Epic Fail stories

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I've accidentally broken 3 or 4 upgraded barrels that were full. Oh my, 900+ stacks of redstone gone. 900+ stacks of wood gone.

Oh, and another barrel oops: If you have a coin from Reliquary make sure you disable it while moving barrels with a gravgun. If it grabs a barrel midair you end up with a packager or whatever it is the barrel gets temporarily turned into while being moved.
I've accidentally broken 3 or 4 upgraded barrels that were full. Oh my, 900+ stacks of redstone gone. 900+ stacks of wood gone.

Oh, and another barrel oops: If you have a coin from Reliquary make sure you disable it while moving barrels with a gravgun. If it grabs a barrel midair you end up with a packager or whatever it is the barrel gets temporarily turned into while being moved.

Makes his first ftb base (not all that beauty, but...) creates his fuc*ing supermega sorting system with 7 sorting machines with.. the last one wrong-sided -.-
I've spent like 3 days controlling EVERITHING from quarries to chests for finding out the mistake..
Next day i thinked "i may change system using barrels instead", I destroyed everithing, created the new sistem but then i assumed that returning to previous version is a better idea. Now think at 7 sorting machines interaly full of items to sort and like 20 chests one next each other to reconnect properly with painted tubes....0.0 another 3 days to decide to return at a 10 days old backup :)
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Maybe it's not that epic, but do you see my signtaure? That was a bit of a fail...
Guess how I lost my second Compressor...

*messing with wiring and accidently placing MV-cable near LV-machine. All the machines are destroyed*
- Sigh. I guess I should make another set...
*makes a Singularity Compressor*
- OK, AFAIR, it should handle MV, so I'll place it he*BOOOM*
*making third Compressor*
I just made a new instance to test out some mod interactions. Made a Pulverizer and Powered Furnace and a Hobbyist Steam Engine. Put down a couple of Stone Conductive pipes. Then wondered why the engine wasn't connecting. It took me nearly five minutes to determine what the problem was...

Redstone Conduits spoil me rotten...
I'm still chuckling about something that happened today:

1. I kinda forgot that steam engines need a redstone signal to turn on. So putting 9 industrial steam engines in a 3x3 pattern on the face of my 36LP boiler wasn't such a good idea after all. I've now moved them into a better shape (only had to move 2, and fortunately had plenty of spare redwire) but's it's a good thing I checked on it as soon as I did or else I would have lost a lot of steam.
2. Only minor: I was wondering why no lava was filling the exit conduit out of my multitank. Turns out that previously the lava in the conduit had melted some ice (glacier biome) and the water had washed away the lever :P More of a brief silly mystery than a fail, but I thought I'd share it anyway.
3. *places automatic canning machine since I need to make some mercury cells*
Say, that can handle medium voltage, right?

And there goes my industrial grinder and ME-Drive :(
Oh and lots of gold cable and 2 thermal generators.
Oh and of course this means nothign is feeding fuel into my boiler now
[edit] phew, managed to make a new ME drive and moved a few bits of ME wire around so my boiler is up agian without too much cooling. forunately my ME-controller was running off MJ rather than EU (actually I can do both but had the EU disconnected) otherwise I'd be scrambling to make more gold cable. Now to fix the hole in my floor :(
3. *places automatic canning machine since I need to make some mercury cells*
Say, that can handle medium voltage, right?

And there goes my industrial grinder and ME-Drive :(
Oh and lots of gold cable and 2 thermal generators.
Oh and of course this means nothign is feeding fuel into my boiler now
[edit] phew, managed to make a new ME drive and moved a few bits of ME wire around so my boiler is up agian without too much cooling. forunately my ME-controller was running off MJ rather than EU (actually I can do both but had the EU disconnected) otherwise I'd be scrambling to make more gold cable. Now to fix the hole in my floor :(
Fix it with cobblestone thats what I do and then it looks bad so I try not to look at it
For one; Ferg you're active!

Also, my main fail was going and playing and forgetting /keepInventory wasn't on and nor was /mobGriefing and I ran to a creeper
For one; Ferg you're active!

Also, my main fail was going and playing and forgetting /keepInventory wasn't on and nor was /mobGriefing and I ran to a creeper
Ya I usually don't play with those so I usually die 4 or 5 times depending on were I die. I also have learned the value of multible exits from my base. Creepers stalk me.
I have a couple Creeper stories, both on the same server, within two days of each other:
With Gregtech installed (as you may know), macerators are not cheap early game. I was the first one on the server to have any sort of machinery. I let the community use it and it was fine. I eventually found a nice Meadow to live in, and was mainly living outside, and teleporting using Mystcraft to the admins volcano-house to sleep. I had almost finished my house, and came through the age to my house and saw a creeper on my newly upgraded machinery. I had a rotary macerator, electric furnace, compressor, and geothermal generator being pumped from the nether. Right next to here was my ME Network with every single thing I had. I immediately sprinted, but was lagging. Of course, the creeper went boom all over my machines. My geothermal was gone, my macerator, furnace, and compressor. Thank GOD my ME Network didn't blow, I would have lost everything. I had to remake all of those things, which cost quite a bit early game.

I've just finished my house, and fully moved in, SWEET! Let me just light this bad boy up. I had an upgraded barrel in the basement along with all of my chests. The upgraded barrel had around 300 stacks of cobblestone, and next to it is a normal barrel filled with netherrack (quarrying the nether). I go downstairs doing a mob check (can't sleep because of monsters). Oh, hello, Mr. Creeper. I would have killed it immediately if I didn't miss with my Power V bow. KA BLAM! My barrels blow, a couple Iron chests blow, and some of the floor. As you can imagine, 300 stacks of cobblestone, and 64 stacks of netherrack, along with 3 iron chests, nearly filled with stuff spill all over the floor. I lag, so hard! I attempt to make a couple barrels to clean up the mess, also worrying about a lot of my useful stuff despawning, but want to get rid of the lag. Lesson learned: SPAM YOUR BUILDINGS WITH TORCHES UNTIL PROPER LIGHTING IS INSTALLED!
Today's story of failure was brought to you by gregtech.

On a particularly dark and stormy night, I went upstairs in my factory, to the small room at the top which housed my bed. I couldn't sleep, due to there being a spider outside on the roof of the ground floor extension, which was fairly close to the the bedroom. Donning jet-pack, and advanced chainsaw, i went outside to slay the beast. I killed the spider easily, however one slip of the chainsaw removed a block of wood from the roof of the extension. Directly over the matter-fabricator. While it was raining.

I was initially quite confused over the next few events. The matter-fab exploded, and overloaded some other machines in my network. I lost several transformers of varying grades, some smaller machines, and my industrial grinder. I was not amused.