Hi there!Welcome to our server thread.Equaverse is a server started by a group of friends who wanted to share the awesome experience of TPPI with others.Its a brand new server , but dont worry cause its ran by people who know what they are doing and will do everything possible to make your playing experience as good and smooth as possible.

Website: www.equaverse.net
Teamspeak: ts. equaverse.net
Server IP: mc.equaverse.net (or
Its a community oriented server that and we want people to strive as a group primarily. We also implemented 32x32 plots in the spawn town area to help people work as a group until they are advanced enough to move out.
To minimize the afk to win style of gameplay we banned certain items such as :
-Chunkloaders ,spotloaders and other world loading items
Our server isnt too plugin heavy but we do have some of the basics such as Essentials,WorldEdit,WorldGuard, and a few more which are mainly useful tools for admins.We are also working on some special plugins that will be unique to the server and give some cosmeticly nice looking effects and items (still WIP though)

As any other server we have rules that players must respect if they want to have a problem free experience.
1)Dont disrespect other players
2)Dont grief or steal
3)Dont bother other poeple for things if they say NO the first time.The great thing about FTB is a the amazing things you can do on your own or with poeple .If you just get everything form others .. where is the fun in it
4)Dont use any hacks or exploits
5)Use common sense
As for the server we are have 32 GB of RAM which ensures the lag free experience.We also placed a 5 000 block world border which will be expanded once more players start joining the server.
As for the whitelist application format :
Have you ever been banned from a server
If so explain why
Do you have teamspeak (wont affect your application)
Why would you like to join this server
Thanks for reading and i hope to see you on the server !
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