Private Pack Feed the Machine | 1.7.1 | Custom ModPack | Mature 17+ | Online and stable!

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Username: 866nick
Age: 17
Years playing Minecraft? 3
Java, or HTML experience? actually learning java atm..
Other information: im a team player. ill go in and search for a nice town or group of people. even 1 is enough :)
i apply to a server so i can play with players. not go in and play alone in a multiplayer server.
Username: ficolas
Age: 16
Years playing Minecraft? 1 and half
Java, or HTML experience? None but I want to lear java.
Other information: Is written Mindcrack not minecrack :) and 1 year of that 1 and half year that I have played minecraft, I have played with these mods (obiously not tc3, xycraft ... because they are new)
Years playing minecraft: year and little bit
Java,or HTML expirince:i learn java
Other information:im team player i love mutiplayer server and playing with people
Username: SecretChaos
Age: 22
Years playing Minecraft? probably 2 years
Java, or HTML experience? not much i know basic html
Other information: love playing mods i play it since i bought minecraft, it makes minecraft complete :)
Username: Lordmau5
Age: 15
Years playing Minecraft? ~3
Java, or HTML experience? Modding minecraft, updating mods, ...
Other information: Wanna play with Redpower again ^^
Username: Watsarui
Age: 45
Years playing Minecraft? 3+years
Java, or HTML experience? Nope
Other information: I Play with a good group of older players we are looking for a good community to build with . We all started with terafermacraft . I.v been playing since 1.7.3 and did all my on mod adding when it was not so easy as it is now . I'v owned a sever for tfc for 6 months but made good friends on a different sever so we all moved there . then FTB came out so we have been playing this on different severs looking for a good one with mature players. I also have access to a ts3 voice sever where I am top and can make and give one of you admin rights if you don't have a ts already .
Username: minecraftpre1
Age: 19
Years playing Minecraft? First played Minecraft ~2 years ago, actual playtime: 2-3 months.
Java, or HTML experience? Novice Java knowledge, no HTML experience.
Other information: Interested in playing v1.4.6 with the new and improved Red power & TC3 specifically. I like building my own machines, preferably near friendly players, like a town.
Username: Wubbbi
Age: 21
Years playing Minecraft? ~ 2 Years
Java, or HTML experience? yes, both! I am a student for informatic technology
Other information: I am so damn interested in all the new that was added in 1.4.6. I cant wait to play them all and I hope you will add me to the server! :D
Username: hyenagrins
Age: 22
Years playing Minecraft: about six months, modded minecraft for three months
Java, or HTML experience: fairly fluent in HTML and web development in general(both front end and back end). Recently started learning java and mc modding, capable of basic forge modding (made a simple one a while ago).
Linux: been using ubuntu for 2 years, know my way around
Other information: love ftb and looking for some quality server experience
Username: MrOnionz
Age: 29
Years playing Minecraft? I'v played minecraft for 3 years now one of those years spent playing tekkit, and i started playing FTB when it went in its first beta stage
Java, or HTML experience? sorry unfortunately none.
Other information: i hope i can bring my experience and knowledge of mods to the community to help it grow in a positive way.
other info:i love playing minecraft i have some experiences playing ftb mod pack beta A,watch minecraft videos regulary[DOUBLEPOST=1356359766][/DOUBLEPOST]
username: pokeking1999
other info:i love playing minecraft i have some experiences playing ftb mod pack beta A,watch minecraft videos regulary
Other information:i love to play FTB and wach minecraft and FTB video i wish to join this sever
Username: Cantankerous_Rex
Age: 41
Java/Html: Afraid not
Other: Have played minecraft for over a year and am looking for a stable server community to join
Years playing Minecraft?played a lot of vanila tekkit and feed the beast have a lot of knowleg
Java, or HTML experience?litle bit of lua
Other information:i like to play with mods and i am lokking a server to record on YT
Years playing Minecraft? 2-3 years
Java, or HTML experience? none
Other information: I am a avid builder. I enjoy creating/inventing new creations, especially hidden homes and underground laboratories. planning out designs and efficient machine layouts that contour with the home dimensions is what i like to do. Agricultural is what i want i tend to do on the side. I hope to see mature and non-theives on the server and admins that help, but also aren't jerks:)
hope to see you there.

Username: WolflerLegend
Age: 17
Years playing Minecraft? Like 1,5 years
Java, or HTML experience? Only a little HTML
Other information: Not really, maybe cause I'm Dutch? :rolleyes:

Username: frogger35
age: 16
years playing minecraft? 2 years
java, or html experience? very little with java and some lua
other information: love playing minecraft with friends on servers, I hate griefers and people who ruin game play ;). I have a broad knowlege of most mods in the pack and love to help when I can.
Hope to see you in-game :D

All Accepted[DOUBLEPOST=1356366772][/DOUBLEPOST]
Username: 866nick
Age: 17
Years playing Minecraft? 3
Java, or HTML experience? actually learning java atm..
Other information: im a team player. ill go in and search for a nice town or group of people. even 1 is enough :)
i apply to a server so i can play with players. not go in and play alone in a multiplayer server.
Username: SecretChaos
Age: 22
Years playing Minecraft? probably 2 years
Java, or HTML experience? not much i know basic html
Other information: love playing mods i play it since i bought minecraft, it makes minecraft complete :)
Username: Watsarui
Age: 45
Years playing Minecraft? 3+years
Java, or HTML experience? Nope
Other information: I Play with a good group of older players we are looking for a good community to build with . We all started with terafermacraft . I.v been playing since 1.7.3 and did all my on mod adding when it was not so easy as it is now . I'v owned a sever for tfc for 6 months but made good friends on a different sever so we all moved there . then FTB came out so we have been playing this on different severs looking for a good one with mature players. I also have access to a ts3 voice sever where I am top and can make and give one of you admin rights if you don't have a ts already .
Username: minecraftpre1
Age: 19
Years playing Minecraft? First played Minecraft ~2 years ago, actual playtime: 2-3 months.
Java, or HTML experience? Novice Java knowledge, no HTML experience.
Other information: Interested in playing v1.4.6 with the new and improved Red power & TC3 specifically. I like building my own machines, preferably near friendly players, like a town.
Username: Wubbbi
Age: 21
Years playing Minecraft? ~ 2 Years
Java, or HTML experience? yes, both! I am a student for informatic technology
Other information: I am so damn interested in all the new that was added in 1.4.6. I cant wait to play them all and I hope you will add me to the server! :D
Username: ComanderRex

Age: 18

Years playing Minecraft?: I started playing a few months before the Halloween Update that brought us the Nether back in Alpha.

Java, or HTML experience?: My HTML knowledge surpasses my java knowledge quite a bit. I have taken many web design classes and currently host a few websites myself while having ran a few for other servers in the past as well. My java experience is still that of an under level, I can however understand pretty much any code, it's just a matter of not actually being able to write long coding.

Other information: Not much, I play as often as I can/willing, but I do theatre which takes quite a chunk of my time on top of classes as well as being a moderator for a large game while still also playing various other games. I enjoy what the server is offering, and how well the community is currently looking. I would be happy to be a part of it.
Username: hyenagrins
Age: 22
Years playing Minecraft: about six months, modded minecraft for three months
Java, or HTML experience: fairly fluent in HTML and web development in general(both front end and back end). Recently started learning java and mc modding, capable of basic forge modding (made a simple one a while ago).
Linux: been using ubuntu for 2 years, know my way around
Other information: love ftb and looking for some quality server experience
Username: MrOnionz
Age: 29
Years playing Minecraft? I'v played minecraft for 3 years now one of those years spent playing tekkit, and i started playing FTB when it went in its first beta stage
Java, or HTML experience? sorry unfortunately none.
Other information: i hope i can bring my experience and knowledge of mods to the community to help it grow in a positive way.
Username: Cantankerous_Rex
Age: 41
Java/Html: Afraid not
Other: Have played minecraft for over a year and am looking for a stable server community to join
Years playing Minecraft?played a lot of vanila tekkit and feed the beast have a lot of knowleg
Java, or HTML experience?litle bit of lua
Other information:i like to play with mods and i am lokking a server to record on YT

Thats a lot of ACCEPTED!
Username: Nelthorim
Age: 17 (18 in January)
Years playing Minecraft? 1.5ish?
Java, or HTML experience? Little HTML, not enough for anything useful. Python and Lua, not too bad.
Other information: I'm looking for a nice server with a good community to play Modded Minecraft with. I'm not good at pretty buildings, but I'm not so bad at practical buildings and Lua programming in ComputerCraft. I'm also a little shy (and afraid of spoken English, not being it my main language), so don't expect me in a voice chat for quite some time.
Hey Bud,
Room for one more? :)
My Application:

Username: 123Jeffdude
Age: 18
Years Playing Minecraft? 3 years
Java or HTML experience? I have advanced Java experience, and have done a little modding but not much. I also know some C++ and Python. And I own a linux netbook so I am pretty familiar with Linux.
Other information: I am relatively familiar with the mods and my favorite is redpower. I love building circuits and programming in-game.

Thanks for your consideration !
Username: Melanion
Age: 25
Years playing Minecraft? 3
Java, or HTML experience? Adept in Java and most of the other common OoP languages, dabbled a bit in HTML, PHP, and JS. I've written a number of turtle programs, including a circular branch miner that I'm pretty proud of.
Other information: I'm a friendly individualist. Usually on servers the first thing I'll do is trek way, way out from spawn and set up my base in some neat-looking bit of terrain. Probably the first time I'll ask people to come out and see my place will be after I've got a full fusion setup and matterfab going strong. This does not mean I'm antisocial! I just like accomplishing things on my own and being able to show people the fruits of my labor. I still love having folks to chat with while I build and I have no problem contributing to community builds or tossing some iron/coal/whatever to someone who needs it. I love FTB precisely because it gives everyone many, many more options to do awesome and diverse creative things.
Years playing Minecraft? About 5-6, to be honest im not really sure. I have been playing alot of FTB since it has been out and i know how it works quite well, I used to play tekkit before that for about 2 years and ended up becoming admins on servers such as the Nukegaming server (should you know this server) so i am a responsible person.
Java, or HTML experience? Can't say i have, im not a programmer as that has never been my field of interest, i know the lingo though and im training to be a doctor so i am very open to other people and happy to talk in a friendly community.
Other information: What can i say? Im really not sure what else i can tell you apart from i hope you accept my request look forward to playing with you guys