I'm still a bit stymied with the pocket crafter and the portable hole, though.
For the Portable Hole, why would I ever want it as opposed to, say, a Forestry Backpack or Redpower Canvas Bag, which have more storage, require much cheaper ingredients, and in the case of backpacks, have additional sorting and storage functionality?
The pocket crafter... I still don't see it. Using up inventory slots is terribad. Frequently, my inventory is largely full, I have nowhere to put stuff other than in one of those nine slots that don't belong in the recipe. If I have to sort out my inventory to use it, I can just drop a crafting bench. If I have to drop something to get it to work, I can make and drop a crafting bench instead.
The difference between the Bag of holding (not portable hole that's thaumcraft

) and forestry bags and canvas bag etc is that the bag of holding increases your actual inventory while the bags add another inventory that you have to right click the bag to access. Forestry backpacks can't hold everything... And your inventory can obviously hold whatever you want. While other bags can hold anything they all have the thing in common that you have to right click the bag to get access to the inventory while the bag of holding is just pressing 1 button on your keyboard and this can be done when your inventory is open WHILE your crafting items with your pocket crafter.
Lets look at it this way.. Without the bag of holding and without bags you can hold 36 different items with bags you can hold much more but you really don't want to fill your inventory with bags since then you have no inventory space for items. With the bag of holding you could potentially hold 24 more bags! So you could keep one side of your portable hold with bags and the other with items for example.
Im not saying the bag of holding is better then forestry backpacks or ender pouches or canvas bags, what I'm saying is that the combination of all 4 gives the most possibly inventory space.
Forestry backpacks holds all your basic materials like cobble, dirt, wood, ingots, dusts, mob drops, building blocks, glass. Your ender pouches gives you access to your sorting system so you can anywhere you want put in items and have them automatically sort and finally canvas bags can hold tools and other materials the forestry backpacks can't hold then finally the bag of holding increases the number of bags you can hold so you don't have to completely clutter up your inventory with bags and it also increases your action slots and actual space for items.
The pocket crafter is much better then a regular crafting table IF you have the bag of holding, as you said you often don't have space for crafting with the pocket crafter but with the bag of holding you can just press a button and one of your sides of the bag should usually have space to craft. Also the pocket crafter is much like a project table in that when you exit out of crafting the stuff in the crafting grid doesn't pop out on the floor, and you can shift click items from your inventory to the crafting grid making mass production easy. The best part is the "even out all the mats button" its saves sooo much time instead of having to manually balance the items everytime just put 1 item in each slot then press the button and it balances perfectly.
As for what you said about routers vs TE for ore processing, yes I agree with you there, a simple TE system with much less machines and a couple of chests is better for a simple system for normal circumstances.
However what happens to that system if you start mining like crazy and gets tons and tons of ores I highly doubt that system would be very good at keeping up just for the fun of it in my world I disabled mystcraft instabilities and set up 2 quarries and a modular steves cart with highest level drill in a world with many dense ore symbols, If I tried TE for this amount of resources I would need millions of pulverizers and powered furnaces or I would need tons and tons of sand and literary drown in slag.