DrillCraft [1.4.2][Whitelist]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

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    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Posting here for my friends:

Ingame Name: ChloeRobertson
Experience with mods; I am good with mystcraft
Favourite mod and why: Mystcraft because its used alot and is useful
Slowpoke or Direwolf for president? Slowpoke

Ingame Name: Beetle1028
Age: 14
Experience with Mods: I am good with ic2 and singleplayer mystcraft.
favorite mod and why?: Mystcraft, possibilities
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Slowpoke.
Posting for Nephew
Ingame Name: LoginMiner
Experience with Mods:Played tekkit alot with MasterMorganM
favorite mod and why?:Knows a fair bit about IC2
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Slowpoke, He managed to get all the permissions, Thats a pretty good achievement tbf, However direwolf is a great Lper
Ingame Name: Riizu
Age: 19
Experience with Mods: I played via the Technic Launcher originally, until I found out the shadiness behind some of the permissions to use the mods that were included. Since then, I've set up my own installs, and gone along with Direwolf's lets plays occasionally. I still have a lot to learn, but I've made sorting systems via logistics pipes, played with turtles and automated mining, among others.
favorite mod and why?: Thaumcraft. I love the sheer options available with it. There's so many possibilities available in the future with Thaumcraft 3.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Hmmmm, Slowpoke for vice president, and Dire for president. Dire is a bigger people person I think. ;) But Slowpoke has all the technical aspects covered.

Whitelisted :)
Ingame Name: Fafel_
Age: 24
Experience with Mods: I played some with tekkit then waiting for FTB, I have some expirience, still learning.
favorite mod and why?: RP2
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?: Direwolf
Experience with Mods: Pretty good with all of besides Greg-Tech
favorite mod and why?: Hmmm... i would say Thermal Expansion, Just because of all the very usefull things you can do with it, and the energy storage for BC.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Though question. I learned alot about mods and how to use and install them and such things from Dire, And slow did a great job working on the FTB pack. However, I say Dire for President.
EDIT: InGameName: Riley2345
Sorry forgot to put that
Apping for my Friend because he can't sighup for some reason
Ingame Name: Dane1234567
Experience with Mods:Not alot But i will show hem
favorite mod and why?:Ic2 Because it add's alot of machine and new ways to play minecraft other than just building houses
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?Slowpoke For creating mod pack
Ingame Name: OmniPriest
Age: 24
Experience with Mods: Technic but stopped playing it.
favorite mod and why?: um don't have a favorite really they all make the game play more enjoyable.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Haven't watched either of them, only heard the name Direwolf. I just want to play with a friend who is on server.
Applying For a OTher Friend
Ingame Name: RokEmSockz

Experience with Mods:Great With Ic2
Favorite mod and why?: RedPower 2 Because it make's life much easier better then buildcraft pipes
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?Slowpoke For mod pack
Ingame Name: T1pp1n8alls
Age: 21
Experience with Mods: Extensive knowledge of IC before the update, mainly using reactors I've previously built a 100% automatic 4 reactor setup using RP computers to refill, idle and detect when the reactors are empty then refill them. I've used RP logic gates to create lag free automatic crafting setups that pull only the exact amount of resources into ac tables, macerators, furnaces etc. to prevent overflow.
favorite mod and why?: Redpower because of said logic gates and computers, also for its lag free tubes and sorting machines.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Not really thought about it, but I'd say direwolf because without him I wouldn't have discovered feed the beast.

Edit: http://imgur.com/vF3HP - Some of my screenshots of a previous tekkit server.
IGN: samonjourus
age: 15
experience with mods: very good with most of them
favorite and why: IC2 because it covers most needs and is semi-realistic
Slowpoke or Dire for president?: Dire because its funny to watch him fail
IGN" noahwhygodwhy
age: 16
experience with mods: I know most of them
favorite and why: EE because i love magic
Slowpoke or Dire for president?: Slowpoke because he assembled this mod pack
sorry but my friend noah cant surf the web atm
[Rule of two]

We are two vet-minecraft players looking for a stable and lagfree server, that uses the FTB-Pack.

IGN: Archangalus | mobthe
Age: 30 | 26
Experience with Mods: Using mods for aeons now, good knowledge of the FTB-Pack. | SMP-Mod and 2. Tier Admin of a Bukkit-server (6months 40slots), decend knowledge of the FTB-Pack, but good knowledge of IC2.
Favorite Mod: Forestry, i'm all about renewable energie/resources | IC2 because eletricity is the future

Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? I prefer Jaded ;) | Direwolf20 - He has a calm-nature, and knows how to explain Minecraft and it's mods.
Friends of mine :D
IGN: mrmeta100/master9mike(the guy who got banned before dont have to add him)/getawayfromme99
Age: 13/13/13
Experience with Mods: meh.. im better
Favorite Mod: most likely ee
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?: they're yogscast fans unlike me

side note:I'll still make them make their own apps even if they're accepted
ComputerCraft programmer (turtles, ccSensors etc.), IC2 (nuke newbie however), redpower2 pipe routing
We need not a president, but a group of leaders.
Ingame Name: DeamonHal
Age: 20
Experience with Mods: Been using tekkit/technic, yogbox as well as other mods for a long time now
favorite mod and why?: Thaumcraft 2 (3 when it's released) I love how you can affect surrounding areas depending on how careless you were with your Vis.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Slowpoke would be a better leader I think.
Ingame Name:l3radrocks
Experience with Mods: Let's see, I've been playing with mods for over a year now. I learned about mods when I saw Nearbygamer start using technic pack. I honestly have never made any huge builds with mods, but I have enjoyed playing with mods alot, and honestly hardly know any of the new vanilla features since I almost never play vanilla. As for my expertise in mods I am pretty knowledgeable about most mods, but there are a couple mods that I haven't play around with alot like the Twighlight Forest, railcraft, and forestry (Haven't used forestry much since it was removed from technic pack).
favorite mod and why?: My favorite mod would probably be RP2, I am devestated that eloraam hasn't updated it soon enough to be included in this version of FTB, but I can deal with not using it until it is implemented in FTB. As to why it is my favorite mod, I just think that it the only "complete" mod. I mean that it covers practically everything. The only thing that I don't like about it is how few machines there are in it (In the latest release)
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Hard choice, I mean direwolf has honestly taught me almost all I know about mods, and I have watched probably hundreds of hours of his videos. But in the end I must say that Slowpoke would be president since he is really like the "big man" of the mod community.
Ingame Name: VhmZ
Age: 20
Experience with Mods: I have a lot of experience with these mods. I know most (forestry, BC, IC, railcraft, etc) and have played around with them for a long time. Mods I like to learn more about most is twilight forest. I like the idea of exploring a whole new kind of world, finding treasure, and using it for my more complicated stuff in the overworld. I tend to make my builds quite technic, while trying too still make it look good.
favorite mod and why?: Railcraft, you can sort with it, it adds it's own power generation, it works really well with the other big mods (steve's carts ftw!) and everyone likes trains!
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Direwolf20 for president! I have seen a lot of his videos, mostly about the forgecraft server, and take a lot of ideas and implement them in my own way. I have seen less of Slowpoke, so I don't really know that much about him, only that he is the lead developer of this awesome modpack!
Ingame Name: Cannibilly
Age: 33
Experience with Mods: Litttle mostly laughable but at least I have not nuked anything yet
favorite mod and why?: To be honest I have not really pick a fav. but Id say Buildcraft if you twisted my arm because it makes a great platfom for the rest of the mods.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Direwolf.. he seems the have a good tax plan.
Ingame Name: Mr_PuddingMan
Age: 14
Experience with Mods: Ive played with a lot of these mods for a while.
favorite mod and why?: Hmm I'd probably have to say IC2, I use it the most out of all the mods in the pack.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?: Well at first I'd like to say slowpoke but I know dire has more fans so he would probably win.