is like 50 times that in people that have applied? Unless im using the wrong adress, which is
I had that same problem as well. I went to one of the other 1.6.x server folders i'm on and took Thaumcraft 4.0.1b from there, it works but I cant play due to not having optifine which isn't being read for some reason.
Sorry this might be noob question but were can I get Thaumcraft 4.0.1b? Because I can only find 4.0.2A? Which makes the server not let me in because it says I need 4.0.1b? also how come it comes up saying there is only 20 slots in there server when there looks like there is like 50 times that in people that have applied? Unless im using the wrong adress, which is

That's the right server. I will post the link to the Thaum on the forum. Sorry bout that problem. trying to have the updated version added asap

edit: posted the old version in the Bug section for now
I had that same problem as well. I went to one of the other 1.6.x server folders i'm on and took Thaumcraft 4.0.1b from there, it works but I cant play due to not having optifine which isn't being read for some reason.

So what is it saying "exactly" when you try loading it up?
For optifine, it doesn't give me a crash log, it just doesn't show optifine on the main screen. I have tried 1.6.4 C4, C5 & C6 and neither work. I was thinking of trying a different forge, but that would conflict with server's forge version. I was on a vanilla 164 server with optifine using forge 916, and it worked fine with optifine C5.

For Thaumcraft, i fixed it myself since it was a mismatch version in pack with server's version of Thaumcraft
For optifine, it doesn't give me a crash log, it just doesn't show optifine on the main screen. I have tried 1.6.4 C4, C5 & C6 and neither work. I was thinking of trying a different forge, but that would conflict with server's forge version. I was on a vanilla 164 server with optifine using forge 916, and it worked fine with optifine C5.

For Thaumcraft, i fixed it myself since it was a mismatch version in pack with server's version of Thaumcraft

MMkay, yeah its probably a forge mismatch. Optifine is notorious for being several versions behind
what version of forge is the server using. ill try a different forge version now to see if it works. I didn't see a C5 1.6.4 optifine in the old version spoiler on its forum topic, it was just updated yesterday for compatible with Forge #933
Ever since installing these mods it is either crashing when launching the minecraft instance or when I join the server ? With no error logs what so ever, I make it on to the server for like 2 seconds and then it crashes and most of the time makes me have to manually turn off my PC, any ideas why it is doing this? Tried running it with out optifine and it still does the same thing.
If possible bring this conversation to the Machinecraft forums, we try to reserve this for the apps, or to redirect people to apply on the site. My thinking is maybe you don't have the JVM arguments to add more memory?
These are mine -Xmx3G -Xms1G -XX:PermSize=256M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M. Change it to whatever works for your memory setup

If it smileyfaces again its supposed to be : P
For optifine, it doesn't give me a crash log, it just doesn't show optifine on the main screen. I have tried 1.6.4 C4, C5 & C6 and neither work. I was thinking of trying a different forge, but that would conflict with server's forge version. I was on a vanilla 164 server with optifine using forge 916, and it worked fine with optifine C5.

For Thaumcraft, i fixed it myself since it was a mismatch version in pack with server's version of Thaumcraft

For Optifine, we will need to update forge, probably to 933. Will most likely get this done soon.
In-Game Username: Sacapuntas
Age: 17
What is your Timezone?: GMT
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: no
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): At least 5 hours a week depending on college.
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: Been playing minecraft since the alpha release.
FTB Experience?: I've played FTB since it became popular. however, before that I spend alot of time on Technic launcher.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes
Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: I am looking for an active server, were I can interact with others.
What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: A new community that I can take part in.
What will you be bringing to our server?: a Helpful and Friendly attitude.
Other information you would like to add about yourself: nope
Any questions you would like to ask: Is there a private code for the pack or do I have to download the java files?
In-Game Username: SpitefulSquirrel
What is your Timezone?: CST
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): at least 10 hours per week
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: since release
FTB Experience?: about 1.5 years, I've played a number of different mod packs through that time.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: Looking for a good group of people to interact with, FTM seems like a good choice. Looking for an active and stable server to play on.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: share ideas with others and learn from more experienced players

What will you be bringing to our server?: Casual attitude, happy to go out of my way to help others and work on group projects.

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: Yes, I was op for a direwolf20 1.47 server for about 6 months, server was shutdown due to the lack of interest by the admin. Too bad, it was a fun group of people.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience? some java, but very little
How well do you know linux? Well, I play around with linux mint and arch linux quite a bit. I have prior experience with ubuntu/fedora as well.
In-Game Username:Mrtheboyfull
What is your Timezone?: Eastern Time
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: NO
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week):2-4 Hours Weeks Days( I Do Homework :D ) - Weekends 8-12 Hours
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: not a lot , i only played vanilla for like 1 months
FTB Experience?: im amateur with bees, im good with tech and automation , not a very good builder
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?:nope
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?:yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: because i like the mods it has , and i wanna play 1.6 , i been waiting for the official mod-pack release , but its taking too long

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?:more knowledge on mods :D

What will you be bringing to our server?: knowledge and some cool ideas to build stuff :D

Other information you would like to add about yourself: im basically a nerd at school , i don't have many friends , im quiet , and very mature ,i cant handle drama T_T

Any questions you would like to ask: not right now :D
In-Game Username: Zetsuboushi
Age: 17
What is your Timezone?: GMT +1
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Never
If Yes, why?: -
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): I honestly can't be sure about how long I can be on per day, I'm currently following an IT course, and my homework may vary and limit the time I can spend on the server, but you can probably expect me for at the very least 1-2 hours per day
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: I bought the game the day before it went into beta (That's about 2-3 years ago now I believe?) and I've been hooked ever since
FTB Experience?: I've played Tekkit since the first releases, and later I've moved on to Feed The Beast, and I currently play Unleashed
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes, I have a Blue Yeti, which I use to record youtube videos/stream on
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes sir!

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: I've been looking to find a crew to chat and play with, as well as an interesting environment to record video's

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: New friends, a good passtime and fun conversation!

What will you be bringing to our server?: A way too talkative person who likes helping people and working together, and perhaps some popularity through video's :D

Other information you would like to add about yourself: Besides playing Minecraft I have recently caught the Hearthstone Flu, I also enjoy playing Pen and Paper roleplaying games (Think Dungeons & Dragons) and various board- and cardgames. And on top of that I'm an avid Anime fan and a decent sketcher.

Any questions you would like to ask: How often do you have to reset the map and how is player dispersion handled?

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: I used to be a mod on a Redstone server with a few creative mods (Think Voxelbox mods), however that server shut down thanks to an argument between the "Host"-admin and the co-owner, which was a shame.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience?: My IT course is currently covering MySQL and HTML (And other webdev languages) and next period we'll be using Java.
How well do you know linux?: I think I could figure it out, but I prefer using Windows.
In-Game Username: Sacapuntas
Age: 17
What is your Timezone?: GMT
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: no
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): At least 5 hours a week depending on college.
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: Been playing minecraft since the alpha release.
FTB Experience?: I've played FTB since it became popular. however, before that I spend alot of time on Technic launcher.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes
Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: I am looking for an active server, were I can interact with others.
What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: A new community that I can take part in.
What will you be bringing to our server?: a Helpful and Friendly attitude.
Other information you would like to add about yourself: nope
Any questions you would like to ask: Is there a private code for the pack or do I have to download the java files?

In-Game Username:Mrtheboyfull
What is your Timezone?: Eastern Time
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: NO
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week):2-4 Hours Weeks Days( I Do Homework :D ) - Weekends 8-12 Hours
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: not a lot , i only played vanilla for like 1 months
FTB Experience?: im amateur with bees, im good with tech and automation , not a very good builder
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?:nope
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?:yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: because i like the mods it has , and i wanna play 1.6 , i been waiting for the official mod-pack release , but its taking too long

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?:more knowledge on mods :D

What will you be bringing to our server?: knowledge and some cool ideas to build stuff :D

Other information you would like to add about yourself: im basically a nerd at school , i don't have many friends , im quiet , and very mature ,i cant handle drama T_T

Any questions you would like to ask: not right now :D

In-Game Username: Zetsuboushi
Age: 17
What is your Timezone?: GMT +1
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Never
If Yes, why?: -
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): I honestly can't be sure about how long I can be on per day, I'm currently following an IT course, and my homework may vary and limit the time I can spend on the server, but you can probably expect me for at the very least 1-2 hours per day
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: I bought the game the day before it went into beta (That's about 2-3 years ago now I believe?) and I've been hooked ever since
FTB Experience?: I've played Tekkit since the first releases, and later I've moved on to Feed The Beast, and I currently play Unleashed
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yes, I have a Blue Yeti, which I use to record youtube videos/stream on
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes sir!

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: I've been looking to find a crew to chat and play with, as well as an interesting environment to record video's

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: New friends, a good passtime and fun conversation!

What will you be bringing to our server?: A way too talkative person who likes helping people and working together, and perhaps some popularity through video's :D

Other information you would like to add about yourself: Besides playing Minecraft I have recently caught the Hearthstone Flu, I also enjoy playing Pen and Paper roleplaying games (Think Dungeons & Dragons) and various board- and cardgames. And on top of that I'm an avid Anime fan and a decent sketcher.

Any questions you would like to ask: How often do you have to reset the map and how is player dispersion handled?

--Extra Info--
Previous Op/Mod experience, and was that Vanilla or Modpack: I used to be a mod on a Redstone server with a few creative mods (Think Voxelbox mods), however that server shut down thanks to an argument between the "Host"-admin and the co-owner, which was a shame.
MySQL, Java, or HTML experience?: My IT course is currently covering MySQL and HTML (And other webdev languages) and next period we'll be using Java.
How well do you know linux?: I think I could figure it out, but I prefer using Windows.

I am glad for the interest. please also post your app on the forum
In-Game Username: IceReaper898
Age: 16
What is your Timezone?: EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Nope
If Yes, why?:
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): Hard to give an exact number, I play when I can which usually ends up being most days of the week after school and on the weekends.
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: Been playing since alpha
FTB Experience?: I've been using most of the mods in FTB since before the packs were even created.
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: Yup
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?: Yes I do

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: I need a good multiplayer Minecraft server to play with others.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: Fun times and maybe some friends.

What will you be bringing to our server?: Experience with the mods and kindness to other players

Other information you would like to add about yourself: I'm a rad dude.

Any questions you would like to ask:

Extra Info: I do have some moderate experience with HTML.
In-Game Username: lupton4
What is your Timezone?: pacific
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?:no
If Yes, why?:N/A
How often will you be active in-game? (Hours per Day/Week): a fair amount unless I have a big exam or project for school
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?:have been playing minecraft since alpha
FTB Experience?: starting playing ftb since the official release came out but have been using mods since 1.8
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak 3?: yes
Do you agree to the Rules and Guidelines?:yes

Why do you want to join Feed the Machine?: Looking for a good 1.6 server that has a good community

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: Meet new people and play with the updated mods available in 1.6

What will you be bringing to our server?: I rock at surviving and getting a good head start

Other information you would like to add about yourself: Not really, just would really like to play a good 1.6 modded server

Any questions you would like to ask: nope