- REAL Name: Logan
- Age: I will 19 on Friday
- MC Username:LoxinNightwalker
- How often can you play: I can play a lot if you guys are ok with me youtubeing
- Experience with FTB: I love ftb, and I play ftb more then any other type of minecraft, and my brother tells me that I put far to much time into how much I play feed the beast.

- Other servers you played on: I did play on another whitelist server, but I am looking for a new one to play on for youtube.
- Do you Stream/Youtube: Yeah I couldn't do youtube for a bit, but I have started again this week. By the way, if I am working on something for my YouTube Channel then call me Loxin, I would like to be known like that on my Channel.
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info: My Channel is called LoxinNightwalker feel free to take a look, I'm trying to get more people watching it! also it is family friendly!

- Describe yourself in 3 different words: Smart, happy, and calm
- Tell us about yourself: I am a writer, and a gamer, I love people, and I always love to get to know more people, I will listen if you want to talk, but if you get me started I can talk your ear off too. Also I am a open book, if you want to know something then just ask.
- Who invited you here (If applicable): I was just here on the ftb forums looking at servers, and found this, and it looked like this would be good for a smp on my Channel.
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out.) I have not so far, but If I have then I don't know about it.