Epidemia's build journal

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys, I'd like to give you guys a tour of my current base, been playing this world for a few weeks now and its starting to get interesting. Custom modpack. Hopefully I can continue to post updates here from time to time, so long as the world remains stable and I stay motivated.

First an overview...

Was surprised to learn one of the mods adds walls around villages. I think its Wtchery because it added some guard NPCs who turned hostile when I showed up and started killing villagers and destroying houses. I am not completely satisfied with the area but I really just didnt feel like searching for a better one at the time. But Ive done a lot of landscaping to make it better.

Now lets go inside and take a look at the most important room.

These tunnels and rooms were hastily excavated at random early game so its not my greatest work but im rather proud of how compact, organized and integrated it all is. At a glance you can see pretty much everything.

Once I reached endgame status, I started playing with an amazing new mod called immersive engineering:

Two diesel generators powering an MFR mining laser as a power sink plus the necessary refinery setup.

Thaumcraft room:

Using thaumic energistics which obsoletes jars, to fill jars.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Botania stuff:

Trying new things with carts and mana storage. Needs a makeover but I really like my mana gen water tower thingy.

Farms and node bullying over here.

These farms supply the ingredients used to make diesel fuel, they are supercharged by Imaginary time blocks from the Quantum flux mod powered by Mekanism wind turbines which also get a speed boost from the blocks they are powering. Im very happy with the design, it goes at light speed.
Nearby is the pure node Ive been grooming since early game. Thanks to the power of OPness the little Torcherino there aka time torch, plus matter transporters from the Practicalities mod, Ive been able to manipulate this node and move its friends around without having to jar them. (the time torch speeds up the regen of the one getting bullied, so it never dies) Once all aspects are over 100 I will energize it.

And finally a few closing shots:

Recently built the IE windmill, it outputs a whopping 11rf and I just dont know what to do with all that power. Maybe grind some flour. Also a quick shot of my Attained Drops farm which is now my preferred way of getting slimeballs, plus a nighttime shot showing off those neat IE posts.

Anyway, comments appreciated. Later!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
there's an upgraded windmill that doubles output and the higher they are the more power they output.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
which modpack is this? if this is a homemade pack(which i bet it is) what mods are in it? I recognize most of the tech stuff, but some of the botania related stuff I didn't recognize I.E. the mana cart, that didn't look like it was from railcraft


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The mana cart is vanilla botania. It is intended to be the main method of long distance mana transport. You place a mana pump on a mana pool with the other side facing a track. You then craft a mana pool cart and put it on the track that has the mana pump. Depending on the orientation (which is tricky to determine) of the pump it will fill/ drain the cart.
Problem with it is reading the status of the pool and getting that to launch/ stop the cart. Railcraft gets you half the way but determining a way of transmitting a comparitor signal to a boarding track gets messy as there is no mana rail detector.
I feel Automagi can help with that.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Figured its about time for an update. This time the images are in JPG format so the page will take less time to load. When I cry myself to sleep each night, I console myself with the notion that its long load times to blame for the limited interest in my thread. This update should eliminate that delusion. Now on to the pics.

Not a whole lot new in the aesthetics department although I did redesign my Thaumcraft room and did away with the jars entirely. 52 essentia export busses less, my game's performance improved dramatically. And I was blaming the lag on poor Botania and my ultra-fast farms. Not so. Anyway, I digress:

Here you can see some of my automation in effect. Everything that enters my AE system remotely goes through that itemduct on the upper right. At the moment Magical crops fire essence is coming from my golem farm. On the bottom is a row of Mekanism item pipes showing the steel I requested. All ingots that are of an "incorrect" type gets exported into the unifer first.

Heres the actual golem farm. It produces two important items: nature essence and fire essence.

Theres two cyclic assemblers here making vines from the nature essence and lava from the fire essence. The vines go into the ender chest attached to the alchemical furnace to produce herba, keeping the lamps of growth going.

Mob spawn room, theres an ender IO spawner up there. Ive used cursed earth in the past to great effect but I prefer this method. The creatures get blown towards an autonomous activator with a certain uber sword from the Practicalites mod. Unbreakable and one shot kills. An attractor obelisk attuned to spiders to prevent them from climbing the walls.

Flip the lever and the entryway closes, fans and lights do their thing and the mobs start spawning.

LiquidXP is fed into another room where I have my enhanced enchantment table because screw vanilla enchantment mechanics.

Overhauled the thaumcraft room:

Carpenters garage door access to the wiring behind the wall, I always do it like this.

Digi-essentia storage:

Once an aspect fills up its drive, it gets exported into these crystalizers and turned into an item which for some reason I am not deleting.

Another angle

Moved all of my nodes downstairs to a room adjacent to the thaumcraft stuff. Note the "Matter transporter" in my hand. It can pick up nodes without damaging them. They have limited durability so I go through them a lot. Also note the torcherino.

Heres my Thaumcraftified recipes for those two items:

And a few other examples of recipe changes:

I have "Thermal Smeltery" installed which lets you create Tinkers construct molten metals in the magma crucible. Not so long ago, I made that a reality with modtweaker scripts but might as well let a mod do it for me. Here you can see a copper gear being autocrafted.

My livingrock/wood automation. Formation planes set to stone and an export bus that can only pick up livingrock and livingwood. Works great. Early game I crafted a ton of AE processors in advance so I could do stuff like this.

Recently set up a Salination plant or whatever they are called nowadays. Used Witching Gadget's biome changing device to turn the area into a desert biome to get that heat bonus.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
which modpack is this? if this is a homemade pack(which i bet it is) what mods are in it? I recognize most of the tech stuff, but some of the botania related stuff I didn't recognize I.E. the mana cart, that didn't look like it was from railcraft

The mana cart is vanilla botania. It is intended to be the main method of long distance mana transport. You place a mana pump on a mana pool with the other side facing a track. You then craft a mana pool cart and put it on the track that has the mana pump. Depending on the orientation (which is tricky to determine) of the pump it will fill/ drain the cart.
Problem with it is reading the status of the pool and getting that to launch/ stop the cart. Railcraft gets you half the way but determining a way of transmitting a comparitor signal to a boarding track gets messy as there is no mana rail detector.
I feel Automagi can help with that.

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Yeah, I thought the cart was Railcraft at first too but its vanilla Botania. Im positive theres a better way but as it is, the cart bounces back and forth and doesnt stop long enough to drain or fill completely, After a few rounds though everything gets filled. Not super happy with how slowly the Hydroangeas produce mana though. Honestly, Botania is a bit of a bitch. The useful items eat up a ton of mana. As for what mods I have installed, its mostly the usual suspects minus any sort of biome mod, IC2 and forestry. But theres a few personal favorites in there like Practicalities and Ender Book and Custom NPCs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I promised to post updates so here goes nuthin.

Needed more power so I just doubled everything in my generator room:

Built a watermill to compliment the windmill:

Decided to build a house to "do Witchery" in:



Figured out some decorative tricks using wall mounts and candles:

And I never did show you guys my Wither killer:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why is that?
Due to the miss guided ideal that people in society have, that for something to be worth doing you must be the best at that thing or have made the best.

Your decent looking base must be making them feel inadequate in comparison.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That witchery house is amazing. As well as the windmill and watermill, is it Immersive Engineering that adds the "rotors" for them?


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Looks nice. Love the buildings etc.

I love the architecture of the windmill, but honestly it would do better without the windmill I think. Maybe a bell/clock tower? A wind mill needs to be able to rotate depending on the direction on the wind and would be placed on the highest point and not obstructed by walls etc. Maybe build a proper windmill and some fields for your serfs outside the walls?

One problem though that almost always arises when building in medieval style but also using tech mods is the rather obvious mismatch between the two styles. It is a tough challenge, but I would love to see more attempts on disguising the tech as medieval. Be it by building a cosmetic shell around it or whatever. The salination plant can be dug down into the ground so only the top block of the solars stick out for example. And you could possibly build something up around it to hide those as well.