DrillCraft [1.4.2][Whitelist]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

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    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
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Ingame Name: Nice_Pyro
Age: 22
Experience with Mods: I have a lot of experience with about 70% mods in the FTB pack. That being said, I still have a lot to learn as there are many mods in this pack and a few of them I have yet to delve that deep into (such as mystcraft).
favorite mod and why?: My favourite mod is by far IC2, this was the mod that really got me into the whole Minecraft modding scene. Still remember building my first solar panel in Industrial Craft 1 and wondering how this was all possible :D.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Direwolf, without him and a few other smaller youtubers I would never be on this forum applying for a non-vanilla server.
Age: 14
IGN: zytron11
Experience with mods: I know about most of the technical mods, not much on Factorization or Computercraft though, hoping to learn about those soon.
Favorite mod and why: I truthfully like thaumcraft the most, the concept of researching and the system of vis is so complexing and amazing, Azanor has done a really good job with it.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for president?: Slowpoke, He's a man who gets things done, DW can be his advisor though, he has great ideas for mods, and our country.
Ingame Name: manblob
Age: 21
Experience with Mods: I know tekkit like the back of my hand
favorite mod and why?: Industrial Craft!
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Slowpoke
Ingame Name: bolzard3
Age: 20
Experience with Mods: Over a year of experience with tekkit
favorite mod and why?: Industrialcraft, because of all the possibilities it creates
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? slowpoke
Ingame Name: jjjet42
Age: 17
Experience with Mods: I have installed my own mods before, played on a whitelisted tekkit server, I like to use rp2 and computercraft, but there is no rp2 yet :P
favorite mod and why?: Computercraft or RP2
In my opinion Direwolf and Slowpoke would tie, they are just way too awesome.
Ingame Name: Thaile4ever
Age: 27
Experience with Mods: IC2, Buildcraft, Redpower mainly. Somewhat of the other mods.
favorite mod and why?: Redpower really. Mainly for the versatility of it.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Slowpoke. He gets stuff done and don't take crap from no one. Direwolf tends to make compromises in order to please people.
Ingame Name: IHaveNoExcuse

Age: 22

Experience with Mods: I have played around with... um... that "other" mod pack before, and then I read a bunch of stuff about it and haven't used it since. Other than that I have used Industrial Craft, Extra Biomes XL and Mo' Creatures. I never really got around to learning everything about these mods though because I tend to lose interest too easily in Single Player and I could never find a good SMP server with IC or any other mods for that matter.

Favorite mod and why?: It's a tie between Extra Biomes XL and Mo' Creatures, but if I had to choose I'm going with Extra Biomes XL. I don't really like the default MC Biomes (I find them to be a bit boring, honestly). Biomes might seem like a pretty small thing to some people but for me it adds so much to the game.

Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?: I like Direwolf, but I think Slowpoke wins this one.
IGN: Thebananamancer

Age: 18

Experience with Mods: Quite experienced with the mods; I know about 80% of them. I want to get more into forestry, thermal expansion and factorization.

Favorite mod and why?: Redpower, it helps so much with tidy and ocd builds :D, though I like thaumcraft too.

Slowpoke or DireWolf for President?: Slowpoke, he seems like more of a president type than dw to me.
Ingame Name: Othergamers
Age: 17
Experience with Mods: I've played ALOT of servers with mods and know most of them.
favorite mod and why?: TC3 cause its amazing with all its magic stuff and the way of researching.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?: Hmm.. I like Direwolf alot but I think Slowpoke is better at organizing and doing everything live.
Ingame Name:The_king_99
Experience with Mods:I'm an ex-tekkit player but changed after watching direwolf
favorite mod and why?:redpower and Automatic crafting table 2(tubestuff) cause i love making factories
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?:slow cause he made the launcher:D
Ingame Name: MasterMorganM
Experience with Mods: A lot, Never had trouble installing or using and know alot about forestry and IC
favorite mod and why?: Forestry because farming is epic and is fairly balanced for what it can do compared to other mods *sigh*
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Direwolf is a great lets player and Slowpoke is very good at getting things done, Why not have a coalition? xD
Ingame Name: grimnax
Age: 29
Experience with Mods: Pretty experienced
favorite mod and why?: must say Redpower 2 since its almost at the core of any system u build.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? I'd say Slowpoke for President and Direwolf20 for teh King!
Ingame Name: PaulUinlou
Experience with Mods: I have installed my own mods before, played on a whitelisted tekkit server, I like to use rp2 and computercraft
favorite mod and why?: i like computercraft becuse it let you automate stuff and its a lot of fun trying out programs
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President?:I think both is good no best for President .i like Slowepoke more becasue he made FTB modpack
Ingame Name: King053
Age: 18
Experience with Mods: yes alot
favorite mod and why?: EE2/3 just love the mod
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? There both awsome butt i think slowpoke is the best!
The following have been whitelist:


The rest were not good enough I'm afraid, feel free to try again :)
The following have been whitelist:


The rest were not good enough I'm afraid, feel free to try again :)

Thanks, can't wait to get started!
In game Name: whyistheskyblue
Experience with Mods: i have a very large experience with mods in fact i have been putting mods on to my minecraft since i bought it in 1.2.3. i am very good with "builds" with mods the most complicated i have made bieng a tic tac toe game using RP2 logic gates as i am not very good with the computers
favorite mod and why?: Redpower. it has so many features it has a bit of everything. power, machines, moving blocks, computers, microblocks and of cause the redwire which i love for a second choice i would say forestry for the bees.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? neither i would vote slowpoke for prime minister as i live in the UK. but year i enjoy direwolf but i also love the FTB maps and the modpack so slow for prime minister
Ingame Name: SilkyTruncheon
Age: 14
Experience with Mods: I have extensive knowledge with mods such as Industrial Craft and buildcraft. I am also fairly well versed in redpower. I have built many sorting machines and automated crafting set ups.
favorite mod and why?: Although I've never really used it, probably mystcraft. To me it is one of the most unique, and interesting mods I've ever seen. I look forward to using it very much. Although, I do very much enjoy IC2 due to how much of an impact it has on the game, and the diversity it adds to it. It is probably a draw between the two, both are fantastic mods.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Slowpoke.
In game Name: whyistheskyblue
Experience with Mods: i have a very large experience with mods in fact i have been putting mods on to my minecraft since i bought it in 1.2.3. i am very good with "builds" with mods the most complicated i have made bieng a tic tac toe game using RP2 logic gates as i am not very good with the computers
favorite mod and why?: Redpower. it has so many features it has a bit of everything. power, machines, moving blocks, computers, microblocks and of cause the redwire which i love for a second choice i would say forestry for the bees.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? neither i would vote slowpoke for prime minister as i live in the UK. but year i enjoy direwolf but i also love the FTB maps and the modpack so slow for prime minister

listed :D
Ingame Name: Riizu
Age: 19
Experience with Mods: I played via the Technic Launcher originally, until I found out the shadiness behind some of the permissions to use the mods that were included. Since then, I've set up my own installs, and gone along with Direwolf's lets plays occasionally. I still have a lot to learn, but I've made sorting systems via logistics pipes, played with turtles and automated mining, among others.
favorite mod and why?: Thaumcraft. I love the sheer options available with it. There's so many possibilities available in the future with Thaumcraft 3.
Slowpoke or Direwolf for President? Hmmmm, Slowpoke for vice president, and Dire for president. Dire is a bigger people person I think. ;) But Slowpoke has all the technical aspects covered.