Whitelist Server DW20 AdabbonCraft | 50+ Slots | No Lag | Streamers | Little Restrictions | TeamSpeak3

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
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- REAL Name: Jake
- MC Username: donnervarg
- Experience with FTB: Played on and off from the beginning of the launcher until a couple months ago (mostly beta, DW20, and Magic World)
- Other servers you played on: Tomab & Co. (currently Vanilla) and a few others briefly
- Do you Stream/Youtube: Nope, and no plans to do so
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info:
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: logical, adamant, kind
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): Not to my knowledge
- REAL Name: Francisco
- MC Username: Anadhiel
- Experience with FTB: 8 months SP, roughly 3 months MP
- Other servers you played on: Shadowempire, Penguin craft
- Do you Stream/Youtube: no yet
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info:
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: interested, helpfull, Geek
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): I haven't
wait, is the server down?

The server went down for a about 10 mins for updates to the panel i use to control the server.
This does not happen often

- REAL Name: Jon
- MC Username: Yan314
- Experience with FTB: Around 6months
- Other servers you played on: Various vanilla servers + my own local servers
- Do you Stream/Youtube: No

- Describe yourself in 3 different words: Quiet, Generous, Smart
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): Nope


- REAL Name: Ralph
- MC Username: _R11_
- Experience with FTB: I've been playing for about 1.5 Years now, mainly DW20 & a bit of Yogcraft (includes almost the same mods)
- Other servers you played on: A private server with friends which had no name :p
- Do you Stream/Youtube: No, but I'm considering starting one in the near future
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info: -
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: Energetic, Weird, Creative
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): Yes, one random german server I once played on, got banned for saying I didn't like the server


- REAL Name: Jake
- MC Username: donnervarg
- Experience with FTB: Played on and off from the beginning of the launcher until a couple months ago (mostly beta, DW20, and Magic World)
- Other servers you played on: Tomab & Co. (currently Vanilla) and a few others briefly
- Do you Stream/Youtube: Nope, and no plans to do so
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info:
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: logical, adamant, kind
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): Not to my knowledge


- REAL Name: Francisco
- MC Username: Anadhiel
- Experience with FTB: 8 months SP, roughly 3 months MP
- Other servers you played on: Shadowempire, Penguin craft
- Do you Stream/Youtube: no yet
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info:
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: interested, helpfull, Geek
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): I haven't



- REAL Name:Quentin
- MC Username: Orcius
- Experience with FTB: Playing for a while now, (always been following Direwolf and so had experience with mods even before FTB).
- Other servers you played on: Orcomania (was my own server, but because a lack of money, I had to close it).
- Do you Stream/Youtube: nope, sorry
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info: /
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: 1. Teamplayer(/community-type) 2. Helpfull (if I can) 3. Curious
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): Yes, I had seen the Owner was been cheating and asked him (PM!) about it, so he banned me...

I really hope I can join,

- REAL Name : Jeroen
- MC Username: drolzak7
- Experience with FTB: I've been playing for a year or so.
- Other servers you played on: Mostly played on a private server with a couple of people
- Do you Stream/Youtube: Might do it later
- If so whats your Stream/Channel info: -
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: Creative, Friendly, Funny
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): No (at least I don't about it )[DOUBLEPOST=1383757327][/DOUBLEPOST]- REAL Name : Jeroen
- MC Username: drolzak7
- Experience with FTB: I've been playing for a year or so.
- Other servers you played on: Mostly played on a private server with a couple of people
- Do you Stream/Youtube: Might do it later
- If so whats your Stream/Channel info: -
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: Creative, Friendly, Funny
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): No (at least I don't about it )
REAL Name: Erik
- MC Username:efr44738
- Experience with FTB: Couple months now
- Other servers you played on: ToxyCraft
- Do you Stream/Youtube: Want to get into uploading YouTube videos, but not yet
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info:
- Describe yourself in 3 different words:Fun, Smart, Determined
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): Nope
- REAL Name: Juho
- MC Username: FinishIgor
- Experience with FTB: Played for a while, know basics but still much to learn.
- Other servers you played on: GamingBlade, been down couple of times and to few players.
- Do you Stream/Youtube: No
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info:
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: Friendly, Gypsy, Creative
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): No, never
- REAL Name: Adrian
- MC Username: Darksider4all
- Experience with FTB: almost 1 year now
- Other servers you played on: various dw20 server, but usually offline
- Do you Stream/Youtube: no not really, but im willing to learn
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info:
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: quiet, hardworking, honest
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): not of what I remember
- REAL Name: Esten Torve
- MC Username: torvtak
- Experience with FTB: Not very much. Maybe half a year i think
- Other servers you played on: I have played on a vanilla server and a mindcrack ftb server. But i dont play on those anymore
- Do you Stream/Youtube: I have tried both but i am not good at it
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info: Stream: Klomsen Youtube: Torvtak95
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: Happy, Helpfull, Quite
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): I can't remeber if i have been banned from any server. So i say No
  1. Orcius
  2. drolzak7
  3. efr44738
  4. FinishIgor
  5. Darksider4all
  6. torvtak
Thank you to all who applied!
note to future applicants: new application has been made!
  • Like
Reactions: TGK Member Jeroen
- REAL Name: Volodymyr Busko
- Age: 16
- MC Username: skewedup
- How often can you play: Moderately
- Experience with FTB: Played a lot in the past
- Other servers you played on: Don't really play on servers that much
- Do you Stream/Youtube: No
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info:
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: Creative,Automatic,Fun
- Tell us about yourself: Just want to chill and play some nice Feed the Beast. Have not played in a while so looking for some way to use recreational time.
- Who invited you here (If applicable):
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out):
- REAL Name: Ken
- MC Username: exion42
- Experience with FTB: more than a year
- Other servers you played on: I used to play on another ftb server, but then got unwhitelisted after #marchingbandseason
- Do you Stream/Youtube: Nope
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: verbose, grinder (as in mmorpgs), builder
- Have you ever been banned: Nope
- REAL Name: René
- Age: 19
- MC Username: friedlizard
- How often can you play: a lot on survival servers
- Experience with FTB: i've played it a lot, with that i mean that i know the drill of a bunch of the base mods.
- Other servers you played on: a private server owned by me(it was just a small server with friends), and lots of other PvP and modded servers.
- Do you Stream/Youtube: i did, but that didn't work out very well, because of my lack of presentation.
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info: -
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: friendly, creative, intelligent
- Tell us about yourself: i'm a student living in the Netherlands, who likes to game much.
- Who invited you here (If applicable): _R11_ invited me, as he is my best gamingpartner :) .
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): no i have never been banned, griefing and raiding is a thing i can't do, i like to get things for myself or even do someone else a favor.
Sorry for the random outage, our servers went down for a unknown reason after fixing CPU issues.
Our servers are now up and will stay up, i have reduced the restart timer as we fixed cpu issues requiring it to be restarted every 3 hours.
Every 6 hours is the new timer, however every 15 mins there is still a check to see if the performance is requiring a restart, which a restart will happen then!
Also, the modems that our servers used have been upgraded to allow more flexibilty, meaning we will have more "network power" sent to our server if were having trouble keeping up network wise. this should not effect normal usage but will improve usage during moments of high lag.
The cpu also has been fixed, as i said. So we will no-longer have the random moments where everything freezes..

Also, im now accepting donations if you choose to donate.
We will have perks once we get a plugin system hooked up!

Our server costs money to run
I would love for people help me pay for the server
Thank you to GiantWar(Apple) for helping pay for the server!

Applications acceptance/deny will be put after this post :D
- REAL Name: Carter
- Age: 17
- MC Username: footykid3
- How often can you play: I play for about 4 hours a day.
- Experience with FTB: I've played FTB consistently since it came out. I know all the mods really well. I'm actually really good. my favorites being thaumcraft and and thermal expansion. On my single player world I've researched all the thaumcraft items. So, this has led me to becoming very good with research and use of many items in thaumcraft. In thermal expansion I love to mess with a bunch of machines and create super compact sorting systems that smelt, pulverize, and sort. Also love creating small machines to just to create lots of cobble or sand without any lag.

- Other servers you played on: The Underground Server
- Do you Stream/Youtube: No

- Describe yourself in 3 different words: Creative , Smart, Honest

- Tell us about yourself: I live in chicago. I love to play soccer and minecraft

- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): Never
- REAL Name: Jimmy Andrie
- Age: 18
- MC Username: iTheSomeguy
- How often can you play: 1-2 hours almost everyday
- Experience with FTB: about a year and a half now, always with the DireWolf20 pack
- Other servers you played on: triqonometery, I'm tired of having my house griefed on open servers and thats why I would like to play here, in a friendlier enviroment.
- Do you Stream/Youtube: not yet but I am looking to start livestreaming
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: friendly, helpful, outgoing
- Tell us about yourself: I play 3 sports; hockey, lacrosse, and tennis, also I am a senior and am an Eagle Scout
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): I have never been banned
I could recommend this server, its stable and im from Scandinavia don't have any block lagg. One thing i don't like is the "Join our TS3" shout out. You should make the time longer. Pretty annoying to read it every 2min. ;p
- REAL Name: Bram
- Age: 17
- MC Username: flashix_
- How often can you play: daily ( one hour sometimes more some less)
- Experience with FTB: about a year now and had a year of experience whit TEKKIT
- Other servers you played on: server from friends
- Do you Stream/Youtube: No, but i'm thinking on that when I get some fiends on this server
-- If so whats your Stream/Channel info: /
- Describe yourself in 3 different words: patient, technical, friendly
- Tell us about yourself: I like to play with other people on games that I love. I also love stratagy like the total war series, civilization, ...
- Have you ever been banned, If so what servers. (we will find out): No, I don't think so :D