So trying out Biomes O Plenty today, and the generation is lightyears ahead of ExtraBiomesXL. Ive traveled 10k in every direction in my ExtraBiomesXL world. While ive found fantastical places, the vast majority is snow, sand, plains, redwood forests and ocean. In BoP ive traveled but 1k in each direction and ive seen not only several variations of each of those, but several more and the generation of many is much more dramatic and natural looking. Perhaps me spawning in a lush bamboo forest made a good impression. However I haven't seen any villages yet and that is a major issue (unless im really unlucky)
I haven't looked very hard but so far these are the only two major biome mods out. What would you say are the pros and cons of each?
I haven't looked very hard but so far these are the only two major biome mods out. What would you say are the pros and cons of each?