Feed the City [Ultimate Pack][1.4.6][Whitelist][Survival][Filmed]

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Minecraft Username: camcool

Position: Grunt

Why I would be a good addition to the team:
I think I would be a good person to join the team on Feed The City server because I have had experience in working under people and following directions by going to many eagle scout projects and helping out for the full time they needed. Also I have completed my eagle scout rank this February with an eagle scout project that had me manage 69 adults and kids ranging from 7th grade to 12th grade. I have also taken part in many roles on camp outs with my troop like fire building and the axe yard and while I was running these stations I help many a scout do the requirements related to these stations. In the past year I was the troop guide, the person who helps the new scouts get acclimated to scouting, and helped my younger scout rank up and met every week with them for a solid 12 months. Because I did such a good job with the guiding my scout leader asked me if I could mentor the next guide, which he rarely asks any one to do. Finally this summer I will be working with my church in a program called FUUSE, F------ Unitarian Universalist Summer Experience, where I will be working with a non-profit over the summer as an intern for 80-120 hours over about 1-2 months.
IGN: Kringel

Position: Grunt/Technical Builder

If it's about gathering resources, I can automate the process in a simple way and sort it all out or maybe connect to your enderchest sorting network without problems. ME is not hard to learn. I have looked into it and am willing to learn it for the sake of FTC. I can stay on server daily , because I'm just a regular High School student, I have lots of free time for stuff I love doing =) . Following directions isn't hard for me, deadlines are my kind of thing. My major hobby is also graphic design (Photoshop) , so if you'd have requests on that matter I would be more than happy to help you.
Minecraft Username: groundhogbaby

Position: Technical Builder/Grunt

I can help with what ever is needed but i'm not a very good builder but i know all the mods well. Plus i just built a Applied Energistics sorting machine on my own server its pretty basic but i should be able to build more advanced ones easy if needed. I have a lot of free time on my hands and all i really use it on currently is my server and learning java.

screenshots of the community builds ive made for the server before allowing people on:
sorry about the crappy image quality.
I will work 1-3+ hours on the most days of the weak, more on the weekends. I have a lot of spare time and no other way to spend it. I have been playing FTB sense day one, tekkit before that, and mods like IC and Thaumcraft before that. I keep up with the mod updates, watch livestreams of Morvelaira Slowpoke101 and Direwolf20's videos for the last 4 seasons. Minecrafting sense 1.4.2 and good at practical things.
Minecraft IGN: Ormathon

Position: Mainly grunt. If you need something underground built, im ur digger and stacker of blocks.

I'm not the most creative outside builder, i can do furniture/interiors and RSD mechanics. I'm also very good at building underground structures. If there is new structures being built i will be around to help alot. I'm very active and got alot of free time on my hands.
IGN: Kyonai

Position: Technical Builder

I'd like to apply for Technical Builder because I have absolutely no skill in making things pretty, but I am very capable at making things logistically feasible. I have good knowledge of Applied Energistics, and have fully automated all processes in my world dealing with crafting/machine maintenance (IE Forestry Farms being fully supplied). If a world should be supplied to show the work I've done relating to AE, that can be done.

Pictures of my world for reference. http://kyonai.imgur.com/all/

(Please try to ignore the fact that my base is made of steel blocks <_< I lost a world recently to corruption and decided I wanted a niftier starting point this time around transferring my resources from the lost world.)
minecraft username: darkysabertooth

Position: Grunt/Technical Builder

im pritty good at fallowing orders and have been designing things for a wile now in feed the beast

also i here is a small gallery of things i have done in the past


all Christmas stuff was done in ftb bata pack a with no red power or redstone
Minecraft Username: ZenTehWolf

Position: Grunt

Not only can I follow orders, but I'll get them done the right way the first time.
Minecraft username: SmDurbin (AKA Shadowwolf1978) I made a mistake when setting up minecraft for the first time
Position: Grunt

I am still learning some of the mods (I do not think the process will ever end), can follow orders, and am a dedicated worker. I will be moving to the west cost in 5-6 weeks but it should only take me 4 or 5 days to get there. The first thing I am setting up on arrival is my computer. After watching Laira's stream I have stepped up my builds. Here are some of my builds.


I hope this works.
Minecraft username:Capleown
Position: Grunt/technical builder
I dont have any screenshots atm because i havent started any huge scale projects yet on my own server
Also i Can spend hours gathering materials so i Think i would make a good grunt
Position I'm Applying for:
Technical Builder (Or grunt if there's still room)​
Why recruiting me is a good idea:
I make it my business to know how the technical aspects of how a mod works in the game. I'm essentially the go to guy for all your questions, I spend most of my in-game time building some crazy wonderful contraption, improving an old one, or just testing mod interaction (things like, if X mod does this with items and I use this item from mod Y, will it still work? Or will the game explode violently?). In addition, because I'm not a fan of pure aesthetics, my build work and either look nice, or are covered up in a way so they look nice (or I have a back room where the magic happens and I pipe materials in and out). My friends often come to me with their questions when we play together instead of using the mod wikis.​

I know my way around most of the mods, but I really excel when it comes to railcraft, industial craft^2 and applied energistics. I can set up almost any process to automate and I have a lot of experience with computercraft. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the more advanced aspects of Lua, but I can make auto routers for train stations based on the carts a train has and create databases.​

Some of my most impressive builds have been on a private server (whose IP I'm told not to mention) in the rail networks, I can make full featured train terminals, stations, platforms, and passenger/tagged cargo management. In fact, on this private server (where we had the immibis periphals installed) any employee who operated the rails (for construction, management, scheduling, engineering), could view which users were in our terminals, platforms and trains, and restricted areas. This system was based on how UPS tracks mail parcels.​

Below are some screen shots from one of our "Line Terminus" stations, only one track services the town. I just finished this station for the new town. Here are some links (though I did add a description on imgur if anyone is curious about what exactly I'm showing you):​
EDIT: Renovations to the station have just been completed and traffic is flowing again, I got screenies just before the rush! Get them while their hot!
I would work best with city planners as those are the ones who would need to set public transportation routes. I'd be happy to accommodate any request they have, I enjoy a good challenge! I work best when I have a clear idea of what I'm trying to make (functionally), what my limitations are, and when I have creative input from others. I like what everyone tells me, whether it be "Nice work.", "That won't look very good.", and my favorite: "what if we did X instead of Y?"​

I'm also a very easygoing person, I like to help out where needed and I negotiate instead of fight. I may be a little "snarky" every now and then, but who isn't? I'll listen to everyone I can whenever I can about anything they want to talk about, as long as it doesn't distract anyone from their musings.​

What I would like to do for this server if I'm accepted:
As you could probably see from above, I love logistics. I can build transit systems with the such high quality and simplicity, anyone can give simple directions and obtain a general schedule for train arrivals and departures. This would make mass transit a wonderful solution for the players. Of course I can't do it alone, I'll need help and I'll welcome everyone. Just not at first as having 20+ player to help when the station hasn't been laid out is a waste of everyone's time. I plan to only ask for help where its needed, not because I feel lazy. I only ask in return that when someone asks if they can help and I say no or if I sound mean, not to take it personally. When working on mind boggling builds, its easy to lose one's calm and want everyone to leave him/her alone. I mean no ill will to others, in fact for those who have heard of a show call "The Amazing World of Gumball", I'm often described as having the temperament of Darwin (almost non existent).​
I can contribute hours of time to the server as I have plenty of free time at home. Just don't expect me to build on the first few days, I like to see what I'm up against and the "theme" of an area before just throwing blocks down. As far as actually building, expect it to be an unstoppable force, I'll keep building and breaking, and changing until I finally come up with something beautiful. The train station in the images above, expect something completely different within a few weeks. I'll come up something better by then.​
A few things that should be known:
My build teams cannot have lack of autonomy (as in "military intelligence"). Not that having this trait makes you a bad builder or a bad team player. I just won't be able to lead that type of person very well. I can't have every person helping me ask "What should I do now?" every ten seconds. I'm better at leading by example and then leaving others to their work. If a grunt can build a wall that is five blocks high, thirty three blocks long, made of cobblestone and has vertical pillars of oak logs every ten blocks. Then I will be able to lead him/her. If I lay out the bottom layer of a wall and ask a grunt to build it up to six blocks and add a oak wood roof and he/she does it, I can lead him/her. If a grunt comes to me ever few seconds to say "Did you want the wall three or six blocks high?", then I can't lead him/her.​
I like to be building with others, not giving instructions the entire time. I'll give a basic idea to everyone and send them to their jobs, then I will get to mine. I don't slack when there is work all around me. It makes me feel useless. It makes me feel like I have taken advantage of others. I don't like either of those feelings. I enjoy working for the community as a whole rather than acting in my self interests (unless you count the getting emotional fulfillment of helping others as a self interest).​
EDIT: I looked at a few other application made by others and felt I should include this tidbit of information:
I saw a few others who are applying for a position similar to mine. A ProfessorZ seemed like a great person to build with, he and I share the same story (IC was the first mod and so on...) and a similar humble attitude. I would hope that other builders on the server are just like that. Those are the people I really enjoy working with, especially if we work on small pieces of the same, larger, project.​

Please consider my application for your build environment, its exacly the kind of server I've been looking to lay on for a while now. And finally, if your read this far, I thank you from the bottom of this post (get it? this is the bottom...of this post.) and wish for you to have a nice day (or night). If I cannot have the position of technical builder, I would like to be considered for a grunt position and go from there.

Also, if you sneezed while reading this, "bless you", or whatever your culture says when that happens.

And a shoutout to ProfessorZ:
I've built things just like you have in the past and sadly, I've lost them as well. Is that where you derive your motivation to rebuild it better, faster, smaller, smarter, and blockier? Like I do? Or are you motivated simply by having the device again?​
I'm all three I love to help, build, and make stuff pretty. The builds i like are compact and always useful or for fun. I am a big charity giver and ask for no return.
P.S. Hi Morve and afa

Grunt please.
Minecraft Username: mittri

Position Grunt/Aesthetic Builder

Im a minecraft player that is totaly in love with all magic in ftb like EE 3, Thaumcraft and the new Reliquery mod. I love building and have done some attempts for adventure maps but dont have time with my youtube channel and streaming i do time to time. I have alot of time but not for making my own map. Im mostly for making medival stuff like houses, parks ,forts and castles but willing to expand my area of expertice. I can build detailed and simple but my strongest side is im perfect for following orders becouse i always try my best. More personal im from Sweden and 22 years old and an unemploye so have alot of time on me.
IGN: Shrugs
Position: Grunt/Aesthetic

I feel that I would be great in the position of a "grunt" because i'm great at following instructions and working on tedious/repetitive buildings or projects. Also I have a somewhat creative mind (see screenshots). I'm willing to work up the ranks if needed, I personally find that aspect fun. I have a wide skill set in the knowledge of the FTB mods, I mostly use the Direwolf20 pack but occasionally play with the regular one. Over the years iv'e played Minecraft some server projects have caught my attention but not as mush as this one.

The computer i'm using is fairly reliable, I don't see it dying anytime soon. Though I am a student (graduating soon) I have lots of free time so there is no worry of only being able to play for 10 or so mins a day. My knowledge of architecture and design is pretty good, my mother designs indoor houses for a living and my father is a general contractor. When I was younger I picked up on many tips in architecture.

I would really love to join this server, It sounds like a lot of fun. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope to hear a reply!


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I don't know if there is a certain question or plural that I have to answer or not( I certainly did not see or hear of any) so here is something spontaneous. I love to build if any of the servers I usually play on are down, I will spend literally hours on a off-line project. The fact that I spend hours in O.C.D state-of-mind until that last block is just right, disturbs even me. If needed I can be a whiz at the P.T.B. Side of things.( If I ever get a YouTube series going I would call it Program The Beast (Side note: I know nothing about Computercraft programming.) But I say technical side of things, because I have on my YouTube account 98 subscriptions and over 7/10 of them are Tekkit, Tekkit-Lite, or F.T.B related. I have yet to miss an episode, and watching 40 people do the same thing.... well it just burns into your brain. So there is my "spontaneous something". Even if I don't get admitted, good luck to whoever does and keep rockin them videos.
IGN: NJigglypuff

Position: Technical Builder

First off, I freely admit that I will not be online as much as others. This is due to me having an actual life. However I can get a project done pretty quickly if I set my mind to it. Something that I'm very proud of is completing the thaumcraft 3 tree, as well as a couple different gregtech machines. Something that I've been looking forward to digging into is Applied Energistics, as that looks like a lot of fun. I have a small album of things I've done on a server that has gregtech enabled. I'd link it, but i have no idea how this forum works :/

Anyways, I hope you found this worth reading. Take care.
Position applied for: Grunt
In-Game Name: monsterblocker69
Reason for application: I haven't been apart of a server for a good time now and the Feed the City server seems to have a good group of people on it. I'm a person that can do almost any task but am always willing to learn more from my peers. Also i can give a lot of time to the server and I'm always willing to give my opinion if it is asked for and love to help to help and be apart of a family.
Skill-set: I have a vast amount of experience with almost all of the mods and am very willing to work and work fast.
I'm sorry but i have no builds to show that are finished but if you would like to see some unfinished builds you can message me. Thank you for reading.

Position: Technical Builder

Past Work: As most of of my best work was done not realizing I would need pictures of it, I don't have any pictures. Although, my best project was a fully functioning giant RP2 frame quarry. It included an attached sorting system connecting to large amounts of compactly built furnaces, pulverizers, etc. It then connected to a few different spots: the cobble, dirt, gravel, etc. went to my recyclers to go to my self-sufficient mass fabricator (water mills + 4 LV solars) The Thaumcraft/magic items went to my thaumcraft room by using mystcraft portals (before tesseracts). The rest of the items were sorted with routers into a gigantic, multi-floored barrel room.

Idea for Server: My idea for the city would be a fire station with working sirens, lights, etc. This would also include transportation too, saddled pigs (carrot on a stick). Like the post office, the micro blocks would be used heavily to add decoration as well as covers to hide cabling to make the lights etc. as compact as possible!

I hope I am at least considered for a spot on this amazing server! I can't wait to (hopefully) get on and start building with the "team." Thanks!
IGN Mrdouble__
All build positions
I am a very creative person and, though without screenshots, have been practicing a whole lot to perfect my steampunk style. I also am great with mods, all if them in FTB, and have made things from Auto macerator making + implementing facilities to every bee in the game on 2 servers. I will fallow any command you give me as if my life was at stake.