this is not hard to do people. jungle tree farm = infinite herba, plus if you know your way around thaumcraft, you can turn that wood into alumentum to feed the furnaces. no need to juggle saplings or multiple tree farms.
simple jungle tree farm with some fertilized dirt, lilypads of fertility to make those trees grow fast. harvester chews them up, planter underneath handles the saplings. items are sent via item ducts to an ender chest. vacuum hoppers catch the stray saplings.
4 redstone furnaces on the left convert jungle wood to charcoal. here you see alchemical furnace burning the vines into herba, piped off to warded jars. essentia mirrors transport the aspects to my magic crops, theres 8 lamps per crop, so I go through a lot of herba
in the background is the charcoal -> alumentum factory
the alumentum factory. this design is exactly the same thing direwolf20 designed in his lets play series (check season 6 eps 49 and 50). crucible with a mystical construct on it, and 3 alchemical furnaces with 2 alembics each. 2 of the furnaces are burning cobblestone, the other burns charcoal. all are fed alumentum as fuel, and the construct converts charcoal to alumentum from the aspects coming from the 3 furnaces. the excess aspect is piped off to a void jar. 2 igneous extruders feed cobble to the factory.
I added in the translocators mod from the direwolf20 pack, and it worked perfectly to keep the ender chest stocked with 1 stack of charcoal. the alumentum is fed into the AE system and exported to the furnace burning the vines. I never run out of herba, charcoal or vines, everything stays on the postive.
and to make it even more interesting, anything that needs power is getting rf energy from biofuel generators, getting fuel from.....squids. yes. derpy squids for the win