Whitelist Server DW20 AdabbonCraft | 50+ Slots | No Lag | Streamers | Little Restrictions | TeamSpeak3

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(Im going to start doing this^^^)

Hey im sorry, i must of not noticed your application.
I do announce if someone has been denied..

The following people have been accepted:

The following people have been denied:
exion42- You did not follow the correct application template. Please re-apply with the new application template!

Thank you for applying!

uhm, a friend of mine named koen, you also didn't apply/deny. can you check his application please :)
- REAL Name: Logan
- Age: I will 19 on Friday
- MC Username:LoxinNightwalker
- How often can you play: I can play a lot if you guys are ok with me youtubeing
- Experience with FTB: I love ftb, and I play ftb more then any other type of minecraft, and my brother tells me that I put far to much time into how much I play feed the beast. :D
- Other servers you played on: I did play on another whitelist server, but I am looking for a new one to play on for youtube.
- Do you Stream/Youtube: Yeah I couldn't do youtube for a bit, but I have started again this week. By the way, if I am working on something for my YouTube Channel then call me Loxin, I would like to be known like that on my Channel.
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info: My Channel is called LoxinNightwalker feel free to take a look, I'm trying to get more people watching it! also it is family friendly! :D
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: Smart, happy, and calm
- Tell us about yourself: I am a writer, and a gamer, I love people, and I always love to get to know more people, I will listen if you want to talk, but if you get me started I can talk your ear off too. Also I am a open book, if you want to know something then just ask.
- Who invited you here (If applicable): I was just here on the ftb forums looking at servers, and found this, and it looked like this would be good for a smp on my Channel.
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out.) I have not so far, but If I have then I don't know about it. :P
REAL Name: Cody Murphy
- Age:23
- MC Username: smash090
- How often can you play: about everyday for a few hours or more a day
- Experience with FTB: since direwolf pack first came out
- Other servers you played on: Penguincraft and Eiracraft
- Do you Stream/Youtube:no
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info:
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: Fun, student, gamer
- Tell us about yourself: Been playing minecraft for awhile then got into the modpacks and loved it. I am a student studying engineering and 23 yrs old.
- Who invited you here (If applicable):
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out):No
- REAL Name: Andy
- Age: 18
- MC Username: callum425
- How often can you play: As often as I can, at the least a couple hours a day
- Experience with FTB: Since it's dawn
- Other servers you played on: None currently
- Do you Stream/Youtube: No
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info: N/A
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: Helpful, Knowledgable, Fun
- Tell us about yourself: I've been around mods since the days where there were only BC and IC, so i know my way around a mod. I'm looking for a small-ish community to simply enjoy playing FTB SMP with :)
- Who invited you here (If applicable): N/A
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): Nope.
I will have to re-install the server to add MCPC+ to the server!
I have backed up most files that contain player world and info, but more than likely the White list will be wiped, I will be putting time in to add all of you back to the list!

This is just a warning that we might lose all of our progress, sadly.
However this will result in a new server, One with shops, plugins, a spawn, mini-games of all sorts. It will be EPIC!
Thank you and sorry for this!
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Reactions: friedlizard
I will have to re-install the server to add MCPC+ to the server!
I have backed up most files that contain player world and info, but more than likely the White list will be wiped, I will be putting time in to add all of you back to the list!

This is just a warning that we might lose all of our progress, sadly.
However this will result in a new server, One with shops, plugins, a spawn, mini-games of all sorts. It will be EPIC!
Thank you and sorry for this!
Is the server still down because of this?
If you cant make it work right with the new plugin -- please put the old server back. Id rather have stuff back than the mcpc+ stuff installed. it tends to crash/corrupt things after a while
FYI - Opis server diagnostics mod

p.s Let me know when server is back up - do we have TS/Skype to get instant updates?
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So apparantly the server changed to direwolf 1.4.7 and has a clean world in it.. not sure if this was meant to happen or if this is server beta stuffs D:
FYI - Opis server diagnostics mod

p.s Let me know when server is back up - do we have TS/Skype to get instant updates?
Hey add me on Skype my Skype name is baseballkid26. Everyone else on the server should add me as well so we can get a group chat for the server going.
Name: Jorge
Age: 24
MC Username: Lastarion
How often can you play: Anywhere from 2-10 hours a day
Experience with FTB: Since about 6 months ago, mostly with Direwolf20 pack
Other Servers you played on: none, but i hosted a private one for my friends
Do you Stream/Youtube: Nope
If so whats your Stream/Channel info:
Describe yourself in 3 words: Fun, Mature, and Patient
Have you ever been banned, if so what servers: None, as this is my first application to join a server.
- REAL Name: Ricky
- MC Username: pyromad1
- Experience with FTB: over a year playing different mod packs including hard mode gregtech packs
- Other servers you played on: a few can't remember names
- Do you Stream/Youtube: not yet but might start streaming soon
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info: twitch name pyromad
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: Ageing uk minecrafter
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): no
Sadly, the server will shut down soon because I cant pay for this months payment.

If you would like to donate money for this months payment we could keep the server going
We need to raise 25 dollars for the server

If you would like to donate: Add AFITZ200 on skype!

Sorry everyone

- REAL Name: Tilton
- Age: 25
- MC Username: Razielxv
- How often can you play: everyday but mostly on weekends
- Experience with FTB: I have only ever played FTB
- Other servers you played on: a hand few of priv servers
- Do you Stream/Youtube: N/A
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info:
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: I like'm big
- Tell us about yourself: i a fun laid back person willing to help out others in game if asked and if im able too
- Who invited you here (If applicable):N/A
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): N/A
REAL Name: James
Age: 17 nearly 18
MC Username: jamesscape2
How often can you play: nearly everyday since school is finished
Experience with FTB: Since the beginning of FTB, ive been using it. primarily Direwolf20 Pack
Other servers you played on: AnnoyingTroll. Became Second from Head admin within 2 weeks. was a good admin, fix many peoples problems and rejected some due to peoples stupidity (quite funny) Server is now offline about 6 months ago due to too many map resets, because people were corrupting the worlds and popularity falling because of griefers.
Do you Stream/Youtube: Yes, but i dont upload or record. Dont have a powerful enough computer (i play on a laptop still get 60+ fps tho)
-If so whats your Stream/Channel info: Dont matter since i dont upload (PM if u want details anyway)
Describe yourself in 3 different words: Trustworthy, Decisive, Calm.
Tell us about yourself: I'm 17 nearly 18, being playing minecraft for about 5 years, used FTB since the beginning. Trustworthy, good at making decision under pressure (eg. People yelling at me that their house has been grief and to find out who did it and fix it, etc). im clever in most area, except cosmetics.
Who invited you here (If applicable): Google search bar
Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): Yes, for something i didn't do, was in the wrong place at the wrong time, unfortunately. This was back 3 or so years though.
Sadly, the server will shut down soon because I cant pay for this months payment.

If you would like to donate money for this months payment we could keep the server going
We need to raise 25 dollars for the server

If you would like to donate: Add AFITZ200 on skype!

Sorry everyone
I added you on skype and sent you a message. This is so everyone can give their input on this as well. Have an incentive system where if you donate say $5 you get the starter pack which consists of something like half a stack of food, iron armor, and iron tools. Or a Technology starter pack for BC stuff and one for IC2 stuff. They could be whatever price you choose and consist of basic machines and engines/generators to power them. You could also make an advanced one that is something like $25 and consists of enchanting table, bookcases, diamond armor, diamond tools, and bottles of enchanting. And a final thing you could sell just plain bottle o' enchanting for whatever price you choose.
- REAL Name: Dominic
- Age: 14
- MC Username: DOM063
- How often can you play:Very often
- Experience with FTB: I know basically all the mods and have at least some experience with all.
- Other servers you played on: Artuscraft (Terrible)
- Do you Stream/Youtube: I have a youtube I just don't post videos.
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info: dominator063
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: Funny Athletic Smart
- Tell us about yourself: I've been playing minecraft for at least 3 years, and I have much experience in FTB. I am a very nice person as long as you are fair and treat me with some respect.
- Who invited you here (If applicable): No one, I found you guys while looking for a server.
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): Yes, on regular minecraft servers for hacking, when I thought it was cool. And for screaming at the admins if I was about done with the server and I just wanted to leave.
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REAL name: Grayson
Age: 14
MC username: bagel930
How often can you play: Almost everyday, just after 2:15 Pacific Time
Expirience with FTB: Mostly mindcrack, but I have played alot with Thaumcraft
Other servers you've played on: Many faction vanilla, ShayBella's FTB and Tekkit Classic, and a few towny servers Vanilla
Do You Stream/Youtube: No :(
Describe yourself in 3 words: Friendly, Weird, Fun
Tell us about yourself: I am a 14 year old boy, who plays Minecraft for most of the day. I'm not the most fit, but I still play Baseball and Soccer. I smell like cupcakes and vanilla pudding. I love chicken. I am tubby. I like fast internetz. My favorite food is not a bagel. So don't ask. Plz. I like to think about random events that could not happen but I still think could happen at night, therefor I am extremely scared of the dark. I like gummy bears. Delicous... Pls add me, I will be nice, and awesome, and friendly, and weird, so please :D
Who invited you here: The internet
Have you ever been banned? if so, what servers: Yes, but, let me explain. I have been banned (globaly) a couple times for INVALID reasons, such as hacking, even though I'm about as smart as a snail and can't figure out where anything goes. As far as I'm concered, I haven't been banned at all, because for every time I have been banned, the reason wasn't fair. Servers(Zombie escape for waterwalk... even though you theres no water..?)(QueerCraft because of someone else)(A towny one for farming a farm -,-)That's all

Please consider adding me to your wonderful server! Thanks!
