Epic Fail stories

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You can also use a bucket to remove a block which gives you air to refill your bobbles. Just 'empty' the bucket again on something and you can stay under water/oil as long as you want.

Ive used that trick while building undersea bases and hunting squids.

I was trying to use that trick a few days ago, I mistakenly selected my mining laser on explosive and fired it... Lesson keep mining laser off hot bar!
On a server with a few other people yesterday, I was strip mining near y=40. Found a cave. Saw a bit of Tin, decided to go in and get it and get out since caves seem to be so full of monsters when I'm around they could outnumber an army of Iron Golems strong enough to take down the Hulk.

A Zombie shoved me off a 20 block cliff while I was mining the tin. Fell some more, was now at y=14. I was now pretty much completely unable to find my strip mine even on peaceful with a fully charged Gravichestplate. Had to fight off 2 Creepers and a Zombie while I was waiting for someone to rescue me. Then I got backstabbed by an Angry Zombie and died.

Later, while expanding the Strip Mine, I took a false step and fell about 20 blocks into the same cave. Luckily managed to jump-place my way back.
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Placing a torch can give a momentary air pocket. Though I guess with oil that would waste oil.
This thing is HUGE. I mean, it's bound to fill a 5x5x5 iron tank or more. So that's a good tip, I never apply tricks to sticky situations though D: parrying is my only good habit, even though it had no effect to the devastating kamikaze kreeper explosion.
On a server with a few other people yesterday, I was strip mining near y=40. Found a cave. Saw a bit of Tin, decided to go in and get it and get out since caves seem to be so full of monsters when I'm around they could outnumber an army of Iron Golems strong enough to take down the Hulk.

A Zombie shoved me off a 20 block cliff while I was mining the tin. Fell some more, was now at y=14. I was now pretty much completely unable to find my strip mine even on peaceful with a fully charged Gravichestplate. Had to fight off 2 Creepers and a Zombie while I was waiting for someone to rescue me. Then I got backstabbed by an Angry Zombie and died.

Later, while expanding the Strip Mine, I took a false step and fell about 20 blocks into the same cave. Luckily managed to jump-place my way back.

Stuff like this is why I keep a note pad around and I log the X Y Z of all my bases, work sites, and other interesting junk
So recent fail.

New start run off from spawn find ocean.

Fail one... not bring extra wood boat randomly breaks on nothing... 10 minutes later find new wood promptly get murdered by enderman. 8k from spawn.

Fail two... new boat same ocean 17k form spawn not a damn thing in sight just how big is this frig'n ocean going to be.
My friend (yes I have friends) that is a noob entered my house he put all xycraft stuff in my chest for good and rare items so any good stuff that came went in a void pipe, and took my nano (soon to be quantum) armor that was out of charge and he went to get some bees from the end since I was teaching him about bees, he somehow managed to fall in the void claiming the dragon knocked him out and then he blamed me for not killing it.
My friend (yes I have friends) that is a noob entered my house he put all xycraft stuff in my chest for good and rare items so any good stuff that came went in a void pipe, and took my nano (soon to be quantum) armor that was out of charge and he went to get some bees from the end since I was teaching him about bees, he somehow managed to fall in the void claiming the dragon knocked him out and then he blamed me for not killing it.
If this were my friend I'd probably kick him off the server forever, before cheating back all the stuff he lost for me.
If this were my friend I'd probably kick him off the server forever, before cheating back all the stuff he lost for me.

I have a freind like that.... I just tell him to deal with it.
And then start rebuilding my stuff.
At this point when we our on a server togther I just never let him know where my base is.
I rode my bike off a track and tumbled a little way down a hill, then in trying to drag the bike back onto the track, I lost my footing and rolled again.
Oh wait, that wasn't in FTB. :P (Don't worry, I didn't lose any hearts.)
You can also use a bucket to remove a block which gives you air to refill your bobbles. Just 'empty' the bucket again on something and you can stay under water/oil as long as you want.

Ive used that trick while building undersea bases and hunting squids.

ive seen glass panes work for extended stays for building under water
Once I forgot to put a torch placer in my mining cart. Two hours later, a bunch of tracks and nothing else but TONS of mobs.
Well just on week 2 of a private server pack. I died because of so much lag do to 80 MODS -__-. That my Laptop CPU overloaded now I can't play games. Till I turn this laptop into a gaming one or buy a gaming desktop. Both are out of the way for a long time since I'm broke as fuck.
An angry zombie killed me while exploring an abandoned mine. I lost a bunch of bauxite ore (very upset about that), a highly enchanted thaumium silk touch pickaxe (also very upset since it was a gift), my longfall boots and jetpack (rather annoying but not too hard to replace) and an Ender Pouch (easily replaceable, and I'm very glad I made it and some other pouches inside it, so I didn't lose most of my stuff).

Oh and since the server just updated and my configs were back to default, deathpoints were off so I didn't quite figure out where I died (I had hopped up a little way with the jetpack) which is why I didn't get my stuff back). :( :( :(
An angry zombie killed me while exploring an abandoned mine. I lost a bunch of bauxite ore (very upset about that), a highly enchanted thaumium silk touch pickaxe (also very upset since it was a gift), my longfall boots and jetpack (rather annoying but not too hard to replace) and an Ender Pouch (easily replaceable, and I'm very glad I made it and some other pouches inside it, so I didn't lose most of my stuff).
You want another pick? I've got plenty of thaumium lying around, and XP isn't really much of a problem.

Oh right, I guess I'd better post a fail story.
Never [REDACTED] around [REDACTED] without [DATA EXPUNGED]. I did that once and [DATA EXPUNGED] happened, causing me to lose [DATA EXPUNGED], as well as destroying [REDACTED], which was [REDACTED] of hard work.

EDIT: Never log out in a potentially unsafe area. I did that in a TF Dark Tower, and I died pretty much the moment I logged back in. Luckily, I was able to make it back in time to recover a good 70% of my stuff (lost a canvas bag that was full of nice stuff that I wanted to keep, as well as an advanced electric jetpack but I already had a better version of that on anyway). My question is why my goddamn charm of keeping didn't work. I had a tier two charm of keeping on my person when I died, but when I respawned there was nothing ._.
I rode my bike off a track and tumbled a little way down a hill, then in trying to drag the bike back onto the track, I lost my footing and rolled again.
Oh wait, that wasn't in FTB. :p (Don't worry, I didn't lose any hearts.)

:P When I was a teenager I was going down this really steep hill and needed to stop so I put on the front brake by mistake. Somersaulted over the bike and it was on a tarmacced road. Yep, I still have the scars many years later, and I never got on that bike again (though I do have another one now).

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well i did an intersting fail the other day. i decided to start ultimate spawned in found a village decided to help the villagers survive by blocking doors. was promptly killed by a zombie. couldn't make it very far from spawn because it being night made things difficult. well as i was trying to survive my first night out in the open i happened upon some sheep which i quickly killed made a bed and thought finally i can help those villagers. few blocks later fell in quicksand. I think its time to call it a day and try again tomorrow