BoP adds more then slight variations of the same old dense forests. Take a look at the minecraft topic for screenshots. There's only two biomes that I disabled, compared to the 8-9 in EXBL.Is the Biomes o' Plenty like XLbiomes in that its just tons of really thick forests?
My current world is a vanilla generation I took out XLbiomes because I got really tired of forests being almost every biome. If Biomes o' Plenty is more random then it may be what I'm looking for.
EBXL's my personal favourite due to the better mod compatibility, but without compatibility, I'll go Highlands, then BoP, then EBXL.
Take a look at Highlands. The Dune, Woodland Mountains, Cliffs, and Flying Mountains biomes. And some of the tree-y ones look awesome, especially the Ironwood.
I still am trying to get the appeal of them. BoP has great versions of all of those? Am I missing something? The ironwood stuff is cute, to be sure. Highlands seems like an even less compatible, less interesting version of BoP, which is itself less compatible than EBXL.
Although I might add that it's pepetually unfair to call BoP "not compatible" when there is a mod I've linked like 6 times to make it compatible in 1.4.7, and evidently the 1.5.1 is just waiting on Forestry to roll over. BoP works fine with loads of mods.
Woodland Mountains and Flying Mountains just seem quite wacky. And Dunes are quite interesting. And there's something about the greater surface area of Highlands' Cliffs.
Don't get me wrong. BoP's awesome. But most of the really pretty ones IMO (Canyon, Crag, Deadlands, Dunes, Glacier, Highland, Ice Sheet/Hills, Mesa, Volcano, Wasteland, and even Fungi Forest and Mystic Grove) seem somewhat barren and depressing. Which isn't a problem, but for some reason that mood doesn't integrate well with FTB IMO.
But they're like.. literally cluttered with flowers, bushes, brush, trees, etc? Mystic Forest has an amazing sum of flowers and trees and is self-illuminating in an eerie way at night?
The only thing I don't like about BoP is the Redwood forest, probably because I prefer ExtraBiomesXL's version of the redwood trees. I prefer my trees 4x4 rather then the odd stack effect of redwood logs to look like giant roots.
Although I might add that it's pepetually unfair to call BoP "not compatible" when there is a mod I've linked like 6 times to make it compatible in 1.4.7, and evidently the 1.5.1 is just waiting on Forestry to roll over. BoP works fine with loads of mods.
At least for me, when I say "works with other mods," I don't just mean 'compatible' in the sense that I can get the game to run with BOP and other mods installed. BoP is fine in that regard. I'm talking about interacting with other mods, for example, being able to grow the saplings it adds in a forestry, steve's carts, or MFR tree farm, or having worldgen from other mods appear in its biomes. Right now EBXL does this better than BoP, although if what I read in other posts is true then soon this will be the same between them.
Well tbh this is kind of a moot point. BoP NEEDS this mod to be compatible (not for all mods i know), EBXL is compatible out of the box.Are. You. Listeing. To. What. I. Am. Saying?
If you're in 1.4.7, install this (linked) mod and you get everything you just said. I literally said something and you responded to it by asserting the same thing I just debunked. It all works, mang. And my last tests had saplings working in the SC2 planter without any integration at all.
So please. Please. If you're going to quote me do me the courtesy of reading what I quote. That is very little to ask for.
P.S., read your startup logs; MFR supports BoP on its own. Nerf Powercrystals and his pools of sewage.